Design Tables and $COLOR
Anyone using Design tables? Im having an issue which is probably relatively simple but I cant get it to work out. I am trying to use a color option in a design table but it doesnt seem to update the model. All the other parameters work fine. I have uploaded a simple example so maybe someone can have insight. The table when you open it should be on a custom view called InputBox. I save it on this view so it opens when integrated into SW as the input box. If you go to View, custom view and "everything" you should see a list of parameters.I have tried changing configuration options in the Appearances tab with no luck. I have Right Clicked on the config name in the tree, gone to properties and changed the Advanced Options to Use Configuration Specific color with no luck. This adds the $color to the design table and inserts the RGB color number but when I alter this to a drop down list of RGB values it no longer works. Any help is appreciated.
Everything else seems to work fine even custom properties, just not the color.
Worksheet in Still dont have this working but another question I came up with.
In one of my design tables I had a pipe run with the option to thread the end.This works out great for the length i setup but when i give the user the ability to alter the length of the thread I loose my thread pitch along with it.The way I cut the threads was to sweep-cut a triangle about a vertical line(centered in my tube).I used the twist options and the number or twists to get the thread BUT I can not find this dimension anywhere to add into the design table.I know there are other ways to cut threads but im curious about retrieving nested options like that in the sweep or possibly in other features like a pattern.
any ideas? I did find that if you select the operation in the model tree you can see the dimensions appear on the screen.This is true for tapers, extrude distances and so on.If you click on the dimension, the properties tab will appear(just as if you were in a sketch) and you can get the dimension name from there.At that point you can enter it into your design table.
Still cant get color to work properly.