A thousand time too big??
New to SketchUp, I have imported a plan view from LT07 and started to work up a 3D model. I have a considerable problem with scale. I first realised when importing from warehouse the models were like specs of dust. then I noted that the imput of say a line at 2000 'mm' is indicating on SketchUp as 2000 'm'. My model is a thousand times too big, an office layout 27miles long??? As you can imagine it is lagging and crashing. The file is 44MB. Is there a way I can re calibrate to mm?Then, this must be a home office right? What?It isn"t even 27 miles long? You posted this in Sketchup, which I don't use, but your profile says Autocad LT 2007. Fixing it in Cad would be easy. I am guessing that your UNITS in the autocad drawing may be set to METERS, instead of mms. If that is the case then you could change the UNITS setting on your 2007LT, and rescale your drawing by .001. You may want to create a copy of your file, and experiment with that one. I am now close to resolving this problem. Really appreciative. There is a lot to be said for perseverance.Don't give up.