所以在相当多的程序调用结束后打开一个绘图,在接近过程结束时,我做了一个。。。(command "zoom" "a")(princ),但它不起作用。我在想,一路上发生了一些事情,让它没有反应。
格雷格 你好
lisp文件依赖于DWG。 “lisp文件依赖于DWG。”嗯……嗯。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。这不取决于lisp例程的加载方式吗?Acad。lsp与阿卡多克。lsp? 这是《阿卡多克》中的部分。lsp,缩放都在底部附近:
(princ "\n\n Start initializatons to dwg ...") ; Note status
(command "undo" "9") ; Undo extra added stuff
(command "zoom" "a")(princ) ;_zoom all
(command "insunits" "1")(princ) ; drawing-units value set to "inch
(command "units" "4" "16" "2" "3" "0" "N") ; change to architectural units
(princ) ;
(princ "\n Move BOM data to TEXT layer ...") ; Note status
(setq mypath (getvar "dwgprefix")) ; Read and set current directory path
(setq mylisp "SetWinToLayerTEXT.lsp") ; Set the lisp routine name
(setq mypatlsp (strcat mypath mylisp)) ; Set the path/file of the lisp routine name
(load mypatlsp) ; Load the lisp routine
(c:SetWinToLayerTEXT) ; Run the lisp routine
(princ "\n Move Layer 0 data to FIC layer ..."); Note status
(setq mylisp "ChgLay0toFIC.lsp") ; Set the lisp routine name
(setq mypatlsp (strcat mypath mylisp)) ; Set the path/file of the lisp routine name
(load mypatlsp) ; Load the lisp routine
(c:ChgLay0toFIC) ; Run the lisp routine
(princ "\n Find/move DIMLDR data to TEXT layer") ; Note status
(setq mylisp "DIMLDRtoTEXT.lsp") ; Set the lisp routine name
(setq mypatlsp (strcat mypath mylisp)) ; Set the path/file of the lisp routine name
(load mypatlsp) ; Load the lisp routine
(c:DTT) ; Run the lisp routine
(princ "\n Explode all DIMLDR blocks ") ; Note status
(setq mylisp "ExplodeDimldrBlocks.lsp") ; Set the lisp routine name
(setq mypatlsp (strcat mypath mylisp)) ; Set the path/file of the lisp routine name
(load mypatlsp) ; Load the lisp routine
(c:EDB) ; Run the lisp routine
(princ "\n Delete all ATTDEF with large text") ; Note status
(setq mylisp "DeleteBigText.lsp") ; Set the lisp routine name
(setq mypatlsp (strcat mypath mylisp)) ; Set the path/file of the lisp routine name
(load mypatlsp) ; Load the lisp routine
(c:DBT) ; Run the lisp routine
(princ "\n Read Title Block Data and set ...."); Note status
(setq mylisp "UpdateTitleblockV1-9.lsp") ; Set the lisp routine name
(setq mypatlsp (strcat mypath mylisp)) ; Set the path/file of the lisp routine name
;(load "P:\\CADWorx\\Project.Models\\Lyondell\\Piping.Iso\\UpdateTitleblockV1-9.lsp")
(load mypatlsp) ; Load and autorun the lisp routine
(princ "\nAutoLISP Title Block file loaded.") ; Note status
(command "zoom" "a")(princ) ;_zoom all
(princ "\n\n ========================================\n\n")
(princ)Greg 与后触摸类似,如果此(加载mypatlsp)或DBT使用OPEN,则lisp将停止。您需要一个脚本,该脚本可以跨多个dwg运行并调用lisp。解决不知道dwg名称的一个简单方法是,在使用第一阶段,使用正确的dwg名称编写脚本文件。然后简单(命令“SCRIPT”“ABCDEFG”)这将结束当前的lisp。