T、 婆罗门南丹
这很接近,我想人们会有一个尝试,而不仅仅是让别人完成答案,它需要删除几行,并用层替换“textstring”,接近尾端的写行更改为(vla put layer obj anstext)尝试一下,如果它不起作用,我们在这里提供帮助。
(defun getcoords (ent)
(vlax-ename->vla-object ent)
(defun co-ords2xy ()
; convert now to a list of xy as co-ords are x y x y x y if 3d x y z x y z
(setq numb (/ (length co-ords) 2))
(setq I 0)
(repeat numb
(setq xy (list (nth I co-ords)(nth (+ I 1) co-ords) ))
(setq coordsxy (cons xy coordsxy))
(setq I (+ I 2))
) ; end repeat
) ; end defun
; program starts here
; choose output file change acdatemp to what you want
(setq fname (strcat "c:/acadtemp/" (getstring "\nEnter file name ")))
(setq fout (open fname "w"))
(setq plobjs (ssget (list (cons 0 "lwpolyline"))))
(setq numb1 (sslength plobjs))
(setq x numb1)
(repeat numb1
(setq obj (ssname plobjs (setq x (- x 1))))
(setq co-ords (getcoords obj))
; write pline co-ords here
(setq numb3 (length co-ords))
(setq z numb3)
(setq ansco-ords "")
(repeat numb3
(setq ansco-ords (strcat ansco-ords (rtos (nth (setq z (- z 1)) co-ords) 2 3 ) " " ))
(setq ans (strcat "Pline " ansco-ords))
(write-line ans fout)
(setq ansco-ords "")
(setq ss (ssget "WP" coordsxy (list (cons 0 "Text,Mtext")))) ; selection set of text within polygon
(if (= ss nil)
(princ "\nnothing inside")
(setq coordsxy nil) ; reset for next time
(setq numb2 (sslength ss))
(setq y numb2)
(repeat numb2
(setq anstext (vlax-get-property (vlax-ename->vla-object (ssname ss (setq y (- y 1)))) "Textstring"))
(princ anstext) ; change to write text to file
(write-line (strcat "text " anstext) fout)
(princ "\n")
) ; end repeat2
(setq ss nil) ; reset for next poly
) ; end repeat1
(close fout)
谢谢你,先生 那么,哪个答案更有效?这根线还是这里。 我用过红色的,先生。