shift1313 发表于 2022-7-9 07:11:33

I realize the price is high but i posted the link because they list all the specs there so you can look at what graphics cards they are choosing and what processors they run.
If you look at the nvidia site you can also see listings of laptops that use their cards.
It looks like they list that lenovo with the quadro fx880M.I think that card will do just fine as long as you don't try to run SW with any photorealistic real time display on and dont need a lot of rendering done quickly.The line between a good CAD card and a great CAD card isnt very obvious.I think Blender will probably use up most of your graphics resources since you can tweak and tailor SW to run at different performance levels.If you need to do a lot of rendering and so on you might think about at least the W520 which has the quadro 1000M.Its almost twice the card in terms of how fast it will handle your renders over the fx880m

JNieman 发表于 2022-7-9 07:16:40

I thought rendering didn't have to do with the graphics card - just the processor and RAM.It's my understanding that the graphics card only handles graphics sent to the monitor, not written to file.

shift1313 发表于 2022-7-9 07:21:32

Well yes and no.It will depend on what program you are running and how you run it.these new graphics cards run a GPU.They use the cuda cores and onboard memory to do the graphical processing.Solidworks uses this for Realview(the GPU).I know some have used GPU for rendering in Blender and there are other programs like BunkSpeed shot that make use of this technology.I did a search for CUDA and blender and came across this.I didnt read through it all but it may be of some use to you.

JNieman 发表于 2022-7-9 07:24:43

Yea, I forgot what people are doing / can do with the GPUs on some of those higher end cards.Makes sense.

rdharvey 发表于 2022-7-9 07:28:18

This is the laptop i used... i ran inventor, blender, sketchup and a few other programs. Spec'd up this did the job

rdharvey 发表于 2022-7-9 07:33:49
Sorry link didn't paste in!
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