problem in Autocad, with the Z
Hello. I have a little problem in Autocad, with the ZOOM / OBJECT command.When I try to zoom, using the "object" option, instead of zooming to the selected object, it zooms out much further. I don't know if it's some system variable. Has something similar happened to anyone. Thanks. What are you selecting as the object? Is it a block or an xref? If so, the object might have a tiny little part way out in space somewhere. Hello Cad64. I send you the file in which I have problems. Thank you I took a look at your drawing and I tried everything I could think of, but nothing worked. So I turned on all the layers and moved the entire drawing to X0,Y0. Then I did a Zoom Extents and a RegenAll and now Zoom Object works fine. So, it appears that the problem is due to your drawing being extremely far away from the origin. OK. Thank you very much, Cad64.
Just to be clear. I'm not advising that you move your drawing to the origin. I just did that as a test to see if it had any effect on zooming, which it did. If your drawing is tied to a survey, you will need to leave it where it is and just deal with the fact that you won't be able to use the Zoom Object function. This ZoomObject.lsp function by gile worked for me using zob command on your drawing.
I added two more Zoom functions zs & zt to the bottom of that lisp at
Thank you both very much. Tombu, it is an excellent contribution!!!!! Thanks!!!!