Can't draw line or polyli
Can't draw line or polyline in model space but can in paper space. It will draw arcs, circles, etc. I have tried both highlight and dragmode to no avail and yes everything is thawed and on and I have tried different layers. Things also disappear when moved or rotated. Need HELP!!! Tried that to no avail.....the strange thing is I could draw lines and polylines earlier in the day with no problem in the same's also strange no other drawing is affected. Still haven't seen this before but did discover that if I zoom WAAAY out I can draw a line or polyline but then it is offset from where I even tried to draw it.....and ideas? Since this is the only drawing you seem to be having a problem with I would suggest you close it, delete the file altogether then start a new drawing.Simple. Yes.Attach a copy of this malfunctioning drawing to your next post so we can have a look at it for ourselves.A dwg file is being requested not an image file.One drawing file is worth a thousand words (and then some). Cadtutor says it's too large to upload.....I've had other cad professionals open in their software and they don't have any problems with it. Upload it to a file sharing website like DropBox and post a link t it here.If other cad professionals have opened it and have had no problem with the drawing then it is either your system or you.So, what do you have for a system and how much AutoCAD experience do you have? I've been using acad since r12 but I'm not what you would call an expert by any means although I've never had this problem before and have always been able to figure out any issues. I'm using oem autocad 2013. I know it has to be a setting in my system since three other cad professionals have had no problems with the file. Thanks.
A setting?As in a system variable?