R14: Instal'n failed wit
I just tried to install a "new-in-box" AutoCAD R14 on my laptop. Immediately after changing the properties to Win 95, installing, it died on "Installation Failed with error code 9, VBA component FS1VBA.dll failed", then proceded to "Fatal error, unhandled Access Violation Exception at 997e2eh".OK, how do I get past this and get it loaded? I know nothing of AutoCAD and want to learn. were you installing it on an XP machine? Yes, it's a 5yr. old laptop. What do mean by "changing the properties to Win 95"?Are you actually running Windows 95 on this five year old laptop? Oh no.After it loaded on the machine, I right clicked on the icon and changed the properties-compatibility to Win 95, thinking that's what it has to run in.(the machine uses XP).But the install failed. Five year old computer.
Running WinXP ?? (no version given).
Trying to install AutoCAD r14.
Thought Win95 compatibility was the answer.
Yeah, I think we've got it straight now.
So where in this whole process did the error message appear? Immediately on dbl-clicking the icon to start-load.I got nowhere.I also tried it in compatibilty with NT and 2000, different error message, same fatal results. If you are running Windows Xp SP2 try to reload SP2 and see if it makes any difference Just what software is currently loaded on this laptop?Any other versions of AutoCAD? All I have is XP, not SP2, and the usual Microsoft Office programs, Adobe, and Norton.I just tried to load SP2 from the MS website, and several hours later, it had frozen/hung up, and I had to boot out or I'd still be on line with it.(I use DSL in a rural area).So much for SP2.
No other versions of AutoCAD, this is my first try at it. (and may be my last).