这可能是一个很容易回答的问题。我最近从AutoCAD 2006迁移到AutoCAD 2018,正在学习所有更改。一件不起作用的事情是我有一个按钮,用于更改一些文本,当它试图加载lisp文件时,它会掉下来。我已将lisp文件保存在支持文件夹中,并确保位置显示在支持文件搜索路径中,但当它尝试按钮内的脚本时,返回错误消息:命令:(加载“chtext”)
; 错误:错误的参数类型:stringp nil
提前感谢 这是版本的飞跃!如果您发布代码,那么调试将最容易。 ;;; CHTEXT.lsp - change text
;;; Copyright 1997 by Autodesk, Inc.
;;; Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software
;;; for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided
;;; that the above copyright notice appears in all copies and
;;; that both that copyright notice and the limited warranty and
;;; restricted rights notice below appear in all supporting
;;; documentation.
;;; Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government is subject to
;;; restrictions set forth in FAR 52.227-19 (Commercial Computer
;;; Software - Restricted Rights) and DFAR 252.227-7013(c)(1)(ii)
;;; (Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software), as applicable.
;;; This is a "text processor" which operates in a global manner
;;; on all of the text entities that the user selects; i.e., the
;;; Height, Justification, Location, Rotation, Style, Text, and
;;; Width can all be changed globally or individually, and the
;;; range of values for a given parameter can be listed.
;;; The command is called with CHT from the command line at which
;;; time the user is asked to select the objects to change.
;;; Select text to change.
;;; Select objects:
;;; If nothing is selected the message "ERROR: Nothing selected."
;;; is displayed and the command is terminated.If more than 25
;;; entities are selected the following message is displayed while
;;; the text entities are sorted out from the non-text entities.
;;; A count of the text entities found is then displayed.
;;; Verifying the selected entities...
;;; nnntext entities found.
;;; CHText:Height/Justification/Location/Rotation/Style/Text/Undo/Width:
;;; A typical example of the prompts you may encounter follows:
;;; If you select a single text entity to change and ask to change
;;; the height, the prompt looks like this:
;;; CHText:Height/Justification/Location/Rotation/Style/Text/Undo/Width:
;;; New text height for text entity. <0.08750000>:
;;; If you select more than one text entity to change and ask to change
;;; the height, the prompt looks like this:
;;; CHText:Height/Justification/Location/Rotation/Style/Text/Undo/Width:
;;; Individual/List/<New height for all entities>:
;;; Typing "L" at this prompt returns a prompt showing you the range of
;;; values that you are using for your text.
;;; Height -- Min: 0.05000000Max: 0.10000000Ave: 0.08392857
;;; Typing "I" at this prompt puts you in a loop, processing the text
;;; entities you have selected one at a time, and giving the same prompt
;;; you get for a single text entity shown above.
;;; Pressing ENTER at this point puts you back at the Command: prompt.
;;; Selecting any of the other options allows you to change the text
;;; entities selected.
(defun cht_Main ( / sset opt ssl nsset temp unctr ct_ver sslen style hgt rot
txt ent loc loc1 just-idx justp justq orthom
cht_ErrorHandler cht_OrgError cht_OrgCmdecho
cht_OrgTexteval cht_OrgHighlight)
;; Reset if changed
(setq ct_ver "2.00")
;; Internal error handler defined locally
(defun cht_ErrorHandler (s)
(if (/= s "Function cancelled")
(if (= s "quit / exit abort")
(princ (strcat "\nError: " s))
(eval (read U:E))
;;Reset original error handler if there
(if cht_OrgError (setq *error* cht_OrgError))
(if temp (redraw temp 1))
(ai_undo_off) ;; restore undo state
(if cht_OrgCmdecho (setvar "cmdecho" cht_OrgCmdecho))
(if cht_OrgTexteval (setvar "texteval" cht_OrgTexteval))
(if cht_OrgHighlight (setvar "highlight" cht_OrgHighlight))
;; Set error handler
(if *error*
(setq cht_OrgError *error*
*error* cht_ErrorHandler)
(setq *error* cht_ErrorHandler)
;; Set undo groups and ends with (eval(read U:G)) or (eval(read U:E))
(setq U:G "(command \"_.undo\" \"_group\")"
U:E "(command \"_.undo\" \"_en\")"
(ai_undo_on) ;; enable undo
(setq cht_OrgCmdecho (getvar "cmdecho"))
(setq cht_OrgHighlight (getvar "highlight"))
(setvar "cmdecho" 0)
(princ (strcat "\nChange text, Version "
", Copyright © 1997 by Autodesk, Inc."))
(prompt "\nSelect annotation objects to change.")
(setq sset (ai_aselect))
(if (null sset)
(princ "\nNo objects selected.")
;; Validate selection set
(setq ssl (sslength sset)
nsset (ssadd))
(if (> ssl 25)
(princ "\nVerifying selected objects...")
(while (> ssl 0)
(setq temp (ssname sset (setq ssl (1- ssl))))
(if (or
(= (cdr (assoc 0 (entget temp))) "TEXT")
(= (cdr (assoc 0 (entget temp))) "ATTDEF")
(= (cdr (assoc 0 (entget temp))) "MTEXT")
(ssadd temp nsset)
(setq ssl (sslength nsset)
sset nsset
unctr 0
(print ssl)
(princ "annotation objects found.")
;; Main loop
(setq opt T)
(while (and opt (> ssl 0))
(setq unctr (1+ unctr))
(command "_.UNDO" "_GROUP")
(initget "Location Justification Style Height Rotation Width Text Undo")
(setq opt (getkword
"\nHeight/Justification/Location/Rotation/Style/Text/Undo/Width: "))
(if opt
((= opt "Undo")
((= opt "Location")
((= opt "Justification")
((= opt "Style")
(cht_Property "Style" "New style name" 7) )
((= opt "Height")
(cht_Property "Height" "New height" 40) )
((= opt "Rotation")
(cht_Property "Rotation" "New rotation angle" 50) )
((= opt "Width")
(cht_Property "Width" "New width factor" 41) )
((= opt "Text")
(setq opt nil)
(command "_.UNDO" "_END")
;; Restore
(if cht_OrgError (setq *error* cht_OrgError))
(eval (read U:E))
(ai_undo_off) ;; restore undo state
(if cht_OrgTexteval (setvar "texteval" cht_OrgTexteval))
(if cht_OrgHighlight (setvar "highlight" cht_OrgHighlight))
(if cht_OrgCmdecho (setvar "cmdecho" cht_OrgCmdecho))
;;; Undo an entry
(defun cht_Undo ()
(if (> unctr 1)
(command "_.UNDO" "_END")
(command "_.UNDO" "2")
(setq unctr (- unctr 2))
(princ "\nNothing to undo. ")
(setq unctr (- unctr 1))
;;; Change the location of an entry
(defun cht_Location ()
(setq sslen (sslength sset)
style ""
hgt ""
rot ""
txt ""
;;LCA - COMMENT: The CHANGE command has new options.
(command "_.CHANGE" sset "" "")
(while (> sslen 0)
(setq ent (entget(ssname sset (setq sslen (1- sslen))))
opt (list (cadr (assoc 11 ent))
(caddr (assoc 11 ent))
(cadddr (assoc 11 ent)))
(prompt "\nNew text location: ")
(command pause)
(if (null loc)
(setq loc opt)
(command style hgt rot txt)
;;; Change the justification of an entry
(defun cht_Justification ()
(initget "TL TC TR ML MC MR BL BC BR Align Center Fit Left Middle Right ?")
(setq sslen (sslength sset))
(setq justp (getkword "\nAlign/Fit/Center/Left/Middle/Right/TL/TC/TR/ML/MC/MR/BL/BC/BR/<?>: "))
((= justp "Left") (setq justp 0 justq 0 just-idx 4) )
((= justp "Center")(setq justp 1 justq 0 just-idx 5) )
((= justp "Right") (setq justp 2 justq 0 just-idx 6) )
((= justp "Align") (setq justp 3 justq 0 just-idx 1) )
((= justp "Fit") (setq justp 5 justq 0 just-idx 1) )
((= justp "TL") (setq justp 0 justq 3 just-idx 1) )
((= justp "TC") (setq justp 1 justq 3 just-idx 2) )
((= justp "TR") (setq justp 2 justq 3 just-idx 3) )
((= justp "ML") (setq justp 0 justq 2 just-idx 4) )
((= justp "Middle")(setq justp 4 justq 0 just-idx 5) )
((= justp "MC") (setq justp 1 justq 2 just-idx 5) )
((= justp "MR") (setq justp 2 justq 2 just-idx 6) )
((= justp "BL") (setq justp 0 justq 1 just-idx 7) )
((= justp "BC") (setq justp 1 justq 1 just-idx)
((= justp "BR") (setq justp 2 justq 1 just-idx 9) )
((= justp "?") (setq justp nil) )
(T (setq justp nil) )
(if justp
(progn ;; Process them...
(while (> sslen 0)
(setq ent (entget (ssname sset (setq sslen (1- sslen)))))
((= (cdr (assoc 0 ent)) "MTEXT")
(setq ent (subst (cons 71 just-idx) (assoc 71 ent) ent))
((= (cdr (assoc 0 ent)) "TEXT")
(setq ent (subst (cons 72 justp) (assoc 72 ent) ent)
opt (trans (list (cadr (assoc 11 ent))
(caddr (assoc 11 ent))
(cadddr (assoc 11 ent)))
(cdr (assoc -1 ent)) ;; from ECS
1) ;; to current UCS
(setq ent (subst (cons 73 justq) (assoc 73 ent) ent))
((or (= justp 3) (= justp 5))
(prompt "\nNew text alignment points: ")
(if (= (setq orthom (getvar "orthomode")) 1)
(setvar "orthomode" 0)
(redraw (cdr (assoc -1 ent)) 3)
(initget 1)
(setq loc (getpoint))
(initget 1)
(setq loc1 (getpoint loc))
(redraw (cdr (assoc -1 ent)) 1)
(setvar "orthomode" orthom)
(setq ent (subst (cons 10 loc) (assoc 10 ent) ent))
(setq ent (subst (cons 11 loc1) (assoc 11 ent) ent))
((or (/= justp 0) (/= justq 0))
(redraw (cdr (assoc -1 ent)) 3)
(prompt "\nNew text location: ")
(if (= (setq orthom (getvar "orthomode")) 1)
(setvar "orthomode" 0)
(setq loc (getpoint opt))
(setvar "orthomode" orthom)
(redraw (cdr (assoc -1 ent)) 1)
(if (null loc)
(setq loc opt)
(setq loc (trans loc 1 (cdr (assoc -1 ent))))
(setq ent (subst (cons 11 loc) (assoc 11 ent) ent))
(entmod ent)
(progn ;; otherwise list options
(princ "\nAlignment options:\n")
(princ "\tTL TC TR\n")
(princ "\tML MC MR\n")
(princ "\tBL BC BR\n")
(princ "\t Left CenterRight\n")
(princ "\tAlign MiddleFit\n")
(princ "\nPress ENTER to continue: ")
(princ "\r ")
;;; Change the text of an object
(defun cht_Text ( / ans)
(setq sslen (sslength sset))
(initget "Globally Individually Retype")
(setq ans (getkword
"\nFind and replace text.Individually/Retype/<Globally>:"))
(setq cht_OrgTexteval (getvar "texteval"))
(setvar "texteval" 1)
((= ans "Individually")
(initget "Yes No")
(setq ans (getkword "\nEdit text in dialog? <Yes>:"))
(while (> sslen 0)
(redraw (setq sn (ssname sset (setq sslen (1- sslen)))) 3)
(setq ss (ssadd))
(ssadd (ssname sset sslen) ss)
(if (= ans "No")
(cht_Edit ss)
(command "_.DDEDIT" sn "")
(redraw sn 1)
((= ans "Retype")
(while (> sslen 0)
(setq ent (entget (ssname sset (setq sslen (1- sslen)))))
(redraw (cdr (assoc -1 ent)) 3)
(prompt (strcat "\nOld text: " (cdr (assoc 1 ent))))
(setq nt (getstringT "\nNew text: "))
(redraw (cdr (assoc -1 ent)) 1)
(if (> (strlen nt) 0)
(entmod (subst (cons 1 nt) (assoc 1 ent) ent))
(cht_Edit sset) ;; Change all
(setvar "texteval" cht_OrgTexteval)
;;; The old CHGTEXT command - rudimentary text editor
(defun C:CHGTEXT () (cht_Edit nil))
(defun cht_Edit (objs / last_o tot_o ent o_str n_str st s_temp
n_slen o_slen si chf chm cont ans class)
;; Select objects if running standalone
(if (null objs)
(setq objs (ssget))
(setq chm 0)
(if objs
(progn ;; If any objects selected
(if (= (type objs) 'ENAME)
(setq ent (entget objs))
(princ (strcat "\nExisting string: " (cdr (assoc 1 ent))))
(if (= (sslength objs) 1)
(setq ent (entget (ssname objs 0)))
(princ (strcat "\nExisting string: " (cdr (assoc 1 ent))))
(setq o_str (getstring "\nMatch string : " t))
(setq o_slen (strlen o_str))
(if (/= o_slen 0)
(setq n_str (getstring "\nNew string : " t))
(setq n_slen (strlen n_str))
(setq last_o 0
tot_o(if (= (type objs) 'ENAME)
(sslength objs)
;; For each selected object...
(while (< last_o tot_o)
(setq class (cdr (assoc 0 (setq ent (entget (ssname objs last_o))))))
(if (or (= "TEXT" class)
(= "MTEXT" class) )
(setq chf nil si 1)
(setq s_temp (cdr (assoc 1 ent)))
(while (= o_slen (strlen (setq st (substr s_temp si o_slen))))
(if (= st o_str)
(setq s_temp (strcat
(if (> si 1)
(substr s_temp 1 (1- si))
(substr s_temp (+ si o_slen))
(setq chf t) ;; Found old string
(setq si (+ si n_slen))
(setq si (1+ si))
(if chf
(progn ;; Substitute new string for old
;; Modify the TEXT entity
(entmod (subst (cons 1 s_temp) (assoc 1 ent) ent))
(setq chm (1+ chm))
(setq last_o (1+ last_o))
;; else go on to the next line...
(if (/= (type objs) 'ENAME)
;; Print total lines changed
(if (/= (sslength objs) 1)
(princ (strcat (rtos chm 2 0) " text lines changed."))
;;; Main procedure for manipulating text entities
(defun cht_Property (typ prmpt fld / temp ow nw ent tw sty w hw lw
sslen n sn ssl)
(if (= (sslength sset) 1) ;; Special case if there is only
;; one entity selected
;; Process one entity.
;; Else
;; Set prompt string.
(if (= nw "List")
;; Process List request.
(if (= nw "Individual")
;; Process Individual request.
(if (= nw "Select")
;; Process Select request.
;; Else
(if (= typ "Rotation")
(setq nw (* (/ nw 180.0) pi))
(if (= (type nw) 'STR)
(if (not (tblsearch "style" nw))
(princ (strcat nw ": Style not found. "))
;;; Change all of the entities in the selection set
(defun cht_ProcessAll (/ hl temp)
(setq sslen (sslength sset))
(setq hl (getvar "highlight"))
(setvar "highlight" 0)
(while (> sslen 0)
(setq temp (ssname sset (setq sslen (1- sslen))))
(entmod (subst (cons fld nw)
(assoc fld (setq ent (entget temp)))
ent ) )
(setvar "highlight" hl)
;;; Change one text entity
(defun cht_ProcessOne ()
(setq temp (ssname sset 0))
(setq ow (cdr (assoc fld (entget temp))))
(if (= opt "Rotation")
(setq ow (/ (* ow 180.0) pi))
(redraw (cdr (assoc -1 (entget temp))) 3)
(initget 0)
(if (= opt "Style")
(setq nw (getstring (strcat prmpt " <" ow ">: ")))
(setq nw (getreal (strcat prmpt " <" (rtos ow 2) ">: ")))
(if (or (= nw "") (= nw nil))
(setq nw ow)
(redraw (cdr (assoc -1 (entget temp))) 1)
(if (= opt "Rotation")
(setq nw (* (/ nw 180.0) pi))
(if (= opt "Style")
(if (null (tblsearch "style" nw))
(princ (strcat nw ": Style not found. "))
(entmod (subst (cons fld nw)
(assoc fld (setq ent (entget temp)))
(entmod (subst (cons fld nw)
(assoc fld (setq ent (entget temp)))
;;; Set the prompt string
(defun cht_SetPrompt ()
(if (= typ "Style")
(initget "Individual List New Select ")
(setq nw (getkword (strcat "\nIndividual/List/Select style/<"
" for all text objects" ">: ")))
(if (or (= nw "") (= nw nil) (= nw "Enter"))
(setq nw (getstring (strcat prmpt
" for all text objects" ": ")))
(initget "List Individual" 1)
(setq nw (getreal (strcat "\nIndividual/List/<"
" for all text objects" ">: ")))
;;; Process List request
(defun cht_ProcessList ()
(setq unctr (1- unctr))
(setq sslen (sslength sset))
(setq tw 0)
(while (> sslen 0)
(setq temp (ssname sset (setq sslen (1- sslen))))
(if (= typ "Style")
(if (= tw 0)
(setq tw (list (cdr (assoc fld (entget temp)))))
(setq sty (cdr (assoc fld (entget temp))))
(if (not (member sty tw))
(setq tw (append tw (list sty)))
(setq tw (+ tw (setq w (cdr (assoc fld (entget temp))))))
(if (= (sslength sset) (1+ sslen)) (setq lw w hw w))
(if (< hw w) (setq hw w))
(if (> lw w) (setq lw w))
(if (= typ "Rotation")
(setq tw (* (/ tw pi) 180.0)
lw (* (/ lw pi) 180.0)
hw (* (/ hw pi) 180.0))
(if (= typ "Style")
(princ (strcat "\n" typ "(s) -- "))
(princ tw)
(princ (strcat "\n" typ
" -- Min: " (rtos lw 2)
"\t Max: " (rtos hw 2)
"\t Avg: " (rtos (/ tw (sslength sset)) 2) ) )
;;; Process Individual request
(defun cht_ProcessIndividual ()
(setq sslen (sslength sset))
(while (> sslen 0)
(setq temp (ssname sset (setq sslen (1- sslen))))
(setq ow (cdr (assoc fld (entget temp))))
(if (= typ "Rotation")
(setq ow (/ (* ow 180.0) pi))
(initget 0)
(redraw (cdr (assoc -1 (entget temp))) 3)
(if (= typ "Style")
(setq nw (getstring (strcat "\n" prmpt " <" ow ">: ")))
(setq nw (getreal (strcat "\n" prmpt " <" (rtos ow 2) ">: ")))
(if (or (= nw "") (= nw nil))
(setq nw ow)
(if (= typ "Rotation")
(setq nw (* (/ nw 180.0) pi))
(entmod (subst (cons fld nw)
(assoc fld (setq ent (entget temp)))
(redraw (cdr (assoc -1 (entget temp))) 1)
;;; Process the Select option
(defun cht_ProcessSelect ()
(princ "\nSearch for which Style name?<*>: ")
(setq sn(xstrcase (getstring))
n -1
nsset (ssadd)
ssl (1- (sslength sset))
(if (or (= sn "*") (null sn) (= sn ""))
(setq nsset sset sn "*")
(while (and sn (< n ssl))
(setq temp (ssname sset (setq n (1+ n))))
(if (= (cdr (assoc 7 (entget temp))) sn)
(ssadd temp nsset)
(princ (strcat "\nStyle: " sn))
(print (setq ssl (sslength nsset)))
(princ "objects found.")
;;; Check to see if AI_UTILS is loaded, If not, try to find it,
;;; and then try to load it.If it can't be found or can't be
;;; loaded, then abort the loading of this file immediately.
((and ai_dcl (listp ai_dcl))) ; it's already loaded.
((not (findfile "ai_utils.lsp")) ; find it
(ai_abort "CHT" nil)
((eq "failed" (load "ai_utils" "failed")) ; load it
(ai_abort "CHT" nil)
;;; If we get this far, then AI_UTILS.LSP is loaded and it can
;;; be assumed that all functions defined therein are available.
;;; Next, check to see if ACADAPP.EXP has been xloaded, and abort
;;; if the file can't be found or xloaded.Note that AI_ACADAPP
;;; does not abort the running application itself (so that it can
;;; also be called from within the command without also stopping
;;; an AutoCAD command currently in progress).
(if (not (ai_acadapp)) (ai_abort "CHT" nil))
;;; The C: function definition
(defun c:cht () (cht_Main))
(princ "\n\tCHT command loaded.")
(princ) 谢谢,我会的。 或者,有没有办法在命令行上使用FIND命令,因为这样可以解决我的文本替换要求? 很抱歉没有时间调试Autodesk的Express Tools。。。这看起来只是改变了文本属性?如果是这样,请考虑选择文字,然后使用“特性”选项板执行相同的操作。
(defun c:foo (/ s)
(if (setq s (ssget ":L" '((0 . "text"))))
(progn (sssetfirst nil s) (vl-cmdf "_.properties"))
) 没关系,我不希望你也这样。我假设问题是如何加载lisp,而不是lisp本身,否则我不会问。
谢谢你的剧本,我来试试。 也许可以尝试加载“CHT”,尽管如果你在命令行中键入expresstools,我认为所有这些东西都是自动加载的? 请阅读代码发布指南,并编辑代码以包含在代码标签中。
Your Code Here=
Your Code Here 您的加载语法正确,将代码粘贴到vlide,并且它报告了lisp代码中的错误,因此加载失败。
发现它(defun c:chtt()(cht_Main))有效,不要使用cht、CT或CTX