CAD + SU + Image Ready = AWESO
As some of you may know my job requires plenty of CAD drawings for work done in the glass industry.Some of our clients require visual aids to understand what we're designing for them.And some of those clients don't really see it clearly with 2D drawings.Then I found SketchUp in these forums here!(Thank you CADTutor)The other day we were making some offset doors for a client so that the doors would open 180 degrees and I thought to myself that maybe the 3D model doesn't truly show how these doors open so I exported JPGs from SU of the doors swinging open every 5 degrees until it hit 180.I then took those JPGs into Image Ready and created a pretty sweet animated GIF.What do you folks think and do you think there's an easier way to achieve this?Sorry about the small image but CADTutor won't allow me to upload the actual file which is a freakin' 2MB GIF file.Which brings to another question; how do I keep the file at about 800 px width and still have it in the Kilobyte area? Vizard sounds like it's not free, Zorba.I am all about the free! But I do see there's an evaluation copy you can get. Then again, I suppose Image Ready isn't exactly free either.I guess I was just getting at what you can do with what you have.And I'm guessing that most CAD folks aren't going to have Photoshop much less Creative Suites.