(vl-load-com) ;Load VLisp extensions
;; Function to change bllocks to a layer by wildcard
(defun Blk2Lay (LName ss / n en eo)
(if (not (tblobjname "LAYER" LName)) ;Check if layer doesn't exist
(command "._LAYER" "_Make" LName "") ;Make the layer
) ;_ end of if
(setq n (sslength ss)) ;Initialize counter
(while (>= (setq n (1- n)) 0) ;Step through all entities in selection set
(setq en (ssname ss n) ;Get the nth EName
eo (vlax-ename->vla-object en) ;Get the ActiveX object
) ;_ end of setq
(vla-put-Layer eo LName) ;Change block reference to new layer
) ;_ end of while
) ;_ end of defun
;; Command to change blocks to a layer by wildcard
(defun c:Blk2Lay (/ LName BWild ss)
(if (setq LName (getstring "Enter the layer's name: ")) ;Get the layer's name
(if (and
(and (= (setq BWild (getstring ;Get wildcard, default as layer name
(strcat "Enter the wildcard for the block name <*" LName "*>: ")
) ;_ end of getstring
) ;_ end of setq
) ;_ end of =
(setq BWild (strcat "*" LName "*")) ;Default to LName
) ;_ end of and
(and BWild (/= BWild ""))
) ;_ end of or
(setq ss (ssget "_X" (list '(0 . "INSERT") (cons 2 BWild)))) ;And some blocks found
) ;_ end of and
(Blk2Lay LName ss) ;Perform the change
) ;_ end of if
) ;_ end of if
) ;_ end of defun
Second - > I changed property of this layer to non visible.
Third - > I applied above changes on selected drawings.
Based on another example I found that there is possible to use LISP getfiles as well as ObjectDBX Wrapper which allow to use another function like below:
//This is example of script which remove blocks with name "KOLKO' from selected drawings
(defun c:dbtest ( / lst )
(if (setq lst (LM:getfiles "Select Drawings to Process" nil "dwg;dws;dwt"))
(LM:odbx '(lambda ( doc ) (LM:deleteblocks doc '("KOLKO"))) lst t)
(princ "\n*Cancel*")
有谁能帮我解决我的问题吗? “隐藏”层是关闭还是冻结? 在这种情况下,这无关紧要。它们可能被隐藏或冻结。我只想保留这些积木,但不想移除它们 我认为这会有所不同。您可能希望为希望帮助您测试其代码的任何人提供一个样例绘图。具体说明哪些块必须“隐藏”以及您喜欢的方法。我们需要一个。dwg文件不是图像文件。 现在,我只能尝试使用与我的主要例子类似的例子来更详细地解释我的问题。当然,我的作品数量要大得多。
我不熟悉LISP,因此这就是我很难了解其工作原理的原因:/ 请阅读代码发布指南,并编辑代码以包含在代码标签中。
Your Code Here=
Your Code Here 简单的图层情况(命令“-layer”“off”layername”“)或冻结。也可以使用通配符-layer off k*