unwrap uvw problem, need help
there's something wrong when i try to unwrap a tube with 48 sides & 5 height segments.as u see in the image 01, the tube is actually an interior and i need to work on the internal faces (wall) to map the proper texture on it. there are 48 columns and 5 rows of tiles.
when i unwrap it i found that in the unwrap uvw editor, the tiles is vertically equally divided (5 rows are equal in height), but not horizontally equally divided (the 48 columns are not equal in width).
see the image 02, it's what i export it into jpeg.
i'm sure the tube model in max is equally divided the 48 sides, how can i fix the problem in unwrap?
please give me some hints, thx a lot for your time.
When you use "Flatten Mapping", your geometry gets projected onto a flat plane, so the shortening of the squares that you see is from the cylinder curving away from the plane. Just like when you look at the cylinder in "Front" view, the squares appear to get shorter as they curve away from you. One way to stop this from happening is to adjust the value of the "Face Angle Threshold" in the "Flatten Mapping" dialog. Lowering that value will break the UV's up into smaller clusters, thereby reducing or eliminating the shortening of the squares.
Or you could use "Unfold Mapping" instead of "Flatten Mapping". ok i solved the problem by lowering the angel in flattern mapping, it's just turn out with more pieces i need to stitch them.
i will try the unfold mapping and see if it's more simple to do this.