Can't make 3d-line snap t
Hello All,I have a helix, say, coming out of the front plane.
Then I plot a 3d-line sketch.
I am trying to either:
1) Make one end of the 3d-line snap to one end of the helix (in the very moment I am plotting the 3d-line)
2) Sketch the 3d-line,
exit 3d-sketch,
Edit the 3d-line,
Click on one of its ends
Click 'Add Relation'
Click the helix
Try to force "Coincident" constraint
It never works.
If I do all the above with sketching a 3d-point, both coincidence/snapping always work.
Please post if you have an idea why the 3d-line won't snap/coincide... I got some help in solving this one, but now it works. Once the helix is plotted, select it with a mouse and click 3d-sketch --> convert entities. The helix is thus converted to a 3d-sketch and there is no problem making a coincident constraint (or snap) to it with a 3d-line. glad you solved your problem.are your files part files or are you drawing in an assembly?If its a part file you should not need to convert entities. they are part files