Bobzy20 发表于 2022-7-9 06:43:04

Sketching a Turbo Fin (HELP)

Hi can somebody show me how to draw this please, see link below:
I’m trying to draw section 3 of the tutorial.
3. Sketch fin profile at extruded face as shown and extrude to 0.6in.
I’m new to SolidWorks!

shift1313 发表于 2022-7-9 06:55:48

Bobzy its laid out pretty well with their images. Is there a certain part that you arent getting to work out like a certain error? Just a hint that they didnt mention, I would use Convert Entities on both the center cylinder and the outer edge of the base, draw your two concentric arcs as shown in the image, then use trim to remove the parts of the converted circles you dont need. They dont give you very much instruction "verbally" but some of these concepts are are at the heart of the modelin process. Have you gone through the built in 2d sketching tutorial in SW?The biggest mistake you can make is trying to do too much and skip the basics.

bhamze 发表于 2022-7-9 07:08:38

Check out video. Let me know if you have any questions.

kencaz 发表于 2022-7-9 07:16:38

Well, that was the easy part...!!!
J. Kidding...

Bobzy20 发表于 2022-7-9 07:30:40

Thanks guys & bhamze for the video that was great.
Now I’m stuck on section 8, can anybody help me with that section?

shift1313 发表于 2022-7-9 07:39:56

Bobzy. later today ill write up a how to on drawing a computer fan that will hopefully help you out a little.The tutorial you are working on here has very little written and seems to assume you know the procedure one how to create each part.Its not so much of a learning tool as much as a "this is how I did it".
In terms of your question.Did you get #7?What exactly is your problem with #8?

Bobzy20 发表于 2022-7-9 07:43:57

Sorry I’m actually stuck on section 7 not 8.

How do I use the 3D sketch tool?

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