(command "_P")
(while (eq 1 (logand 1 (getvar 'CMDACTIVE))) (command ""))
(defun c:---BB (/) (progn (LOAD "3dwannab_ByBlock_Change_Entities") (C:BB)))
; Change all selected entities to ByBlock and layer 0 & more.
(defun c:BB ( / ss_1 )
(setq *error* SS:error)
(setq cmde (getvar "cmdecho"))
(setq os (getvar "osmode"))
(setq orthom (getvar "orthomode"))
(setvar 'cmdecho 0)
(setvar 'osmode 83)
(setvar 'orthomode 1)
(setq ss_1 (last (ssgetfirst)))
(if (not ss_1)
(setq ss_1 (ssget '((0 . "~HATCH"))))
(if ss_1
(command "._chprop" "_non" ss_1 "" "_LA" "0" "")
(command "._chprop" "_non" ss_1 "" "_LT" "BYBLOCK" "")
(command "._chprop" "_non" ss_1 "" "_LTS" "1" "")
(command "._chprop" "_non" ss_1 "" "_LW" "BYBLOCK" "")
(command "._chprop" "_non" ss_1 "" "_TR" "BYBLOCK" "")
(command "._chprop" "_non" ss_1 "" "_C" "BYBLOCK" "")
;; How do I run the command for this lisp then select previous and run it automatically.
;; Below doesn't work.
;; This routine is for rounding off entities to the nearest 0.5mm.
(prompt "\nRUN the F5 command also to round off to 0.5mm ?\n")
(load "FX_Round_Numbers_0Point5")
(command "_P")
(while (eq 1 (logand 1 (getvar 'CMDACTIVE))) (command ""))
;; How do I run the command for this lisp then select previous and run it automatically.
;; Below doesn't work.
;; This is the PSIMPLE command to fix polylines. Again it prompts for a selection here.
(prompt "\nRUN the PSIMPLE command also ?\n")
(load "PSimple")
(command "_P")
(while (eq 1 (logand 1 (getvar 'CMDACTIVE))) (command ""))
(setq ss_1 nil)
(princ "\nUser Cancelled Command\n")
(*error* nil)
(defun SS:error (errmsg)
(and acDoc (vla-EndUndoMark acDoc))
(and errmsg
(not (wcmatch (strcase errmsg) "*CANCEL*,*EXIT*"))
(princ (strcat "\n<< Error: " errmsg " >>\n"))
(setvar 'cmdecho cmde)
(setvar 'osmode os)
(setvar 'orthomode orthom)
(defun SS:startundo ()
(setq acDoc (vla-get-ActiveDocument (vlax-get-acad-object)))
(or (vla-EndUndoMark acDoc) (vla-StartUndoMark acDoc))
"\n3dwannab_ByBlock_Change_Entities.lsp Loaded\n"
"\nInvoke by typing 'BB'\n"
;; End of File ;;
;;----------------------------------------------------------------------;; 你有PSIMPLE的代码吗?它对预选的多段线有效吗?如果是这样
(sssetfirst nil (ssget "P"))应该有效。
(defun c:---BB (/) (progn (LOAD "3dwannab_ByBlock_Change_Entities") (C:BB)))
; Change all selected entities to ByBlock and layer 0 & more.
(defun c:BB ( / ss_1 e i )
(setq *error* SS:error)
(setq cmde (getvar "cmdecho"))
(setq os (getvar "osmode"))
(setq orthom (getvar "orthomode"))
(setvar 'cmdecho 0)
(setvar 'osmode 83)
(setvar 'orthomode 1)
(setq ss_1 (last (ssgetfirst)))
(if (not ss_1)
(setq ss_1 (ssget '((0 . "~HATCH"))))
(if ss_1
(repeat (setq i (sslength ss_1))
(setq i (1- i))
(if (= "HATCH" (cdr(assoc 0 (ENTGET (setq e (ssname ss_1 i))))))
(SSDEL e SS_1 ))
(command "._chprop" "_non" ss_1 "" "_LA" "0" "")
(command "._chprop" "_non" ss_1 "" "_LT" "BYBLOCK" "")
(command "._chprop" "_non" ss_1 "" "_LTS" "1" "")
(command "._chprop" "_non" ss_1 "" "_LW" "BYBLOCK" "")
(command "._chprop" "_non" ss_1 "" "_TR" "BYBLOCK" "")
(command "._chprop" "_non" ss_1 "" "_C" "BYBLOCK" "")
;; initget from LeeMac help pages
(initget "Yes No")
(setq ans
(strcat "\nLoad FX_Round_Numbers_0Point5 and run ?\n: --------------------------------------------------------- :\nWill round off everything to the nearest 0.5\n: --------------------------------------------------------- :\n <"
(setq ans
(cond ( ans ) ( "Yes" ))
">: "
( ans )
((="Yes" ans)
(prompt "\nNow running the 0.5mm round off command also...\n-------------------------------------\n")
(load "FX_Round_Numbers_0Point5")
(sssetfirst nil (ssget "_P"))
((= "No" ans)
(princ (strcat "\n: --------------------------------------------------------- :\nFX_Round_Numbers_0Point5.lsp not performed.\n: --------------------------------------------------------- :\n"))(princ)
(repeat (setq i (sslength ss_1))
(setq i (1- i))
(if (/= "LWPOLYLINE" (cdr(assoc 0 (ENTGET (setq e (ssname ss_1 i))))))
(SSDEL e SS_1 ))
(if (> (sslength SS_1) 0)
(prompt "\nNow running the PSIMPLEV command also...\n-------------------------------------\n")
(load "PSimple")
(sssetfirst nil (ssget "_P"))
(princ (strcat "\nNo LWPOLYLINEs' found.\n: --------------------------------------------------------- :\n"))(princ)
(setq ss_1 nil)
(command "._regenall")
(princ "\nUser Cancelled Command\n")
(*error* nil)
(defun SS:error (errmsg)
(and acDoc (vla-EndUndoMark acDoc))
(and errmsg
(not (wcmatch (strcase errmsg) "*CANCEL*,*EXIT*"))
(princ (strcat "\n<< Error: " errmsg " >>\n"))
(setvar 'cmdecho cmde)
(setvar 'osmode os)
(setvar 'orthomode orthom)
(defun SS:startundo ()
(setq acDoc (vla-get-ActiveDocument (vlax-get-acad-object)))
(or (vla-EndUndoMark acDoc) (vla-StartUndoMark acDoc))
"\n3dwannab_ByBlock_Change_Entities.lsp Loaded\n"
"\nInvoke by typing 'BB'\n"
;; End of File ;;
;;----------------------------------------------------------------------;; 更新了上述代码。这将是编辑块时的救命稻草。我似乎把所有的时间都花在了区块编辑器上。。!!!