Hello,Background information.
Autocad 2014 running on Windows 7.
I use SHIFT key to toggle ORTHO mode quite a lot, hence I almost never use F8 to switch ORTHO on/off (in fact I keep it turned OFF all the time).
The problem is that once and a while (to often to not to notice) after an undo command (CTRL+Z), ORTHO turns on by itself (same as if F8 was pressed). In other words while a command is in progress (say PLINE) I press SHIFT key to draw a straight segment, then release the key (so ORTHO is on while holding the SHIFT key and turns off as soon as the key gets released) and if for some reason CTRL+Z is used to undo an action, sometimes ORTHO is re-enabled automatically (same as if F8 was used).
Since I use SHIFT key to toggle ORTHO mode quite a lot (I find it more convenient when pressing F8) the issue really p bothers me.