CalypsoArt 发表于 2022-7-8 13:09:04

Simple stretch dynamic block.

I'm trying to make a dynamic block for my type where I'm stretching a simple rectangle object. I found this youtube video showing pretty much what I'm trying to do.

However, it does not work the same for me. In the video, when stretching he can enter the length into dynamic input, and he gets the correct length. When I do it, I get the length I enter + the length of the original block.
For example,if I type in a distance of 18", my stretched block is 24" because theoriginal block was 6" long and it is adding the 18" to it. I'm on AC2012
What am I doing wrong?

steven-g 发表于 2022-7-8 13:19:21

It sounds like odd behaviour, could you post the block and someone could check it to look for any problems.

dbroada 发表于 2022-7-8 13:21:34

I have never tried typing in the dynamic input box so can't comment on that. However I do use the properties palette to type my distances and it works like the video. Have you tried that?
As Steven has already said, attach your block and somebody will look at it for you.

resullins 发表于 2022-7-8 13:28:48

Following. I have a guess as to the problem, because I've done it... but I'd need to see the block!

CalypsoArt 发表于 2022-7-8 13:38:51

Thanks for the replies. I tried changing the dimensions in the properties, and that works. However in the video he shows the dimension being entered in "Dynamic input." which would be way faster for my purposes. I've attached the block below.
It would be good to have this block stretch to what ever length I enter in the Dynamic input. I'd also like to make a similar block that snaps at 6" increments.6", 12" 18" etc.

dbroada 发表于 2022-7-8 13:44:52

I don't have access to AutoCAD ATM so can't check out your block but I can answer the distance thing. When you select the Distance parameter (2'28s) and have the properties palette up you can see "Value Set". On here select the dist type and change it from none to List. You can then type in the different values you require.

tzframpton 发表于 2022-7-8 13:47:10

Select the Linear Parameter and in Properties, look for the Dist Type option and select Increment. Set the distance accordingly in the subsequent input options.

steven-g 发表于 2022-7-8 13:53:35

The block is fine, no problems there, are you sure dynamic input is turned on (dynmode=3), or there should be a toggle button on the very bottom left of your screen "DYN"

SLW210 发表于 2022-7-8 14:01:43

Check the value of DYNDIGRIP sysvar.

CalypsoArt 发表于 2022-7-8 14:05:27

This was the answer. Setting DYNMODE to 3. I didn't relize I there was both Dimensional input, and Pointer input.
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