greenjayn 发表于 2022-7-9 07:06:38

How to open a file with .edrw

At work my boss asked me to open a file but it is a Solidworks file with .edrw as the extension.She asked me if this can be opened with Autocad?Or if there is something that we can use to convert it to something that we can open?I am using MEP2009, all the engineers use Acad LT 2000-2005.I have never used Solidworks, but I have used Inventor some a while ago and I know that those two can be used together with limited functionality/success.
I have opened it in "eDrawing", but I can't do anything with it.I need to be able to edit it in Acad.How might I convert it to a .dwg or similar?
Please, any help/advice would be greatly appreciated.Even if it is just to tell me that Solidworks and Acad won't work together. Cheers

ReMark 发表于 2022-7-9 07:49:25

From whom was the file obtained? I'd consider asking that person if there is an option in Solidworks to export or "save as" a dwg or dxf file format.

Aza 发表于 2022-7-9 08:24:00

eDrawings are designed to be the drafting version of a .pdf. In case you're not familiar with it, it can actually publish eDrawings files from AutoCAD and open more than just SW files. The obvious issue with them though is that for those of us expected to actually DO something with them other than check an existing part, there's not much love.
The biggest benefits we see here from the program are the ability to open other types of files, and share both solid model information and drawings with anyone, and to allow the shop floor to access the files/print the drawings while preventing them from tinkering.
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