Bobzy20 发表于 2022-7-8 16:08:56

Draw Me a Floor Plan?

Does anybody fancy drawing me a floor plan in SketchUp for some cash?
I have 2 jpeg image files already (attached) so basically you could just trace over the top. I would want it as close to the jpeg image as possible including all the kitchen, bathroom equipment and doors or if you have your own equipment then as long as it looks nice you could use that.
I would want to use the equipment myself afterwards on other drawings so would need your agreement on that.
All the equipment would need to components so I can easily use them in other drawings.
Please ask me any other questions if needed.

Cad64 发表于 2022-7-8 16:39:05

That's one thing about most Brits, you actually use poly-syllabic words!Castigate?I hope that's "no bull".
Just having some fun with y'all.

ReMark 发表于 2022-7-8 16:56:19

Castigate is only three syllables. Polysyllabic means words of more than three syllables

eldon 发表于 2022-7-8 17:23:58

I admire your style Bobzy20 - go for it!
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