V-Ray - Best Use for my scenar
Hello all, I'm inquiring about V-Ray for my company. I am somewhat aware of what V-Ray is as a software package but not entirely so this is why I'm inquiring.Here are the programs I use on a consistent basis: AutoCAD, Revit, Navisworks. My company is rather large and I have access to virtually all Autodesk software via network license. I have 3D Studio MAX installed currently but haven't played with it much.
Is V-Ray a stand alone application at all, or will I have to use it in tandem with 3DSMax or SketchUp or something similar? Also, how can I leverage DWG and/or RVT file formats? Will I be importing every time?
Also, what real benefits does V-Ray give over 3DSMax's rendering parameters? I have seen it in action a few times in some YouTube videos and I'm more than impressed but I just want to be sure I know exactly what V-Ray offers over 3DSMax.
Thanks in advance! -Tannar
Sketchup Pro + Vray is going to run you about $1300 as opposed to roughly$4800 for Max + Vray. It just depends on what you need and what you canafford. If Sketchup + Vray works for what you need to do, then there is certainly no need to go to the expense of Max + Vray. Before you go out and purchase Vray for Sketchup, you might want to take a look at Maxwell. They have a free render engine for Sketchup. The free version does have some limitations, but the licensed version is only $95. Might be a cheaper alternative than Vray? Just something to think about.
Check it out: http://www.maxwellrender.com/index.php/maxwell_for_google_sketchup