problem in copy paste by ctrl-
I select object then ctrl-c don't operate and looking for object again ,whats the problem??? I think you find all your Pasted copies at WCS 0.0. paste not workingMe too
pickfirst 1 not change anything
I copy drawing in a windows, and paste it at other windows
result always different
When you say "Window" I assume you mean Viewport?
What do you mean by "result always different"? What happens when you paste into the viewport?
By your description, it sounds like copy & paste is working, it's just not working the way you want it to. So what's different about the viewports you're copying from and pasting into?
Are all layers turned on? If not, what layer do you have set current? Is it frozen in the viewport?
What are you copying? Is it a block or a collection of entities?
Are you copying and pasting within a drawing or are you copying from one drawing and pasting into another drawing?
Have you run an AUDIT on your drawing, or drawings, to fix any errors?
The more information you provide, the better your chances of getting an answer that solves your problem. Pick object press right button mouse and you have 2 options copy or copy with a base point a little more reliable. I Have sometimes this isuue with some drawings.. usually saving in dxf format, opening it and copying from there (or after saving again in dwg) was helping.. Once I had problem when that was not enough. It was an export to cad from some asian structural program.. when trying to open after saving to dxf it was crushing cad. What helped was: first opening the drawing with RECOVER command which fixed 4 errors, then saving it do dxf, then opening and saving back to dwg (cos I don't want to open it from dxf every next time),.. and was working.. Hello
I am having the same issue. CTRL+C works fine in windows everywhere. In autocad it works also, but it works as if pickfirst command was set to 0 when using CTRL+C. So I am having pickfirst problem only with CTRL+C command. When selecting all that I wan't to select and pressing CTRL+C, it deselects all selected objects and it prompts that I should select objects.
Please help me someone :) For 2016 and newer versions of AutoCAD set PICKADD (System Variable) to Initial value of 2, and PICKFIRST (System Variable) to Initial value of 1.
Don't have it open to test but I've always thought it worked the same way as anywhere else in Windows, we've always had to pick first to use Ctrl+C.