20年前,我为理科硕士写了一个Lisp例程,但没法用,有人能帮忙吗,这是一个基于建筑师阿尔瓦·阿尔托作品的实验(defun dtr (a)
(* pi (/ a 180.0))
(defun addz (pos inc / z)
(setq z (caddr pos)
z (+ inc z)
pos (list (car pos) (cadr pos) z)
(defun rnge (bot top)
(setq r (rand (- top bot))
r (+ bot r))
(defun rand (range / x z r)
(if (not seed) (setq seed 350))
(setq x (1 + (* seed 2197.0))
z (fix (/ x 4096.0))
seed (fix (- x (* z 4096.0)))
r (fix (1 + (abs (* (/ seed 4096.0) (- range 1.0)))))
(defun dvolp (pcn)
(setq radb (distance ps pe)
angb (angle ps pcn)
psb (polar ps ang radb)
peb (polar pe (* ang anginc) radb)
(defun drawvolp (pcn)
(setq radb (distance ps pe)
angb (angle ps pcn)
psb (polar ps ang radb)
peb (polar pe (+ ang anginc) radb)
radc (distance psb speb)
angc (angle psb speb)
angd (angle peb pe)
ange (angle ps pe)
angf (angle pe ps)
angg (angle peb pe)
psc (polar psb angc (/ radc 2))
psoa (polar psb angc (/ radc 2))
psob (polar ps angc radc)
psn (polar psob ange radc)
peoa (polar pe angg (/ radc 2))
peob (polar pe angg radc)
pen (polar peob angf radc)
htrad1 (distance psc peb)
htrad2 (distance psoa peoa)
htrad3 (distance psob peob)
psnht (addz psn htrad3)
psoaht (addz psoa htrad2)
pscht (addz psoa htrad1)
penht (addz pen htrad3)
peoaht (addz peoa htrad2)
pebht (addz peb htrad1)
(command "layer" "m" "line" "c" 5 "" "")
(command "3dface" psoa psoaht pscht psc "")
(command "3dface" psc pscht pebht peb"")
(command "3dface" peb pebht peoaht peoa "")
(command "3dface" peoa peoaht penht pen "")
(command "3dface" pen penht psnht psn "")
(command "3dface" psn psnht psoaht psoa "")
(command "3dface" pebht peoaht penht pebht "")
(command "3dface" pscht psoaht psnht pscht "")
(command "3dface" pebht penht psnht pscht "")
(defun dvolreg (pcn)
(setq radt (fix (* (distance pte pts) (sqrt 2)))
anga (angle pts pcn)
angb (angle pte pcn)
ptsb (polar pts anga radt)
pteb (polar pte angb radt)
htrad (distance pte pts)
ptsht (addz pts htrad)
ptsbht (addz ptsb htrad)
pteht (addz pte htrad)
ptebht (addz pteb htrad)
p1val (rnge 1 (fix (/ radt 2.7)))
outang (angle pte pts)
innang (angle pteb ptsb)
ptemid (polar pte outang (/ htrad 2))
ptebmid (polar pteb innang (/ (distance pteb ptsb) 2))
midang (angle ptebmid ptemid)
p4val (rnge 1 p1val)
npte1 (polar pte angb p4val))
(if (>= cnter 1) (setq npte1 npts1))
(if (= cnter 0) (setq p2val (rnge 1 (fix (/ htrad 6)))))
(if (= cnter 0) (setq p3val (rnge 1 p1val)))
(setq npte2 (polar npte1 (+ angb (dtr 90)) p2val)
npte3 (polar npte2 midang p3val)
npts1 (polar pts anga p4val)
npts2 (polar npts1 (- anga (dtr 90)) p2val)
npts3 (polar npts2 midang p3val)
npte1ht (addz npte1 htrad)
npte2ht (addz npte2 htrad)
npte3ht (addz npte3 htrad)
npts1ht (addz npts1 htrad)
npts2ht (addz npts2 htrad)
npts3ht (addz npts3 htrad))
(command "layer" "m" "line" "c" 5 "" "")
(command "3dface" pteb ptebht npte1ht npte1 "")
(command "3dface" npte1 npte1ht npte2ht npte2 "")
(command "3dface" npte2 npte2ht npte3ht npte3 "")
(command "3dface" npte3 npte3ht npts3ht npts3 "")
(command "3dface" npts3 npts3ht npts2ht npts2 "")
(command "3dface" npts2 npts2ht npts1ht npts1 "")
(command "3dface" npts1 npts1ht ptsbht ptsb "")
(command "3dface" ptsb ptsbht ptebht pteb "")
(command "3dface" ptebht npte1ht npte2ht npte3ht "")
(command "3dface" npts3ht npts2ht npts1ht ptsbht "")
(command "3dface" ptebht npte3ht npts3ht ptsbht "")
(setq pteb ptsb
pte pts)
(defun prog ()
(command "erase" (ssget "x") "")
(command "redraw")
(setq small (list 300 300)
large (list 1000 1000))
(command "zoom" "w" small large)
(command "layer" "m" "arcs" "c" 3 "" "")
(setvar "cmdecho" 0)
(setvar "pdmode" 35)
(setvar "pdsize" 1)
(setq pc (getpoint "\nPick a Point: ")
rd (getpoint pc "\nPick Radius and Start Angle: ")
anginc (getangle "\nEnter Angle in Degrees: ")
rad (distance pc rd)
ang (angle pc rd)
ps (polar pc ang rad)
pe (polar pc (+ ang anginc) rad)
(command "arc" "c" pc ps pe)
(setq cntr (fix (/ 360 (atof (angtos anginc))))
cntb (- (/ cntr 2) 1)
n "t")
(while n
(setq speb peb
ang (angle pe pc)
angrev (angle pc pe)
rad (* rad (sqrt 2))
pcb pc
pc (polar pe ang rad)
ps pe
pe (polar pc (+ angrev anginc) rad))
(command "layer" "m" "arcs" "c" 3 "" "")
(command "arc" "c" pc ps pe)
(if (> cntr cntb) (dvolp pcb))
(if (<= cntr cntb) (drawvolp pcb))
(command "layer" "m" "pnts" "c" 1 "" "")
(command "point" pe)
(setq cntr (- cntr 1))
(if (= cntr 0) (setq n nil))
(command "layer" "m" "arcs" "c" 3 "" "")
(command "arc" "c" pc ps pe)
(command "zoom" "e")
(defun reg ()
(command "erase" (ssget "x") "")
(setq small (list 300 300)
large (list 1000 1000))
(command "zoom" "w" small large)
(command "redraw")
(command "layer" "m" "arcs" "c" 3 "" "")
(setvar "cmdecho" 0)
(setvar "pdmode" 35)
(setvar "pdsize" 1)
(setq pc (getpoint "\nPick a Point: ")
rd (getpoint pc "\nPick Radius and Start Angle: ")
anginc (getangle "\nEnter Angle in Degrees: ")
seed (getreal "\nEnter Seed: ")
pc1 pc
rad (distance pc rd)
ang (angle pc rd)
ps (polar pc ang rad)
pe (polar pc (+ ang anginc) rad))
(command "pline")
(setq cntr (fix (/ 360 (atof (angtos anginc))))
cntb (/ cntr 2)
n "t")
(while n
(setq ang (angle pe pc)
angrev (angle pc pe)
rad (* rad (sqrt 2))
pcb pc
pc (polar pe ang rad)
ps pe
pe (polar pc (+ angrev anginc) rad))
(if (<= cntr cntb) (command ps "arc" "ce" pc pe))
(if (= cntr cntb) (setq ps1 ps))
(setq cntr (- cntr 1))
(if (< cntr 0) (setq n nil))
(command "")
(command "line" ps1 pe "")
(command "layer" "m" "pnts" "c" 1 "" "")
(command "zoom" "e" "")
(command "divide" ps (rnge 5 15))
(setq pte pe
ss1 (ssget "x" (list (cons 0 "point")))
num (sslength ss1)
cnter 0)
(repeat num
(setq pts (cdr (assoc 10 (entget (ssname ss1 cnter)))))
(dvolreg pcb)
(setq cnter (1+ cnter))
(command "zoom" "e")
(defun c:try ()
(initget "Prog Reg")
(setq answer (getkword "\nWhat do you want <Prog/Reg>? "))
((= answer "Prog") (prog))
((= answer "Reg") (reg))
(command "erase" (ssget "x") "")
(if (setq ss (ssget "x")) (command "erase" ss ""))
(1 + ...) 我会这样写主函数:
(1+ ...)
(defun c:test ( / answer )
(initget "Prog Reg")
(or (setq answer (getkword "\nWhat do you want <Prog> ? ")) (setq answer "Prog"))
((and (= answer "Prog") (= 'SUBR (type prog))) (princ "\nChoosed: Prog") (prog))
((and (= answer "Reg") (= 'SUBR (type reg))) (princ "\nChoosed: Reg") (reg))
(defun addz (pos inc / z)
pos (listp pos) (numberp inc)
(setq pos (list (car pos) (cadr pos) (+ inc (caddr pos))))
(defun rnge (bot top)
(apply 'and (mapcar 'numberp (list bot top)))
(setq r (+ bot (rand (- top bot))))
(defun rand (range / x z r)
(or (numberp seed) (setq seed 350))
(numberp range)
(setq x (1+ (* seed 2197.0)))
(setq z (fix (/ x 4096.0)))
(setq seed (fix (- x (* z 4096.0))))
(setq r (fix (1+ (abs (* (/ seed 4096.0) (- range 1.0))))))
(defun dvolp (pcn)
pcn (listp pcn) (apply 'and (mapcar 'numberp pcn))
(setq radb (distance ps pe))
(setq angb (angle ps pcn))
(setq psb (polar ps ang radb))
(setq peb (polar pe (* ang anginc) radb))
(command "layer" "m" "line" "c" 5 "" "")
(command "3dface" psoa psoaht pscht psc "")
(command "3dface" psc pscht pebht peb"")
(command "3dface" peb pebht peoaht peoa "")
(command "3dface" peoa peoaht penht pen "")
(command "3dface" pen penht psnht psn "")
(command "3dface" psn psnht psoaht psoa "")
(command "3dface" pebht peoaht penht pebht "")
(command "3dface" pscht psoaht psnht pscht "")
(command "3dface" pebht penht psnht pscht "")
"_.LAYER" "m" "line" "c" 5 "" ""
"_.3DFACE" "_non" psoa "_non" psoaht "_non" pscht "_non" psc ""
"_.3DFACE" "_non" psc "_non" pscht "_non" pebht "_non" peb ""
"_.3DFACE" "_non" peb "_non" pebht "_non" peoaht "_non" peoa ""
"_.3DFACE" "_non" peoa "_non" peoaht "_non" penht "_non" pen ""
"_.3DFACE" "_non" pen "_non" penht "_non" psnht "_non" psn ""
"_.3DFACE" "_non" psn "_non" psnht "_non" psoaht "_non" psoa ""
"_.3DFACE" "_non" pebht "_non" peoaht "_non" penht "_non" pebht ""
"_.3DFACE" "_non" pscht "_non" psoaht "_non" psnht "_non" pscht ""
"_.3DFACE" "_non" pebht "_non" penht "_non" psnht "_non" pscht ""
(setq pc (getpoint "\nPick a Point: ")
rd (getpoint pc "\nPick Radius and Start Angle: ")
anginc (getangle "\nEnter Angle in Degrees: ")
seed (getreal "\nEnter Seed: ")
... pe (polar pc (+ ang anginc) rad)
对不起,没有完全修订-通过子函数的全局变量和这些计算让我感到困惑 非常感谢,当我开始工作时,我会给你寄一份 您好,如果您给我发一个电子邮件地址,我会给您发一份我写的论文的副本,这样您就可以了解它过去的工作原理,非常感谢您今天上午的帮助,
只需上传你在这里有什么(cadtutor)。我们不是唯一能帮助你的人。 论文以pdf格式附呈 论文的第二部分 您已经看到的代码 我成功了