gabrielhii1995 发表于 2022-7-8 19:43:30

Need help in do meshing.

I had tutorials before that mention the use of split lines in guiding proper meshing of solid parts in my subject Finite Element Analysis. For now, I know how to apply mesh and apply mesh control as well but when I got my assignment question and I quote :
Construct a model for angle bracket in Solidworks and provide figure showing mesh, loads, and boundary conditions.
Problem is, I not sure in such case whether do I need to draw split lines in my model before I apply meshing on it. Please help.
Here's my model drawn and my assignment question:
And appreciate if someone can teach me how to do mesh sensitivity analysis given in the assignment question? Thanks.
FEA assignment.SLDPRT

SLW210 发表于 2022-7-8 20:23:41

I moved your thread to the Solidworks Forum.

shift1313 发表于 2022-7-8 21:05:28

If this is an assignment for a grade i can't help you out there.Right on the PDF you uploaded it says "this assignment must be completed by each student individually".I can maybe give you some general answers to your questions.
Split faces - You only need to do this if you need to apply a force to a specific area.This usually happens when you have something like the head of a bolt and you need to apply a force under that smaller circle around that area on your bracket.There are other reasons but that is probably the most general.
Mesh settings are a complicated topic.There are adaptive mesh settings that allow the mesh to change based on feature size.Your best starting point is the help file to get you to the point you can ask a specific question that is not directly on the assignment you have.
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