3ds max general Q&A
I want to start a thread which i'll edit manually (the first post) so members can get overview of answered questions, so there's no need to scroll or look endlessly for that answer you're looking for.Even tough i reckon i'll be asking mostly for answers i welcome any other input from members. Reason why i want to do this is to, well help boost my learning curve since i'm moving my modeling skills to max, and secondly since i can learn better if asked a question that i'm not capable of answering...
I'll ask a few questions raised while working for a day in max, and although i feel a bit like noob, the years of experience really are kicking in and helping.
Q&A! if you approve!?! Q-when moving two or more selected objects, how to move them by coords so they don't stack one on top of each other?
A-you link the elements together, then unlink them after changes have been made.
Or, select all the objects and then open the "Move Transform Type-In" dialog by right clicking on the "Move" toolbar button. Then just type in the amount you want to move the objects.
Q-can we alter the nature of the verticies by selecting several (two or more), switching them from corner to bezier or smooth...?
A- Yes, just select them all, right click and then select corner, bezier or smooth from the pop up quad menu.
Q-how to move things perpendicularly ?
A-we can by isolating axes (F5, F6, F7 or going with the mouse over them) or by holding SHIFT while drawing line, or moving objects
Q-how to delete last drawn verticie when drawing a shape, line for example
Q-how can i when moving lock to move by xy plane, or xz plane or yz plane. I believe it's useful when trying to adjust a bezier verticie by the handles, otherwise in most cases i only get to adjust it by X or Y axis
A- Open your "Axis Constraints" toolbar. You can restrict movement to a specific plane by selecting XY, YZ or ZX on the toolbar. Q-i try to import basic outlines into 3ds max - by import non native files - select *.ai > select merge with scene > import shapes as multiple objects (or single, didn't really make a difference), and i get a response
"line in file exceeds 255 characters"
"improper file format"
i'm not lazy, so don't get me wrong - not trying to avoid creating shapes in 3ds max - i'm merely trying to import a logo that i've altered to fit my future 3d model....
A- Try saving your illustrator file as an earlier version, (version 6). I've never tried importing anything from Illustrator, but from what I've read, this is a pretty common error. Q-is there a nudge in max - to move an object or a verticie - by keyboard up, down, left, right
A- I don't think there is, but if you find out there is such a thing, be sure to let me know. If I want to nudge something I generally just type in the amount in the "Move Transform Type-In" dialog, as mentioned previously. We prefer that you ask questions as necessary, and start a new thread for each new question. Doing it that way is much more helpful to other members that may be searching for an answer to the same question. If you lump all your questions into one thread, it's much more difficult for others to dig out the answers they're looking for. ok thanks and will do!