(defun c:explodable () (load "explodable") (C:explodable) ) explodable
(defun c:XRU () (load "XRU") (C:XRU) ) XRU
(defun c:burstall () (load "burstall") (C:burstall) ) burstall
(defun c:ibase () (load "ibase") (C:ibase) ) ibase
(defun c:DeMask () (load "DeMask") (C:DeMask) ) DeMask
(defun c:clean0 ()
; (getstring "\nClean0 Begin: tempoverrides set to 0")
(setvar "tempoverrides" 0)
; (getstring "\nClean0 Begin: Pickstyle to 0")
(setvar "pickstyle" 0)
; (getstring "\nClean0 Begin: UCS Reset to 0")
(Command "ucsfollow" "0")
; (getstring "\nClean0 Begin: UCS set to World")
(Command "ucs" "w")
; (getstring "\nClean0 Begin: INSBase subr")
; (getstring "\nClean0 Begin: UCS Reset to 0")
(Command "ucsfollow" "0")
; (getstring "\nClean0 Begin: UCS set to World")
(Command "ucs" "w")
; (getstring "\nClean0 Begin: INSBase subr")
; (getstring "\nClean0 Begin: PLAN")
(Command "PLAN" "w")
; (getstring "\nClean0 Begin: angbase")
(Command "angbase" "0")
; (getstring "\nClean0 Begin: snapang")
(Command "snapang" "0")
; (getstring "\nClean0 Begin: ZoomExt")
; (getstring "\nClean0 Begin: s0")
; (getstring "\nClean0 Begin: Visretain Set to 1")
(setvar "VISRETAIN" 1)
; (getstring "\nClean0 Begin: Unload all xrefs")
; (getstring "\nClean0 Begin: Thaw All")
; (getstring "\nClean0 Begin: Turn all on")
; (getstring "\nClean0 Begin: Make objects explodable")
; (getstring "\nClean0 Begin: Burstall")
; (getstring "\nClean0 Begin: ConstraintInfer set to 0")
(command "CONSTRAINTINFER" "0")
; (getstring "\nClean0 Begin: Thaw all")
; (getstring "\nClean0 Begin: Turn all on")
; (getstring "\nClean0 Begin: Zoom Ext")
; (getstring "\nClean0 Begin: Set Elev to 0")
; (getstring "\nClean0 Begin: Select All")
; (getstring "\nAll M Text to without Mask")
; (getstring "\nClean0 Begin: Change all Selected to Color by Layer")
; (getstring "\nClean0 Begin: Create a group of points")
(setq ss (ssget "_x" '((0 . "point"))))
; (getstring "\nClean0 Begin: Erase a group of points")
(Command "erase" "p" "")
; (getstring "\nClean0 Begin: Create a group of wipeouts")
(setq ss (ssget "_x" '((0 . "wipeout"))))
; (getstring "\nClean0 Begin: Erase a group of wipeouts")
(Command "erase" "p" "")
; (getstring "\nClean0 Begin: Superpurge")
; (getstring "\nClean0 Begin: ZoomExt")
) 我用这层删除它有能力做你想做的看看这2条新的线
(setq lst (list "Outside" "inside" "left "right" "22"))
(fx-rm-layer lst)
删除图层。lsp 唯一的缺点是你不能删除一些层时,他们已经感染了块。在这种情况下,您必须使用LAYMRG。