BOM Cheat? Qty Value Override
As a rule, in our BOM the QTY (quantity) equals how many of a part/assembly areincluded/inserted in an assembly.
We've recently come across a couple situations where we need to
override that number for a particular item.
As an example, we have Screw X and we want the quantity to equal 100.
Is there a way to get a manually entered QTY to show in the BOM
for only one specific item when the BOM has many lines?
For all the other items I want the QTY to equal the total in the assembly.
It's like I need only 1 line in my BOM to read a Custom Property for this one item.
If this do-able?
Is there a different methodology for accomplishing this?
I really want to avoid inserting 100 instances of this one screw in my top assembly, even if it's a pattern. (If possible)
I know about manually typing in the cell to override that way...
Looking for a "different" option..
Solidworks 2015 (if that matters)
Please Advise
Thanks You can do a manual override but it will break the link to the quantity in the assembly. If you want to restore the link, right click on the cell and select that option. I once saw a post about creating a field with a "dummy quantity" that could be read in.
I wish I had saved the post and the link.
Something about setting another field = to the dummy quantity field and then setting an equation
so if the dummy was blank use the actual quantity else use the dummy quantity.
I remember I tried it but couldn't make it work...