Any beginners guide to rhino?
I'm totally new to rhino, so where to start ... I did have a look at the user guide but seem overloading. Any more simplified guides?Are the views suppose to turn black? A search using Google on "Rhino tutorial online" pulled up a number of hits.Some of for begineers while others are for more advanced users.Why don't you check them out.
Is Cad more accurate compare to Rhino?
Do you know why jewellery design use Rhino? Accuracy should not be a problem (
Rhino use is much more prevalent in industries producing products with very freeform, organic shapes.Jewelry is certainly such an industry, but you’re also likely to find its use in transportation (boating, automotive, aerospace) as well as consumer products –especially with regard to enclosures.
Even with AutoCAD 2007 – 2009 new modeling capabilities, many particular organic shapes are more easily realized with Rhino.
Rhino is mostly equipped as a modeler and, as a result, is still lacking when it comes time to annotate and document said models.