help my render look terrible !
hey i am new to 3d max but i cant make a good render so please fix this for , me , this is a closed shap with smallowmi light .. it shouldnt look like thiswhy it look like crap ??
i have played in some options because i was trying to make relistic viewport appear (( turn out its the nitros thing )) ... how can i rest to default ??
plz help me as fast as u can !!
because sometimes people take too much time to answer it and since iam still learning i need to figuer it out fast so i can go on to the next lesson
I think you have it backwards. Since you are learning, you need to go slow and take your time to make sure you fully understand everything before you go on to the next lesson. When you go fast, that's when you miss things and make mistakes.
Have you flipped your polygons, like I suggested? Did that fix the problem?
i not really iam on a clock .. i have a project in my collage and i need to learn 3dmax as fast as i can so i can start thinking about how to do the project ... alsoo yes i did try flipping it , didnt work so i have tried to add shell on it and it worked just fine .. but i was hoping i can make it a little smoother and round ... do u know which modifi i need ? I don't understand why flipping the polygons didn't work but adding a shell modifier did work? That doesn't make any sense. Do you have a copy of the model saved from before you added the shell modifier? If so, please export it out to .obj format and post it here so I can take a look at it.
As for smoothing, go here and watch the "hard surface essentials" training videos: