robierzo 发表于 2022-7-8 13:06:49

problem in Autocad, with the Z

Hello. I have a little problem in Autocad, with the ZOOM / OBJECT command.
        When I try to zoom, using the "object" option, instead of zooming to the selected object, it zooms out much further. I don't know if it's some system variable. Has something similar happened to anyone. Thanks.

Cad64 发表于 2022-7-8 13:19:42

What are you selecting as the object? Is it a block or an xref? If so, the object might have a tiny little part way out in space somewhere.

robierzo 发表于 2022-7-8 13:29:41

Hello Cad64. I send you the file in which I have problems. Thank you

Cad64 发表于 2022-7-8 13:35:36

I took a look at your drawing and I tried everything I could think of, but nothing worked. So I turned on all the layers and moved the entire drawing to X0,Y0. Then I did a Zoom Extents and a RegenAll and now Zoom Object works fine. So, it appears that the problem is due to your drawing being extremely far away from the origin.

robierzo 发表于 2022-7-8 13:48:00

OK. Thank you very much, Cad64.

Cad64 发表于 2022-7-8 13:52:40

        Just to be clear. I'm not advising that you move your drawing to the origin. I just did that as a test to see if it had any effect on zooming, which it did. If your drawing is tied to a survey, you will need to leave it where it is and just deal with the fact that you won't be able to use the Zoom Object function.

tombu 发表于 2022-7-8 14:06:04

This ZoomObject.lsp function by gile worked for me using zob command on your drawing.
        I added two more Zoom functions zs & zt to the bottom of that lisp at

robierzo 发表于 2022-7-8 14:12:27

Thank you both very much. Tombu, it is an excellent contribution!!!!! Thanks!!!!
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