importing problem!
when I try to import a dwg file into sketchup, after checking options to the scale I want, i get a box on screen reading,'Error opening Autocad import file:Invalid group code
This does not appear to be a valid Autocad DWG or DXF file or the file is write protected'
The file is dwg and is not write protected, so does anyone have an answer to why this is happening?
Many thanks to anyone who knows about this.
A lot of files I have do this and a lot import in fine, it is a strange one!! From the Google Sketchup site
try auditing the drawing in Autocad first. Is the drawing in 2007 release or earlier? Save the drawing as AutoCAD 2002 file - all my 2010 files don't import nicely. Ken is right. Actually you can save as new as Autocad 2004 and it will import properly.
Cymro, I just tried auditing and purging but still no success, thanks anyway thanks very much ken and boofredlay, I will give it a go, I am working with Acad 2008, and in Sketchup 6, will try saving in Acad earlier versions
just tried it, and it works as saving it in both 2000 and 2004, thanks very much for that guys