Littlemouse 发表于 2022-7-8 20:35:29

HELP ME please!!! New user

Ok so as someone that has learned 3D CAD and other complicated programs I know how when you are first learning a program can get stressful and frustrating so just bear with me as I explaine what is going on.Sketch up is easy!!! but......
I am currently taking a CAD file (interior of a building)and turning it into 3D using Sketch up. Sounds easy enough right?Well I have tried to do this many different ways 1st i import the CAD drawing into Sketchup 2nd I have tried to push pull the walls up from that, yeah no go something isn't connected so it isn't pulling up like it should...... can I find the disconnected area? no..... so I tried a differentway and that was to use the plan as a templet and "re draw" the floorplan with rectangles and the pen tool.ok while using these tools I make sure they are snapping to end points.I then try to erase the extra lines on the floor plan made by my rectangles.   NO,this isn't working because it is deleting the whol rectangle insted of the small pieces that are over lapping.I don't know what I am doing wrong, I have been working on it for 6 hours with no progress and this is supposed to be easy.I also have a wierd shaped wall that I don't know how to outline to push pull..... please if any one knows what I am doing wrong or has and suggestions that would be great this is a Homework assignment that I have to get done by tomorrow night.Also Zoom,While zooming with the scroll button on the mouse at a certain point it zomms EXTREEMLY SLOW I tried scrolling fast, slow and normal could it be the view that I am looking at the drawing with?perspective vs. top view?again if any one can help that would be fantasic!!!! thank you VERY MUCH!!!!

Strix 发表于 2022-7-8 20:54:55

I have been working on it more does anyone know about the origin? I find that since the building I am working on it not rectangular I have to move the origin to make the rectagles in the same direction as the building but when and after I do that Sketch up no longer makes the rectangles "soilid" and usable spaces??? Do I need to infrence lock to where it is currecntly located to move it back and fourth? thanks!
Also I should beable to cut and trim using the pencile tool correct?

f700es 发表于 2022-7-8 20:59:20

It sounds like you are trying to draw your rectangles in a non-coplanar way. Hard to help without seeing what you are doing

Littlemouse 发表于 2022-7-8 21:05:44

I can e-mail the file to anyone who wants to take a whack at it. I have tried starting over a few times but I keep running into the same problem. I don't know how what I am doing isn't coplaner because I am using the "snaps" to place the origin and rectangles.
Anyone have any suggustions on tools or options that I can turn off and on to get this puppy finished?
Also if I use the Pencil tool can I use that to "cut" areas that are going over the edge? Thanks!

f700es 发表于 2022-7-8 21:20:00

email it to me if you want as long as i know what you are trying to do.

Littlemouse 发表于 2022-7-8 21:33:14

I'll take a shot at it too if you still haven't figured it out.I work in SketchUp a lot using DXF files and I never retrace my lines.

f700es 发表于 2022-7-8 21:42:15

if you want to extrude walls from lines you can try downloading a pluginlines2walls_13.rb and save it on sketchup file for plugin.then try it on sketchup.Hope that works for you it is easier and a lot faster
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