using Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServices;
using Autodesk.AutoCAD.EditorInput;
using Autodesk.AutoCAD.Geometry;
using Autodesk.AutoCAD.GraphicsInterface;
using Autodesk.AutoCAD.Runtime;
using Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices;
namespace TlsCad
class TlsApplication : IExtensionApplication
void IExtensionApplication.Initialize()
Overrule.Overruling = true;
void IExtensionApplication.Terminate()
Overrule.Overruling = false;
#region Helper
static class XhqHelper
public readonly static string RegAppName = "TlsCad.Xhq";
public readonly static double Radius = 8;
public readonly static double TextHeight = 8;
public static Point3d GetPoint(MText mtxt)
ResultBuffer rb = mtxt.GetXDataForApplication(RegAppName);
return (Point3d)rb.AsArray().Value;
public static void SetPoint(MText mtxt, Point3d point)
ResultBuffer rb = new ResultBuffer(new TypedValue[] { new TypedValue(1001, RegAppName), new TypedValue(1011, point) });
mtxt.XData = rb;
public static void XHQ()
PromptIntegerResult res1 = CadHelper.Editor.GetInteger(new PromptIntegerOptions("\n请输入序号:"));
PromptPointResult res2 = CadHelper.Editor.GetPoint(new PromptPointOptions("\n请输入起点:"));
XhqJig jig = new XhqJig(res2.Value, res1.Value.ToString());
PromptResult res = CadHelper.Editor.Drag(jig); if (res.Status == PromptStatus.OK)
Database db = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument.Database;
using (Transaction tr = db.TransactionManager.StartTransaction())
BlockTableRecord btr =
MText mtxt = jig.GetEntity();
tr.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(mtxt, true);
RegAppTable rat =
if (!rat.Has(RegAppName))
RegAppTableRecord regapp = new RegAppTableRecord();
regapp.Name = RegAppName;
tr.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(regapp, true);
SetPoint(mtxt, res2.Value);
} public static void OverruleStart()
Overrule.AddOverrule(RXObject.GetClass(typeof(MText)), XhqDrawOverrule.TheOverrule, false);
Overrule.AddOverrule(RXObject.GetClass(typeof(MText)), XhqGripOverrule.TheOverrule, false);
Overrule.AddOverrule(RXObject.GetClass(typeof(MText)), XhqOsnapOverrule.TheOverrule, false);
Overrule.AddOverrule(RXObject.GetClass(typeof(MText)), XhqTransformOverrule.TheOverrule, false);
public static void OverruleEnd()
Overrule.RemoveOverrule(RXObject.GetClass(typeof(MText)), XhqDrawOverrule.TheOverrule);
Overrule.RemoveOverrule(RXObject.GetClass(typeof(MText)), XhqGripOverrule.TheOverrule);
Overrule.RemoveOverrule(RXObject.GetClass(typeof(MText)), XhqOsnapOverrule.TheOverrule);
Overrule.RemoveOverrule(RXObject.GetClass(typeof(MText)), XhqTransformOverrule.TheOverrule);
#region Jig
class XhqJig : DrawJig
Point3d m_Location;
Line m_Line;
MText m_MText;
Circle m_Circle;
public XhqJig(Point3d FirstPoint, string No)
m_MText = new MText();
m_MText.Attachment = AttachmentPoint.MiddleCenter;
m_MText.Location = FirstPoint;
m_MText.TextHeight = XhqHelper.TextHeight;
m_MText.Contents = No;
m_Line = new Line(FirstPoint, FirstPoint);
m_Circle = new Circle();
m_Circle.Center = FirstPoint;
m_Circle.Radius = XhqHelper.Radius;
protected override SamplerStatus Sampler(JigPrompts prompts)
JigPromptPointOptions jigOpts = new JigPromptPointOptions();
jigOpts.UserInputControls =
UserInputControls.Accept3dCoordinates |
UserInputControls.NoZeroResponseAccepted |
jigOpts.Message = "\n请输入终点:";
PromptPointResult res = prompts.AcquirePoint(jigOpts);
Point3d positionTemp = res.Value;
if (positionTemp != m_Location)
m_Location = positionTemp;
return SamplerStatus.NoChange;
if (res.Status == PromptStatus.Cancel)
return SamplerStatus.Cancel;
return SamplerStatus.OK;
} protected override bool WorldDraw(Autodesk.AutoCAD.GraphicsInterface.WorldDraw draw)
catch (System.Exception)
return false;
return true;
private void Update()
m_Circle.Center = m_Location;
Vector3d vec = m_Location - m_Line.StartPoint;
if (vec.LengthXhqHelper.Radius)
vec = vec / vec.Length * XhqHelper.Radius;
entitySet.Add(new Line(pt1, mtxt.Location - vec));
public class XhqDrawOverrule : DrawableOverrule
public static XhqDrawOverrule TheOverrule = new XhqDrawOverrule();
public XhqDrawOverrule()
public override bool WorldDraw(Drawable drawable, WorldDraw wd)
MText mtxt = (MText)drawable;
wd.Geometry.Circle(mtxt.Location, XhqHelper.Radius, new Vector3d(0, 0, 1));
Point3d pt1 = XhqHelper.GetPoint(mtxt);
Vector3d vec = mtxt.Location - pt1;
if (vec.Length > XhqHelper.Radius)
vec = vec / vec.Length * XhqHelper.Radius;
wd.Geometry.WorldLine(pt1, mtxt.Location - vec);
return base.WorldDraw(drawable, wd);
**** Hidden Message *****
这个例子 现在加载好像没有反应
终于找到,我想要的东西了感谢感谢 我正在弄标号,可惜我弄得的CAD2008 来自于Autodesk开发者网络课程上的例子,会变色的温度计
using System;
using Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices;
using Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServices;
using Autodesk.AutoCAD.EditorInput;
using Autodesk.AutoCAD.Geometry;
using Autodesk.AutoCAD.GraphicsInterface;
using Autodesk.AutoCAD.Runtime;
namespace abc
#region "HelperClass"
// Global helper class (singleton). Contains central definitions of some global constants,
// and a few helper functions
public class HelperClass
const String mExtDictName = "SGP_MyDict";
// Defines Dictionary name for the Extension Dictionary demo
const String mXRecName = "SGP_MyDATA";
// Defines Dictionary name for the Extension Dictionary demo
private static HelperClass mMe;
// Name of our dictionary in extension dictionary
public String DictionaryName
return mExtDictName;
// Name of our XRecord
public String XRecordName
return mXRecName;
// Protected constructor - to enforce singleton behavior
protected HelperClass()
// static function to retrieve one and only instance of singleton
public static HelperClass GetSingleton
if (mMe == null)
mMe = new HelperClass();
return mMe;
// Retrieve data (as resbuf) from or Xrecord.
// Returns null object if there's a problem
public ResultBuffer GetXRecordData(DBObject obj)
Xrecord xRec = null;
ObjectId id = obj.ExtensionDictionary;
// Make sure we have an ext dict befoore proceeding
if (id.IsValid)
// Retrieve data using a transaction
Database db = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument.Database;
using (Transaction tr = db.TransactionManager.StartTransaction())
DBDictionary extDict = (DBDictionary)tr.GetObject(id, OpenMode.ForRead, false);
if (extDict.Contains(DictionaryName))
// We're assuming that if my dictionary exists, then so will the XRecord in it.
ObjectId dictId = extDict.GetAt((String)DictionaryName);
DBDictionary myDict = (DBDictionary)tr.GetObject(dictId, OpenMode.ForRead);
xRec = (Xrecord)tr.GetObject(myDict.GetAt((String)XRecordName),
if (xRec == null)
return null;
return xRec.Data;
// Modifies data in our XRecord.
// (creates ou rdictionary and XRecoird if it doesn't already exist)
public void SetXRecordData(DBObject obj, ResultBuffer myData)
Database db = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument.Database;
using (Transaction tr = db.TransactionManager.StartTransaction())
DBDictionary myDict = default(DBDictionary);
Xrecord xRec = null;
ObjectId id = obj.ExtensionDictionary;
if (id == ObjectId.Null)
id = obj.ExtensionDictionary;
DBDictionary extDict = (DBDictionary)tr.GetObject(id, OpenMode.ForWrite);
if (extDict.Contains(DictionaryName))
ObjectId dictId = extDict.GetAt((String)DictionaryName);
myDict = (DBDictionary)tr.GetObject(dictId, OpenMode.ForWrite);
myDict = new DBDictionary();
extDict.SetAt((String)DictionaryName, myDict);
tr.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(myDict, true);
if (myDict.Contains(XRecordName))
xRec = (Xrecord)tr.GetObject(myDict.GetAt((String)XRecordName),
xRec = new Xrecord();
myDict.SetAt((String)XRecordName, xRec);
tr.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(xRec, true);
xRec.Data = myData;
// Grip overrule to add our custom grips to the line
public class MyGripOverrule : GripOverrule
public class MyGrip : GripData
private int mGripNum;
public int Ordinal
return mGripNum;
mGripNum = value;
// Call this to tell the grip to move itself
public void Move(Vector3d vec)
GripPoint = GripPoint + vec;
public override bool ViewportDraw(ViewportDraw worldDraw, ObjectId entityId,
GripData.DrawType type, Point3d? imageGripPoint, int gripSizeInPixels)
Point2d unit = worldDraw.Viewport.GetNumPixelsInUnitSquare(GripPoint);
worldDraw.Geometry.Circle(GripPoint, 1.5 * gripSizeInPixels / unit.X,
return true;
// Array to hold our 3 grips
GripData[] mGripData = new GripData;
public override void GetGripPoints(Entity entity, GripDataCollection grips,
double curViewUnitSize, int gripSize, Vector3d curViewDir, GetGripPointsFlags bitFlags)
ResultBuffer rb = HelperClass.GetSingleton.GetXRecordData(entity);
// We assume entity is a line
Line myLine = (Line)entity;
// Set grip positions to represent temperatures (we're using Celsius)
// min temperature
int temp = (int)rb.AsArray().Value;
double pos = myLine.StartParam + (temp / 100.0) * (myLine.EndParam - myLine.StartParam);
Point3d pt = myLine.GetPointAtParameter(pos);
MyGrip grip = new MyGrip();
grip.Ordinal = 0;
grip.GripPoint = pt;
mGripData = grip;
// max temperature
temp = (int)rb.AsArray().Value;
pos = myLine.StartParam + (temp / 100.0) * (myLine.EndParam - myLine.StartParam);
pt = myLine.GetPointAtParameter(pos);
grip = new MyGrip();
grip.Ordinal = 1;
grip.GripPoint = pt;
mGripData = grip;
// current temperature
temp = (int)rb.AsArray().Value;
pos = myLine.StartParam + (temp / 100.0) * (myLine.EndParam - myLine.StartParam);
pt = myLine.GetPointAtParameter(pos);
grip = new MyGrip();
grip.Ordinal = 2;
grip.GripPoint = pt;
mGripData = grip;
// Add our grips to the list
foreach (MyGrip g in mGripData)
// Get the standard line grip points as well
base.GetGripPoints(entity, grips, curViewUnitSize, gripSize, curViewDir, bitFlags);
Point3d qq1 = grips.GripPoint;
Point3d qq2 = grips.GripPoint;
public override void MoveGripPointsAt(Entity entity, GripDataCollection grips,
Vector3d offset, MoveGripPointsFlags bitFlags)
// We only take action when we get this call on a database resident entity
// Dragging operation makes shallow clone of line,
// and setting clomeMeForDragging to false is generally a bad idea.
// (If you do set clone me for dragging to false, then don't call bae class overriden methods).
if (entity.Id.IsValid)
// Cast to a Line so we can access properties
Line myLine = (Line)entity;
Vector3d lineDir = (myLine.EndPoint - myLine.StartPoint);
lineDir = lineDir.GetNormal();
// Direction of Line
double offsetDist = lineDir.DotProduct(offset);
// Component of mouse translation along like
// Iterate through list of all grips being moved
foreach (GripData g in grips)
if (g is MyGrip)
MyGrip grip = (MyGrip)g;
// Cast to our grip type
// Make sure offset never takes grip beyond either end of line
if (offsetDist >= 0)
if (offsetDist > (myLine.EndPoint - grip.GripPoint).Length)
offsetDist = (myLine.EndPoint - grip.GripPoint).Length;
if (-offsetDist > (myLine.StartPoint - grip.GripPoint).Length)
offsetDist = -(myLine.StartPoint - grip.GripPoint).Length;
lineDir = lineDir * offsetDist;
// retrieve stored data and edit the changed value
ResultBuffer rb = HelperClass.GetSingleton.GetXRecordData(entity);
TypedValue[] typeValue = rb.AsArray();
String val1 = (String)typeValue.Value;
int[] intVal = new int;
intVal = (int)typeValue.Value;
// min
intVal = (int)typeValue.Value;
// max
intVal = (int)typeValue.Value;
// current
// Tell grip to move itself long the line
// Calculate new temperature from grip position along the line
double newParam = myLine.GetParameterAtPoint(grip.GripPoint);
int newTemp = (int)(100 * (newParam - myLine.StartParam) / (myLine.EndParam - myLine.StartParam));
// Don't let min temp value rise above max temp
// And don't let max temp go below min temp
if (grip.Ordinal == 0)
if (newTempintVal)
intVal = newTemp;
intVal = intVal + 1;
intVal = newTemp;
// Create new resbuf with new data and put back in Xrecord
ResultBuffer newRb = new ResultBuffer(new TypedValue((int)DxfCode.Text, val1),
new TypedValue((int)DxfCode.Int32, intVal),
new TypedValue((int)DxfCode.Int32, intVal),
new TypedValue((int)DxfCode.Int32, intVal));
HelperClass.GetSingleton.SetXRecordData(myLine, newRb);
// Remove our grips from the list befroe calling base class function
// (Doesn't seem to like my grips)
for (int i = grips.Count - 1; i >= 0; i += -1)
if (grips is MyGrip)
// If any grips left, then we call base class function
if (grips.Count > 0)
base.MoveGripPointsAt(entity, grips, offset, bitFlags);
#region "Simple DrawableOverrule "
// This overrule adds our custom graphhics to the Line
// We're going to turn our Line into a Thermometer
public class MyDrawOverrule : DrawableOverrule
const int mSize = 30;
// Universal scaling constant - so I don't have to edit every calculation
// if I want the thermometer thicker or thinner
// This is the function that gets called to add/replace an entity's WorldDraw graphics
public override bool WorldDraw(Drawable drawable, WorldDraw wd)
// Is it a line? (It should be)
if (!(drawable is Line))
return base.WorldDraw(drawable, wd);
Line myLine = (Line)drawable;
Point3dCollection pts = new Point3dCollection();
// Read Xrecord values to populate prompt defauls
ResultBuffer resbuf = HelperClass.GetSingleton.GetXRecordData(myLine);
TypedValue[] typeValue = resbuf.AsArray();
// Room name
String myText = (String)typeValue.Value;
// Min temp
int lowerTemp = (int)typeValue.Value;
// max temp
int upperTemp = (int)typeValue.Value;
// Current temp
int curTemp = (int)typeValue.Value;
double curPos = curTemp / 100.0;
Vector3d perpVec = (myLine.EndPoint - myLine.StartPoint).CrossProduct(myLine.Normal).GetNormal();
double startParam = myLine.GetParameterAtPoint(myLine.StartPoint);
double endParam = myLine.GetParameterAtPoint(myLine.EndPoint);
var oldColIndex = wd.SubEntityTraits.Color;
FillType oldFillType = wd.SubEntityTraits.FillType;
double posParam = 0;
IntPtr gsMarker = default(IntPtr);
// Draw thermometer body
wd.SubEntityTraits.FillType = FillType.FillNever;
// right body edge
pts.Add(myLine.StartPoint + perpVec * myLine.Length * 2.5 / mSize);
pts.Add(myLine.EndPoint + perpVec * myLine.Length * 2.5 / mSize);
gsMarker = (System.IntPtr)1;
wd.Geometry.Polyline(pts, myLine.Normal, gsMarker);
// left body edge
pts.Add(myLine.EndPoint - perpVec * myLine.Length * 2.5 / mSize);
pts.Add(myLine.StartPoint - perpVec * myLine.Length * 2.5 / mSize);
gsMarker = (System.IntPtr)2;
wd.Geometry.Polyline(pts, myLine.Normal, gsMarker);
// top body edge
wd.Geometry.CircularArc(myLine.EndPoint - perpVec * myLine.Length * 2.5 / mSize,
myLine.EndPoint + (myLine.EndPoint - myLine.StartPoint) * 2.5 / mSize,
myLine.EndPoint + perpVec * myLine.Length * 2.5 / mSize, ArcType.ArcSimple);
// bottom body edge
double theta = Math.PI / 6;
double rad = (myLine.Length * 2.5 / mSize) / Math.Sin(theta);
double a = (myLine.Length * 2.5 / mSize) / Math.Tan(theta);
Point3d bowlCenter = myLine.StartPoint + (myLine.StartPoint - myLine.EndPoint).GetNormal() * a;
wd.Geometry.CircularArc(myLine.StartPoint + perpVec * myLine.Length * 2.5 / mSize,
myLine.StartPoint + (myLine.StartPoint - myLine.EndPoint).GetNormal() * (rad + a),
myLine.StartPoint - perpVec * myLine.Length * 2.5 / mSize, ArcType.ArcSimple);
// Draw upper temperature marker (in red)
wd.SubEntityTraits.Color = 1;
posParam = startParam + (endParam - startParam) * (upperTemp / 100.0);
pts.Add(myLine.GetPointAtParameter(posParam) - perpVec * myLine.Length * 3 / mSize);
pts.Add(myLine.GetPointAtParameter(posParam) + perpVec * myLine.Length * 3 / mSize);
gsMarker = (System.IntPtr)3;
wd.Geometry.Polyline(pts, myLine.Normal, gsMarker);
wd.Geometry.Text(myLine.GetPointAtParameter(posParam) + perpVec * myLine.Length * 4 / mSize,
myLine.Normal, perpVec, myLine.Length * 1.2 / mSize, 1, 0,
"Max. Temp = " + upperTemp.ToString());
// Draw lower temperature marker (in blue)
wd.SubEntityTraits.Color = 5;
posParam = startParam + (endParam - startParam) * (lowerTemp / 100.0);
pts.Add(myLine.GetPointAtParameter(posParam) - perpVec * myLine.Length * 3 / mSize);
pts.Add(myLine.GetPointAtParameter(posParam) + perpVec * myLine.Length * 3 / mSize);
gsMarker = (System.IntPtr)3;
wd.Geometry.Polyline(pts, myLine.Normal, gsMarker);
wd.Geometry.Text(myLine.GetPointAtParameter(posParam) + perpVec * myLine.Length * 4 / mSize,
myLine.Normal, perpVec, myLine.Length * 1.2 / mSize, 1, 0,
"Min. Temp = " + lowerTemp.ToString());
// Draw current temperature marker in different color depending on position w.r.t. min and max temps
short colIndex = 0;
if (curTemp = upperTemp)
colIndex = 1;
// Red
colIndex = 94;
// Dark green
// Draw current Temperature marker
wd.SubEntityTraits.Color = colIndex;
posParam = startParam + (endParam - startParam) * (curTemp / 100.0);
pts.Add(myLine.GetPointAtParameter(posParam) - perpVec * myLine.Length * 3 / mSize);
pts.Add(myLine.GetPointAtParameter(posParam) + perpVec * myLine.Length * 3 / mSize);
gsMarker = (System.IntPtr)4;
wd.Geometry.Polyline(pts, myLine.Normal, gsMarker);
wd.Geometry.Text(myLine.GetPointAtParameter(posParam) + perpVec * myLine.Length * 4 / mSize,
myLine.Normal, perpVec, myLine.Length * 1.2 / mSize, 1, 0,
myText + " Temp = " + curTemp.ToString());
// We want to draw filled primitives (polygon and circle) to
// represent the mercury in the thermometer
wd.SubEntityTraits.FillType = FillType.FillAlways;
// drawable mercury - line first, then bowl
Vector3d offset = perpVec * myLine.Length / mSize;
Point3d pt1 = myLine.StartPoint + offset;
pts.Add(bowlCenter + offset);
pts.Add(bowlCenter - offset);
pts.Add(myLine.GetPointAtParameter(posParam) - offset);
pts.Add(myLine.GetPointAtParameter(posParam) + offset);
// mercury bowl
theta = Math.PI / 6;
rad = 1.5 * (offset.Length) / Math.Sin(theta);
a = (offset.Length) / Math.Tan(theta);
wd.Geometry.Circle(bowlCenter, rad, myLine.Normal);
// Set old subentitytrait values, then call overriden class worlddraw fn
wd.SubEntityTraits.FillType = oldFillType;
wd.SubEntityTraits.Color = oldColIndex;
return base.WorldDraw(drawable, wd);
#region "Implementation of the commands"
public class TestOverrule : IExtensionApplication
// Setup some global variables
static MyDrawOverrule mDrawOverrule;
// One and only instance of this DrawableOverrule
static MyGripOverrule mGripOverrule;
// One and only instance of this TransformOverrule
// Called when DLL is loaded by AutoCAD.
public void Initialize()
// Instantiate our global Overrule and set it to overrule lines with my data attached
mDrawOverrule = new MyDrawOverrule();
Overrule.AddOverrule(RXObject.GetClass(typeof(Line)), mDrawOverrule, false);
// Instantiate our global Overrule and set it to overrule lines with my data attached
mGripOverrule = new MyGripOverrule();
Overrule.AddOverrule(RXObject.GetClass(typeof(Line)), mGripOverrule, false);
// Turn overruling on
Overrule.Overruling = true;
// Clean up after ourselves.
public void Terminate()
Overrule.RemoveOverrule(RXObject.GetClass(typeof(Line)), mDrawOverrule);
mDrawOverrule = null;
Overrule.RemoveOverrule(RXObject.GetClass(typeof(Line)), mGripOverrule);
mDrawOverrule = null;
// Toggles all overrules on and off.
public void ToggleOverrule()
Editor ed = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument.Editor;
Overrule.Overruling = !Overrule.Overruling;
ed.WriteMessage("\n*** Overrule is now " + Overrule.Overruling.ToString() + " ***\n");
// Demo of Extension Dictionary filter.
// There's also an Xdata filter, but we won't demonstrate it here - its basically the same).
// This command needs tidying up to use HelperClass functions for XData access. (Currently does its own thing).
public void AddXDictFilter()
// Select a line
Editor ed = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument.Editor;
PromptEntityOptions opts = new PromptEntityOptions("\nSelect a line to add Extension dictionary to:");
opts.SetRejectMessage("\nSorry dude! That's not a line\n");
opts.AddAllowedClass(typeof(Line), true);
PromptEntityResult res = ed.GetEntity(opts);
// Only continue if a circle was selected
if (res.Status != PromptStatus.OK)
// Open circle and make sure it has our dictionary in its extension dictionary
ObjectId objId = res.ObjectId;
Database db = objId.Database;
using (Transaction tr = db.TransactionManager.StartTransaction())
Entity ent = (Entity)tr.GetObject(objId, OpenMode.ForRead);
ObjectId extId = ent.ExtensionDictionary;
// Create ext dict if necessary
if (extId == ObjectId.Null)
extId = ent.ExtensionDictionary;
// Open ext dict
DBDictionary extDict = (DBDictionary)tr.GetObject(extId, OpenMode.ForWrite);
// make sure we clone data when entity is cloned for dragging
extDict.TreatElementsAsHard = true;
// If it doesn't contain our dictionary, we add one
PromptIntegerOptions temp1Opts = new PromptIntegerOptions("\nEnter Lower Temperature:");
PromptIntegerOptions temp2Opts = new PromptIntegerOptions("\nEnter Upper Temperature:");
PromptIntegerOptions temp3Opts = new PromptIntegerOptions("\nEnter Current Temperature:");
PromptStringOptions nameOpts = new PromptStringOptions("\nEnter Name:");
temp1Opts.LowerLimit = 0;
temp1Opts.UpperLimit = 100;
temp2Opts.LowerLimit = 0;
temp2Opts.UpperLimit = 100;
temp3Opts.LowerLimit = 0;
temp1Opts.UpperLimit = 100; ObjectId xRecObjID;
Xrecord xRec;
DBDictionary myDict;
if (!extDict.Contains(HelperClass.GetSingleton.XRecordName))
// If dict is not present, then we add it and set up default Xrec to be edited later
myDict = new DBDictionary();
// make sure we clone data when entity is cloned for dragging
myDict.TreatElementsAsHard = true;
extDict.SetAt(HelperClass.GetSingleton.DictionaryName, myDict);
tr.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(myDict, true);
temp1Opts.DefaultValue = 20;
temp2Opts.DefaultValue = 30;
temp3Opts.DefaultValue = 25;
nameOpts.DefaultValue = "San Rafael";
xRec = new Xrecord();
xRec.Data = new ResultBuffer(new TypedValue((int)DxfCode.Text, nameOpts.DefaultValue),
new TypedValue((int)DxfCode.Int32, temp1Opts.DefaultValue),
new TypedValue((int)DxfCode.Int32, temp2Opts.DefaultValue),
new TypedValue((int)DxfCode.Int32, temp3Opts.DefaultValue));
xRecObjID = myDict.SetAt(HelperClass.GetSingleton.XRecordName, xRec);
tr.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(xRec, true);
// If dict exists, then we extract values from XRecord to populate default values from prompt
// We're assuming that if my dictionary exists, then so will the XRecord in it.
ObjectId dictId = extDict.GetAt(HelperClass.GetSingleton.DictionaryName);
myDict = (DBDictionary)tr.GetObject(dictId, OpenMode.ForWrite, false);
temp1Opts.DefaultValue = 20;
temp1Opts.DefaultValue = 30;
xRecObjID = myDict.GetAt(HelperClass.GetSingleton.XRecordName);
xRec = (Xrecord)tr.GetObject(xRecObjID, OpenMode.ForRead, false);
// xRec now points to our XRecord, which is open for write.
// Read Xrecord values to populate prompt defauls
TypedValue[] typeValue = xRec.Data.AsArray();
TypedValue val1 = typeValue;
// Room name
TypedValue val2 = typeValue;
// Min temp
TypedValue val3 = typeValue;
// Max temp
TypedValue val4 = typeValue;
// Current temp
nameOpts.DefaultValue = (String)val1.Value;
temp1Opts.DefaultValue = (int)val2.Value;
temp2Opts.DefaultValue = (int)val3.Value;
temp3Opts.DefaultValue = (int)val4.Value;
// Prompt for new values
PromptResult nameRes = ed.GetString(nameOpts);
if (nameRes.Status == PromptStatus.OK)
val1 = new TypedValue((int)DxfCode.Text, nameRes.StringResult);
PromptIntegerResult temp1Res = ed.GetInteger(temp1Opts);
if (temp1Res.Status == PromptStatus.OK)
val2 = new TypedValue((int)DxfCode.Int32, temp1Res.Value);
PromptIntegerResult temp2Res = ed.GetInteger(temp2Opts);
if (temp2Res.Status == PromptStatus.OK)
val3 = new TypedValue((int)DxfCode.Int32, temp2Res.Value);
PromptIntegerResult temp3Res = ed.GetInteger(temp3Opts);
if (temp3Res.Status == PromptStatus.OK)
val4 = new TypedValue((int)DxfCode.Int32, temp3Res.Value);
// Now set Xrecord contents to new values
xRec.Data = new ResultBuffer(val1, val2, val3, val4);
// Display new results
Overrule的用途现在想到的只有图纸加密:重要的东西规则重定义,别人没有我的Dll就看不见,:) GripOverrule...需要引用什么才可以用?
注意AutoCad要2010版本 GripOverrule...需要引用什么才可以用?