Trim / extend Weldments 2008
AutoCAD / ADT user trying to switch to Solidworks.Not sure why this is so difficult, sometimes it works other times it doesn’t.Trying to trim weldments, just a simple 45*
also when I edit the line the weldment follows then go back to the model nothing changes??
The project is a gate with arched top, the trim tool didn’t work on the arch either, so I had to extrude cut the ends.
The pop-up says “bodies do not trim each other completely. please check your input”what does that mean? What are you using as a trim tool.A surface?The error means that your surface does not completely encompass the part you are trying to trim.So if the operation was performed it would result in some remaining pieces.
After you make a change there is a little button that looks like a stop light.It has a reg circle and a green circle.If you look in your model tree off to the side, components that need to be updated will have this little icon next to them.The button could be placed anywhere but i believe its up at the top of the tool bar around the area where help is.
Typically when creating parts you have several options for end termination.You can select planes, faces of other parts, surfaces you have created and so on.
Can you give me a little more info on how you setup your paths for these components.which version of solidworks do you have? 2008
I use the trim tool because its suppose to be used for weldments.
Basically I sketch a rectangle but the top is an arch.
I then select the structural member tool and click on one line
creating a 2x2sq. tubing and so on for each line.
than use the trim tool to bevel the ends.
Just had a small brake through while writing this! found I can select all the lines at one time and it miters the ends for me, accept the arch ends. Sorry I may have been unclear.When i asked about the Trim Tool I meant during the selection process, what were you using to define the "cut".Are you using a plane, a sketch, a surface?
When inserting a structural member you are basically taking a standard list of cross sections and applying them to paths you setup.If you are trying to make custom profiled pieces this may not be the best way to insert them.
Is there a way you can post a screen shot of the geometry you are working with.I can picture this in my head two ways.One way sees you cutting a piece of square tube with an arc.The other way is a straight square tube and a bent square tube forming an arc.