Billy Ray 发表于 2022-7-5 15:02:29

协助更新Lisp routi


%<\AcDiesel $(substr,$(getvar,DWGNAME),1,2)-$(substr,$(getvar,DWGNAME),3,5)-$(substr,$(getvar,DWGNAME),8,6)-$(substr,$(getvar,DWGNAME),14,3)-$(substr,$(getvar,DWGNAME),17,3)-$(substr,$(getvar,DWGNAME),20,5)>%


(defun c:updatetitleblock ( /
   ;;local variables
;;sets the document properties
(setq acadObject (vlax-get-acad-object)
   acadDocument (vla-get-ActiveDocument acadObject)
   dProps (vlax-get-Property acadDocument 'SummaryInfo)
   customPropertyName "DRAWING No. (from file name)"
customPropertyNamecpchem "filename sans characters after penultimate dash"
   revCustomPropertyName "REV (from file name)"
   projectCustomPropertyName "PROJECT NO (from file name)"
   projectCustomPropertyName2 "file name before underscore"
   folderCustomPropertyName "last character of folder"
   folderCustomPropertyName2 "last 2 characters of folder"
left20characters "filename (left 20 characters)"
left21characters "filename (left 21 characters)"
left22characters "filename (left 22 characters)"
left23characters "filename (left 23 characters)"
left24characters "filename (left 24 characters)"
left25characters "filename (left 25 characters)"
left26characters "filename (left 26 characters)"
left27characters "filename (left 27 characters)"
left28characters "filename (left 28 characters)"
left2characters "filename (left 2 characters)"
left18characters "filename (left 18 characters)"

;;sets a couple variables so that we can determine whether the property exists
(setq KeyCount 0 KeyValue nil)

;;while KeyValue is blank and KeyCount is less than number of properties
(while (and (null KeyValue) (< KeyCount (vla-NumCustomInfo dProps)))
;;get info about that property
;;if the property name matches the name we want, set KeyValue to it's value
(if        (= TempKeyName customPropertyName)
   (setq KeyValue TempKeyValue)
;;increment KayCount
(setq KeyCount (1+ KeyCount))
;;now we add the property if it wasn't there already
(if (= KeyValue nil) (vla-addcustominfo dProps customPropertyName "REOPEN DRAWING TO UPDATE"))

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;SAME THING AS ABOVE, BUT FOR left20characters;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
;;sets a couple variables so that we can determine whether the property exists
(setq KeyCount 0 KeyValue nil)

;;while KeyValue is blank and KeyCount is less than number of properties
(while (and (null KeyValue) (< KeyCount (vla-NumCustomInfo dProps)))
;;get info about that property
;;if the property name matches the name we want, set KeyValue to it's value
(if        (= TempKeyName left20characters)
   (setq KeyValue TempKeyValue)
;;increment KayCount
(setq KeyCount (1+ KeyCount))
;;now we add the property if it wasn't there already
(if (= KeyValue nil) (vla-addcustominfo dProps left20characters "REOPEN DRAWING TO UPDATE"))

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;SAME THING AS ABOVE, BUT FOR left21characters;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
;;sets a couple variables so that we can determine whether the property exists
(setq KeyCount 0 KeyValue nil)

;;while KeyValue is blank and KeyCount is less than number of properties
(while (and (null KeyValue) (< KeyCount (vla-NumCustomInfo dProps)))
;;get info about that property
;;if the property name matches the name we want, set KeyValue to it's value
(if        (= TempKeyName left21characters)
   (setq KeyValue TempKeyValue)
;;increment KayCount
(setq KeyCount (1+ KeyCount))
;;now we add the property if it wasn't there already
(if (= KeyValue nil) (vla-addcustominfo dProps left21characters "REOPEN DRAWING TO UPDATE"))

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;SAME THING AS ABOVE, BUT FOR left22characters;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
;;sets a couple variables so that we can determine whether the property exists
(setq KeyCount 0 KeyValue nil)

;;while KeyValue is blank and KeyCount is less than number of properties
(while (and (null KeyValue) (< KeyCount (vla-NumCustomInfo dProps)))
;;get info about that property
;;if the property name matches the name we want, set KeyValue to it's value
(if        (= TempKeyName left22characters)
   (setq KeyValue TempKeyValue)
;;increment KayCount
(setq KeyCount (1+ KeyCount))
;;now we add the property if it wasn't there already
(if (= KeyValue nil) (vla-addcustominfo dProps left22characters "REOPEN DRAWING TO UPDATE"))

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;SAME THING AS ABOVE, BUT FOR left23characters;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
;;sets a couple variables so that we can determine whether the property exists
(setq KeyCount 0 KeyValue nil)

;;while KeyValue is blank and KeyCount is less than number of properties
(while (and (null KeyValue) (< KeyCount (vla-NumCustomInfo dProps)))
;;get info about that property
;;if the property name matches the name we want, set KeyValue to it's value
(if        (= TempKeyName left23characters)
   (setq KeyValue TempKeyValue)
;;increment KayCount
(setq KeyCount (1+ KeyCount))
;;now we add the property if it wasn't there already
(if (= KeyValue nil) (vla-addcustominfo dProps left23characters "REOPEN DRAWING TO UPDATE"))

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;SAME THING AS ABOVE, BUT FOR left24characters;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
;;sets a couple variables so that we can determine whether the property exists
(setq KeyCount 0 KeyValue nil)

;;while KeyValue is blank and KeyCount is less than number of properties
(while (and (null KeyValue) (< KeyCount (vla-NumCustomInfo dProps)))
;;get info about that property
;;if the property name matches the name we want, set KeyValue to it's value
(if        (= TempKeyName left24characters)
   (setq KeyValue TempKeyValue)
;;increment KayCount
(setq KeyCount (1+ KeyCount))
;;now we add the property if it wasn't there already
(if (= KeyValue nil) (vla-addcustominfo dProps left24characters "REOPEN DRAWING TO UPDATE"))

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;SAME THING AS ABOVE, BUT FOR left25characters;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
;;sets a couple variables so that we can determine whether the property exists
(setq KeyCount 0 KeyValue nil)

;;while KeyValue is blank and KeyCount is less than number of properties
(while (and (null KeyValue) (< KeyCount (vla-NumCustomInfo dProps)))
;;get info about that property
;;if the property name matches the name we want, set KeyValue to it's value
(if        (= TempKeyName left25characters)
   (setq KeyValue TempKeyValue)
;;increment KayCount
(setq KeyCount (1+ KeyCount))
;;now we add the property if it wasn't there already
(if (= KeyValue nil) (vla-addcustominfo dProps left25characters "REOPEN DRAWING TO UPDATE"))

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;SAME THING AS ABOVE, BUT FOR left26characters;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
;;sets a couple variables so that we can determine whether the property exists
(setq KeyCount 0 KeyValue nil)

;;while KeyValue is blank and KeyCount is less than number of properties
(while (and (null KeyValue) (< KeyCount (vla-NumCustomInfo dProps)))
;;get info about that property
;;if the property name matches the name we want, set KeyValue to it's value
(if        (= TempKeyName left26characters)
   (setq KeyValue TempKeyValue)
;;increment KayCount
(setq KeyCount (1+ KeyCount))
;;now we add the property if it wasn't there already
(if (= KeyValue nil) (vla-addcustominfo dProps left26characters "REOPEN DRAWING TO UPDATE"))

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;SAME THING AS ABOVE, BUT FOR left27characters;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
;;sets a couple variables so that we can determine whether the property exists
(setq KeyCount 0 KeyValue nil)

;;while KeyValue is blank and KeyCount is less than number of properties
(while (and (null KeyValue) (< KeyCount (vla-NumCustomInfo dProps)))
;;get info about that property
;;if the property name matches the name we want, set KeyValue to it's value
(if        (= TempKeyName left27characters)
   (setq KeyValue TempKeyValue)
;;increment KayCount
(setq KeyCount (1+ KeyCount))
;;now we add the property if it wasn't there already
(if (= KeyValue nil) (vla-addcustominfo dProps left27characters "REOPEN DRAWING TO UPDATE"))

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;SAME THING AS ABOVE, BUT FOR left28characters;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
;;sets a couple variables so that we can determine whether the property exists
(setq KeyCount 0 KeyValue nil)

;;while KeyValue is blank and KeyCount is less than number of properties
(while (and (null KeyValue) (< KeyCount (vla-NumCustomInfo dProps)))
;;get info about that property
;;if the property name matches the name we want, set KeyValue to it's value
(if        (= TempKeyName left28characters)
   (setq KeyValue TempKeyValue)
;;increment KayCount
(setq KeyCount (1+ KeyCount))
;;now we add the property if it wasn't there already
(if (= KeyValue nil) (vla-addcustominfo dProps left28characters "REOPEN DRAWING TO UPDATE"))

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;SAME THING AS ABOVE, BUT FOR left2characters;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
;;sets a couple variables so that we can determine whether the property exists
(setq KeyCount 0 KeyValue nil)

;;while KeyValue is blank and KeyCount is less than number of properties
(while (and (null KeyValue) (< KeyCount (vla-NumCustomInfo dProps)))
;;get info about that property
;;if the property name matches the name we want, set KeyValue to it's value
(if        (= TempKeyName left2characters)
   (setq KeyValue TempKeyValue)
;;increment KayCount
(setq KeyCount (1+ KeyCount))
;;now we add the property if it wasn't there already
(if (= KeyValue nil) (vla-addcustominfo dProps left2characters "REOPEN DRAWING TO UPDATE"))

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;SAME THING AS ABOVE, BUT FOR left18characters;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
;;sets a couple variables so that we can determine whether the property exists
(setq KeyCount 0 KeyValue nil)

;;while KeyValue is blank and KeyCount is less than number of properties
(while (and (null KeyValue) (< KeyCount (vla-NumCustomInfo dProps)))
;;get info about that property
;;if the property name matches the name we want, set KeyValue to it's value
(if        (= TempKeyName left18characters)
   (setq KeyValue TempKeyValue)
;;increment KayCount
(setq KeyCount (1+ KeyCount))
;;now we add the property if it wasn't there already
(if (= KeyValue nil) (vla-addcustominfo dProps left18characters "REOPEN DRAWING TO UPDATE"))

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;SAME THING AS ABOVE, BUT FOR CPchem;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
;;sets a couple variables so that we can determine whether the property exists
(setq KeyCount 0 KeyValue nil)

;;while KeyValue is blank and KeyCount is less than number of properties
(while (and (null KeyValue) (< KeyCount (vla-NumCustomInfo dProps)))
;;get info about that property
;;if the property name matches the name we want, set KeyValue to it's value
(if        (= TempKeyName customPropertyNamecpchem)
   (setq KeyValue TempKeyValue)
;;increment KayCount
(setq KeyCount (1+ KeyCount))
;;now we add the property if it wasn't there already
(if (= KeyValue nil) (vla-addcustominfo dProps customPropertyNamecpchem "REOPEN DRAWING TO UPDATE"))

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;SAME THING AS ABOVE, BUT FOR REV;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
;;sets a couple variables so that we can determine whether the property exists
(setq KeyCount 0 KeyValue nil)

;;while KeyValue is blank and KeyCount is less than number of properties
(while (and (null KeyValue) (< KeyCount (vla-NumCustomInfo dProps)))
;;get info about that property
;;if the property name matches the name we want, set KeyValue to it's value
(if        (= TempKeyName revCustomPropertyName)
   (setq KeyValue TempKeyValue)
;;increment KayCount
(setq KeyCount (1+ KeyCount))
;;now we add the property if it wasn't there already
(if (= KeyValue nil) (vla-addcustominfo dProps revCustomPropertyName "REOPEN DRAWING TO UPDATE"))

;;;;;;;;;;;;SAME THING AS ABOVE, BUT FOR folderLastDigit;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
;;sets a couple variables so that we can determine whether the property exists
(setq KeyCount 0 KeyValue nil)

;;while KeyValue is blank and KeyCount is less than number of properties
(while (and (null KeyValue) (< KeyCount (vla-NumCustomInfo dProps)))
;;get info about that property
;;if the property name matches the name we want, set KeyValue to it's value
(if        (= TempKeyName folderCustomPropertyName)
   (setq KeyValue TempKeyValue)
;;increment KayCount
(setq KeyCount (1+ KeyCount))
;;now we add the property if it wasn't there already
(if (= KeyValue nil) (vla-addcustominfo dProps folderCustomPropertyName "REOPEN DRAWING TO UPDATE"))

;;;;;;;;;;;;SAME THING AS ABOVE, BUT FOR project number;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
;;sets a couple variables so that we can determine whether the property exists
(setq KeyCount 0 KeyValue nil)

;;while KeyValue is blank and KeyCount is less than number of properties
(while (and (null KeyValue) (< KeyCount (vla-NumCustomInfo dProps)))
;;get info about that property
;;if the property name matches the name we want, set KeyValue to it's value
(if        (= TempKeyName projectCustomPropertyName)
   (setq KeyValue TempKeyValue)
;;increment KayCount
(setq KeyCount (1+ KeyCount))
;;now we add the property if it wasn't there already
(if (= KeyValue nil) (vla-addcustominfo dProps projectCustomPropertyName "REOPEN DRAWING TO UPDATE"))

;;;;;;;;;;;;SAME THING AS ABOVE, BUT FOR project number;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
;;sets a couple variables so that we can determine whether the property exists
(setq KeyCount 0 KeyValue nil)

;;while KeyValue is blank and KeyCount is less than number of properties
(while (and (null KeyValue) (< KeyCount (vla-NumCustomInfo dProps)))
;;get info about that property
;;if the property name matches the name we want, set KeyValue to it's value
(if        (= TempKeyName projectCustomPropertyName2)
   (setq KeyValue TempKeyValue)
;;increment KayCount
(setq KeyCount (1+ KeyCount))
;;now we add the property if it wasn't there already
(if (= KeyValue nil) (vla-addcustominfo dProps projectCustomPropertyName2 "REOPEN DRAWING TO UPDATE"))

;;;;;;;;;;;;SAME THING AS ABOVE, BUT FOR project number;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
;;sets a couple variables so that we can determine whether the property exists
(setq KeyCount 0 KeyValue nil)

;;while KeyValue is blank and KeyCount is less than number of properties
(while (and (null KeyValue) (< KeyCount (vla-NumCustomInfo dProps)))
;;get info about that property
;;if the property name matches the name we want, set KeyValue to it's value
(if        (= TempKeyName folderCustomPropertyName2)
   (setq KeyValue TempKeyValue)
;;increment KayCount
(setq KeyCount (1+ KeyCount))
;;now we add the property if it wasn't there already
(if (= KeyValue nil) (vla-addcustominfo dProps folderCustomPropertyName2 "REOPEN DRAWING TO UPDATE"))

;;sets strDrawingName as the name of the current drawing
(setq strDrawingName (getvar "dwgname"))

;;resets strRevNum
(setq strRevNum "")

;;makes strDrawingName uppercase
(setq strDrawingName (strcase strDrawingName))

;;if the drawing name ends in .DWG, take off the last 4 characters
(if (= (substr strDrawingName (- (strlen strDrawingName) 3) (strlen strDrawingName)) ".DWG")
(setq strDrawingName (substr strDrawingName 1 (- (strlen strDrawingName) 4)))
(setq strDrawingName strDrawingName)

;;makes strDrawingNameNoSpaces
(setq strDrawingNameNoSpaces strDrawingName)
(while (/= strDrawingNameNoSpaces (vl-string-subst "" " " strDrawingNameNoSpaces)) (setq strDrawingNameNoSpaces (vl-string-subst "" " " strDrawingNameNoSpaces)))

;;makes all the set-length filenames
(setq strleft20characters (substr strDrawingNameNoSpaces 1 20))
(setq strleft21characters (substr strDrawingNameNoSpaces 1 21))
(setq strleft22characters (substr strDrawingNameNoSpaces 1 22))
(setq strleft23characters (substr strDrawingNameNoSpaces 1 23))
(setq strleft24characters (substr strDrawingNameNoSpaces 1 24))
(setq strleft25characters (substr strDrawingNameNoSpaces 1 25))
(setq strleft26characters (substr strDrawingNameNoSpaces 1 26))
(setq strleft27characters (substr strDrawingNameNoSpaces 1 27))
(setq strleft28characters (substr strDrawingNameNoSpaces 1 28))
(setq strleft2characters (substr strDrawingNameNoSpaces 1 2))
(setq strleft18characters (substr strDrawingNameNoSpaces 1 18))

;;makes strDrawingNamecpchem
(setq strDrawingNamecpchem strDrawingNameNoSpaces)
(if (= (substr strDrawingNamecpchem (- (strlen strDrawingNamecpchem) 1) 1) "-") (setq strDrawingNamecpchem (substr strDrawingNamecpchem 1 (- (strlen strDrawingNamecpchem) 2)))
(if (= (substr strDrawingNamecpchem (- (strlen strDrawingNamecpchem) 2) 1) "-") (setq strDrawingNamecpchem (substr strDrawingNamecpchem 1 (- (strlen strDrawingNamecpchem) 3)))
        (if (= (substr strDrawingNamecpchem (- (strlen strDrawingNamecpchem) 3) 1) "-") (setq strDrawingNamecpchem (substr strDrawingNamecpchem 1 (- (strlen strDrawingNamecpchem) 4))))
(if (= (substr strDrawingNamecpchem (- (strlen strDrawingNamecpchem) 1) 1) "-") (setq strDrawingNamecpchem (substr strDrawingNamecpchem 1 (- (strlen strDrawingNamecpchem) 2)))
(if (= (substr strDrawingNamecpchem (- (strlen strDrawingNamecpchem) 2) 1) "-") (setq strDrawingNamecpchem (substr strDrawingNamecpchem 1 (- (strlen strDrawingNamecpchem) 3)))
        (if (= (substr strDrawingNamecpchem (- (strlen strDrawingNamecpchem) 3) 1) "-") (setq strDrawingNamecpchem (substr strDrawingNamecpchem 1 (- (strlen strDrawingNamecpchem) 4))))

;;does stuff to get rid of revision number
(if (= nil (vl-string-search "REV" strDrawingName))
;;unless there is no rev, in which get rid of trailing numbers
;;if the last three digits of DrawingNameNoSpaces has a dash or a period or an underscore
(if (/= (substr strDrawingNameNoSpaces (- (strlen strDrawingNameNoSpaces) 2) 3) (vl-string-subst "" "." (vl-string-subst "" "_" (vl-string-subst "" "-" (substr strDrawingNameNoSpaces (- (strlen strDrawingNameNoSpaces) 2) 3)))))
   (while (/= "_" (substr strDrawingName (strlen strDrawingName) 1) "-" (substr strDrawingName (strlen strDrawingName) 1) ".")
      (setq strRevNum (strcat (substr strDrawingName (strlen strDrawingName) 1) strRevNum)
            strDrawingName (substr strDrawingName 1 (- (strlen strDrawingName) 1))
   ;;otherwise, if the last four digits are a dash and 3 numbers
   (if (= (vl-string-right-trim "0123456789" (substr strDrawingNameNoSpaces (- (strlen strDrawingNameNoSpaces) 3) 4)) "-")
          (setq strRevNum (substr strDrawingNameNoSpaces (- (strlen strDrawingNameNoSpaces) 2) 3)
                strDrawingName (substr strDrawingName 1 (- (strlen strDrawingName) 4))

;;gets rid of everything past the REV
(setq strRevNum (substr strDrawingName (+ 4 (vl-string-search "REV" strDrawingName)) (- (+ 1 (strlen strDrawingName)) (vl-string-search "REV" strDrawingName)))
      strDrawingName (substr strDrawingName 1 (vl-string-search "REV" strDrawingName)))

;;gets rid of trailing spaces and dashes
(setq strDrawingName (vl-string-right-trim " -._(" strDrawingName))
(setq strRevNum (vl-string-right-trim " -._()" strRevNum))

;;gets rid of #. or ##.from beginning of drawing name
(if (or (= (substr strDrawingName 2 1) ".") (= (substr strDrawingName 3 1) "."))
;;gets rid of opening digits
(setq strDrawingName (vl-string-left-trim "0123456789" strDrawingName))
;;otherwise do nothing
(setq strDrawingName strDrawingName)

;;gets rid of leading spaces and dashes
(setq strDrawingName (vl-string-left-trim " -._)" strDrawingName))
(setq strRevNum (vl-string-left-trim " -._()" strRevNum))

;;gets rid of leading zeros from drawing rev
(if (and (= (substr strRevNum 1 1) "0") (> (strlen strRevNum) 1)) (setq strRevNum (substr strRevNum 2 (- (strlen strRevNum) 1))))
(if (and (= (substr strRevNum 1 1) "0") (> (strlen strRevNum) 1)) (setq strRevNum (substr strRevNum 2 (- (strlen strRevNum) 1))))
(if (and (= (substr strRevNum 1 1) "0") (> (strlen strRevNum) 1)) (setq strRevNum (substr strRevNum 2 (- (strlen strRevNum) 1))))

;;sets the property to our formatted name
(vla-SetCustomByKey dProps left20characters strleft20characters)
(vla-SetCustomByKey dProps left21characters strleft21characters)
(vla-SetCustomByKey dProps left22characters strleft22characters)
(vla-SetCustomByKey dProps left23characters strleft23characters)
(vla-SetCustomByKey dProps left24characters strleft24characters)
(vla-SetCustomByKey dProps left25characters strleft25characters)
(vla-SetCustomByKey dProps left26characters strleft26characters)
(vla-SetCustomByKey dProps left27characters strleft27characters)
(vla-SetCustomByKey dProps left28characters strleft28characters)
(vla-SetCustomByKey dProps left2characters strleft2characters)
(vla-SetCustomByKey dProps left18characters strleft18characters)
(vla-SetCustomByKey dProps customPropertyNamecpchem strDrawingNamecpchem)
(vla-SetCustomByKey dProps customPropertyName strDrawingName)
(vla-SetCustomByKey dProps revCustomPropertyName strRevNum)
(vla-SetCustomByKey dProps folderCustomPropertyName (substr(getvar "dwgprefix") (- (strlen (getvar "dwgprefix")) 1) 1))
(vla-SetCustomByKey dProps folderCustomPropertyName2 (substr(getvar "dwgprefix") (- (strlen (getvar "dwgprefix")) 2) 2))
(vla-SetCustomByKey dProps projectCustomPropertyName (vl-string-right-trim " -._()" (substr strDrawingName 1 10)))
(vla-SetCustomByKey dProps projectCustomPropertyName2 (vl-string-right-trim " -._()" (substr strDrawingName 1 (vl-string-search "_" strDrawingName))))

;;forces update
(command "updatefield" "all" "")




Billy Ray 发表于 2022-7-5 15:07:12


pBe 发表于 2022-7-5 15:11:12


Billy Ray 发表于 2022-7-5 15:14:44


ronjonp 发表于 2022-7-5 15:16:01


Billy Ray 发表于 2022-7-5 15:19:36


pBe 发表于 2022-7-5 15:23:47



Billy Ray 发表于 2022-7-5 15:27:31


pBe 发表于 2022-7-5 15:28:23


   '(lambda (n)
      (strcat "-" (substr (getvar 'dwgname) (car n) (cadr n)))
   '((1 2) (3 5) (8 6) (14 3) (17 3) (20 5))

("-AB" "-12345" "-AB1234" "-ABC" "-A12" "-34567")


Billy Ray 发表于 2022-7-5 15:32:31

页: [1] 2
查看完整版本: 协助更新Lisp routi