Biscuit 发表于 2022-7-8 16:06:07

Specular and Self-Illumination

Hi there, I've been trying to render out a simple scene, and neither self-illumination nor specular maps appear to be rendering with mental ray. I assume I'm just missing a few steps here, but I've no idea what they would be. The mesh is setup as a multi sub-object, and both diffuse and bump maps are rendering perfectly fine. The specularity also appears to be showing in viewport.
Here is the render as is, my apologies for the profanity on the texture, if that's an issue I can do a quick retexture and change the images.
Video of a quick little animation
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Screencap of 3DSMax viewports
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I have to be out for 5 or 6 hours so I hope I've not caused any problems. Thanks!

Cad64 发表于 2022-7-8 17:26:51

Please repost your images without the profanity. Those images are offensive and not suitable for viewing in a work or classroom environment.
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