(defun c:COOR ( / i l s x )
;; Define function, declare local variable symbols.
;; To understand why variable declaration is important, see http://bit.ly/15Qw104
(setq PNT1 (getpoint
"\nPick coordinate point: "))
(setq P1X (car pnt1)) ;x coord
(setq P1Y (cadr pnt1)) ;y coord
(setq STDX (rtos P1X 2 2))
(setq STDY (rtos P1Y 2 2))
(setq COORDN (strcat "Y " STDY ))
(setq COORDE (strcat "X " STDX ))
(if ;; If we can retrieve a set of attributed blocks
(setq s ;; Assign the selection set pointer to variable 's'
(ssget "_X" ;; Search entire database (see http://bit.ly/137NmOJ for more info)
(0 . "INSERT") ;; Block References
(66 . 1) ;; Attributed
(2 . "coordinate") ;; with name coordinate (this assumes block is non-dynamic)
) ;; end SSGET
) ;; end SETQ
;; Evaluate the following expressions and return the result
;; of the last expression evaluated. PROGN is used as a
;; wrapper function so that we can pass multiple expressions
;; to the IF function as a single argument constituting the
;; 'then' parameter.
(initget 6) ;; (+ 2 4): 2=prevent zero, 4=prevent negative
(if (setq x (getreal "\nEnter first SEQUENCE number: ")) ;; Prompt user for rung number > 0
;; See above explanation for PROGN
;; Construct an association list of attribute tags & values
;; to pass to the LM:setattributevalues function
(setq l
(cons "SEQUENCE" (itoa (fix x))) ;; => e.g. ("SEQUENCE" . "2")
;; Use a quoted literal list for the remaining tags/values
;; as there are no expressions to be evaluated.
;; For an explanation of the apostrophe, see http://bit.ly/1bW3rQK
("X". "20")
("Y" ."1")
) ;; end CONS
) ;; end SETQ
;; The resulting list might look like this:
;; l = (("SEQUENCE" . "2") ("X". "20") ("Y" ."1"))
;; Repeat the following expressions a number of times
;; equal to the number of items in the selection set.
;; Note that the numerical argument for the repeat function
;; is only evaluated once and hence the integer index variable 'i'
;; will only be assigned a value once.
(repeat (setq i (sslength s))
;; Call the LM:setattributevalues function with the block entity name
;; and association list of attribute tags/values to be set.
(LM:SetAttributeValues (ssname s (setq i (1- i))) l)
) ;; end REPEAT
) ;; end PROGN
) ;; end IF
) ;; end PROGN
;; Else no blocks were found...
(princ "\nNo \"COORDINATE\" blocks were found.")
) ;; end IF
(princ) ;; Supress the return of the last evaluated expression
) ;; end DEFUN
;; Set Attribute Values-Lee Mac
;; Sets the block attributes whose tags are found in the supplied
;; assocation list to their associated values.
;; Arguments:
;; blk - Block (Insert) Entity Name
;; lst - Association list of ((<TAG> . <Value>) ... )
;; Returns: nil
(defun LM:SetAttributeValues ( blk lst / enx itm )
(if (= "ATTRIB" (cdr (assoc 0 (setq enx (entget (setq blk (entnext blk)))))))
(if (setq itm (assoc (strcase (cdr (assoc 2 enx))) lst))
(if (entmod (subst (cons 1 (cdr itm)) (assoc 1 enx) enx))
(entupd blk)
(LM:SetAttributeValues blk lst)
(LM:SetAttributeValues blk lst)
(princ) ;; Suppress the return of any loading expressions
谢谢 您需要做两件事,设计并制作一个具有3个属性的块,这些属性对应于序列号、东距和北距。然后制作一个多重引线样式,其中内容是块,而不是多行文字。(参考附图)。MLeader样式的“标准”已修改,因此内容是一个块。在此样式中插入mleader会自动将块作为内容插入。插入多重引线并更新块属性时,很容易获得箭头点坐标。 制作块很容易,但我不明白的是如何中断insert命令,使属性提示不会弹出,或者如何自动填充这些值。就像我说的,Lisp程序。 好的,我这里有点烹饪的东西。。
(setq inc_no 1)
(while (setq PNT1 (getpoint "\nPick coordinate point: "))
(setq inc_str (itoa inc_no))
(command "mleader" pnt1 ptxt inc_str coordn coorde)
(setq inc_no (1+ inc_no))
这将循环插入引线,直到输入一个空条目(按enter键或右键单击鼠标)。每次循环时,它将向inc\u no添加1,然后将其转换为字符串以进行插入。 你能详细说明一下吗?事实上,我提供的lisp确实产生了通过坐标和坐标填充x和y的预期结果,我不确定在我通过分解和重新组装lisp构建时可能会出现什么错误。
这里有一个问题,有没有办法让它查找上一个区块编号,或者提示用户只输入第一个引线的起点?现在,如果我出于任何原因停止,它会在1重新启动。 答对 了
2、将例程中使用的所有变量声明为局部变量,除非你真的想让它们成为全局变量。这很重要。全局变量可以被当前会话中运行的任何其他LISP读取,并可能产生不可预见的后果。变量inc\u no和inc\u str丢失,您的局部变量中有STDY DY,而它应该是STDY STDX
6 我忘了提一下,你可以像这样把setq组合在一起
7 非常感谢!明天我将尝试分组,但现在,我已经包括了你的其他笔记,它运行得很好。谢谢你捕捉到了倒转的坐标,我没有做一次适当的试运行,完全错过了。