ronbaron 发表于 2022-7-8 12:59:43

superhatch in autocad lt 2009?

Hi all, i was a huge fan of superhatch in last version of autocad i used - am now at a new location where we just have autocad 2009 lt ... and i can't seem to locate the superhatch tool (taking me some effort to adjust to the new interface too!!)
can someone confirm - is superhatch not available in version lt 2009 - or am i just missing it
if not available can a lisp be obtained to use it with this version?
any help much appreciated
regards, Ron

lpseifert 发表于 2022-7-8 13:23:33

Superhatch is an Express Tool... I think you're SOL

ronbaron 发表于 2022-7-8 13:34:53

thanks - was worried about that
i did see a post here somewhere within which someone added a link to a super hatch lisp ... to put in an express folder
would that work with autocad lt 2009??

lpseifert 发表于 2022-7-8 13:54:21

If it's a lsp or arx routine, no... unless you have an enabler like LT Extender.

ronbaron 发表于 2022-7-8 14:05:19

thanks, now where do i learn more about lt extenders?
will run a search - cheers
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