davecuster 发表于 2022-7-8 21:49:46

Need .sldprt files converted t

I have a client that only has sldprt files for his parts and Im wondering if someone with Solidworks can export them for me in any Autocad 2009 format...(iges, step, or even dwg, dxf)
I just need to get them in to make some changes.
any help is appreciated.

JD Mather 发表于 2022-7-8 22:07:03

AutoCAD 2009 does not read iges or step.
You can convert them yourself (assuming the sldprt files are from release earlier than 2013) using free Inventor Fusion.
Download Fusion from http://labs.autodesk.com

davecuster 发表于 2022-7-8 22:15:10

odd....Ive used the stepin and igesin command to import these files before....not sure what version Solidworks they are.
Just need someone to export them for me.

davecuster 发表于 2022-7-8 22:31:08

I have some files a client sent that I need export as any file I can open in Inventor or Autocad 2009 (step, iges, sat, dxf, dwg)
I do not know what version of Solidwrks they were created in.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

SLW210 发表于 2022-7-8 22:48:27

I merged your threads.
Please do not double post.
JD has provided the answer, just download Inventor Fusion and convert them for yourself.

JD Mather 发表于 2022-7-8 22:56:09

You must have been using AutoCAD Mechanical or a very early version of AutoCAD. Those commands were removed from vanilla AutoCAD sometime around v2000 or 2000i.
In addition to Fusion, AutoCAD 2013 will now read IGES and STEP and sldprt files.You might download a trial of AutoCAD 2013.(the process is a bit criptic though)
Zip and attach the files here if you can't get them converted in Fusion.
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