好的,伙计们。我需要一些想法。我写这篇文章是为了标签,文本需要按数字顺序排列。但我需要一种方法让它先在一个地方开始,然后我认为它会正确标记。现在它只是随机排列。现在可能是我写代码的方式,我做不到。我试着自我科技化,不去寻求你们的帮助。(defun c:td (/ dt layerset hr raf1 raf2 ss en ed p10 p11 mpt d2d d1d d3d d4d lan tan fg hg)
(defun errorhandler (s)
(if (/= s "Function cancelled")
(princ (strcat "\nError: " s))
(princ "SW function cancelled!")
) ;end if
(setvar "clayer" layerset)
(setvar "orthomode" orthoset)
(setvar "osmode" osset)
(setvar "cmddia" cmddiaset)
(setvar "attdia" attdiaset)
(setvar "regenmode" 1)
(setq *error* olderr)
) ;end defun error
(setq dscal (getvar "dimscale"))
(setq dimconv (/ 96.0 dscal))
(setq lspace (* 9.0 (/ dscal 96.0)))
(setq tfc12 (* 12.0 (/ dscal 96.0)))
;;;;----set variables -------------------------------------
(setq layerset (getvar "clayer"))
(command "_.layer" "s" "s-Fnd-Tbeam" "")
(command "_.layer" "off" "*" "n" "")
(command "textsize" "6" "")
(command "_.style" "romans" "0" "0.80" "" "" "" "")
;;;;-----Get point for start side-------------------
(setq dt (getstring "DBL(2) or TRPL(3) Tendons"))
(setq arr (getpoint "Pick first side you want the Live end"))
(setq ss (ssget "_:L" '((0 . "LINE,LWPOLYLINE"))))
(setq count 1)
(while (setq en (ssname ss 0))
;(setq e (ssname ss (setq i (1+ i))))
(setq ed (entget en))
(setq lyr (cdr (assoc 8 ed)))
(setq p10 (cdr (assoc 10 ed)))
(setq p11 (cdr (assoc 11 ed)))
(setq pln (cdr (assoc 90 ed)))
(setq pp10 p10) ;first pline corrd for start placement
(setq pp9 p11) ;second pline corrd for start rotation
(setq pp11 p11) ;last pline corrd for end placement
(setq pp12 p10) ;second to last corrd on miltiple plines for end rotation
(setq leng (vla-get-length (vlax-ename->vla-object en)))
(setq leng1 (fix (/ leng 12.0)))
(if (= (cdr (assoc 0 ed)) "LWPOLYLINE")
(if (setq chk (= pln 2))
(setq pp1(nth 19 ed)
pp9(cdr pp1) ;start rotation
pp11 (cdr pp1) ;end location
) ;end setq
;(setq distt1 (fix (/ (distance pp10 pp1) 12.0)))
) ;end if 2
(if (setq chk (= pln 3))
(setq pp1(nth 24 ed)
pp2(nth 19 ed)
pp9(cdr pp2) ;start rotation
pp11 (cdr pp1) ;end location
pp12 (cdr pp2) ;end rotation
) ;end setq
;(setq distt1 (fix (/ ((distance pp10 pp2)+(distance pp2 pp1)) 12.0)))
) ;end if 3
(if (setq chk (= pln 4))
(setq pp1(nth 29 ed)
pp2(nth 19 ed)
pp3(nth 24 ed)
pp9(cdr pp2) ;start rotation
pp11 (cdr pp1) ;end location
pp12 (cdr pp3) ;end rotation
) ;end setq
) ;end if 4
(if (setq chk (= pln 5))
(setq pp1(nth 34 ed)
pp2(nth 19 ed)
pp3(nth 29 ed)
pp9(cdr pp2) ;start rotation
pp11 (cdr pp1) ;end location
pp12 (cdr pp3) ;end rotation
) ;end setq
) ;end if 5
(if (setq chk (= pln 6))
(setq pp1(nth 39 ed)
pp2(nth 19 ed)
pp3(nth 34 ed)
pp9(cdr pp2) ;start rotation
pp11 (cdr pp1) ;end location
pp12 (cdr pp3) ;end rotation
) ;end setq
) ;end if 6
) ;end progn
) ;end if 0
;;;insert start and end placement
(if (< (distance arr pp10) (distance arr pp11))
(setq p9 pp10)
(if (< (distance arr pp11) (distance arr pp10))
(setq p9 pp11)
(if (> (distance arr pp10) (distance arr pp11))
(setq p12 pp10)
(if (> (distance arr pp11) (distance arr pp10))
(setq p12 pp11)
(setq cpi arr)
(setq cpix (car cpi))
(setq cpiy (cadr cpi))
(setq cp (list cpix cpiy))
(setq cdist1 (distance cp pp10))
(setq cdist2 (distance cp pp9))
(if (< cdist1 cdist2) ; begin iloop 3
(setq tsp pp10)
(setq tsp pp9)
) ; end iloop 3
(if (< cdist1 cdist2) ; begin iloop 4
(setq tep pp9)
(setq tep pp10)
) ; end iloop 4
(setq cdist13 (distance cp pp11))
(setq cdist23 (distance cp pp12))
(if (< cdist13 cdist23) ; begin iloop 3
(setq tsp3 pp11)
(setq tsp3 pp12)
) ; end iloop 3
(if (< cdist13 cdist23) ; begin iloop 4
(setq tep3 pp12)
(setq tep3 pp11)
) ; end iloop 4
;-------JUSTIFICATION--------------- -------------------------
(setq tenang (angle tsp tep)) ;start angle
(setq tenang2 (angle tsp3 tep3)) ;(angle tsp3 tep3));end angle
(setq tenangro (- tenang (/ pi 2.0)))
(setq tenangro2 (- tenang2 (/ pi 2.0)))
(setq tenangconv (/ (fix (* 10.0 (* 180.0 (/ tenang pi)))) 10.0))
;text info
(setq tenro (* 180.0 (/ (- tenangro pi) pi)))
(setq tenro2 (* 180.0 (/ (- tenangro2 pi) pi)))
;----------------------add the prefix to the lengths --------------------------------------------------------------
(if (= lyr "S-FND-HSTEND")
(setq tentag (strcat "T" (itoa count) " \(" (itoa leng1) "\)"))
(if (= lyr "S-FND-VSTEND")
(setq tentag (strcat "T" (itoa count) " \(" (itoa leng1) "\)"))
(if (= lyr "S-FND-STEND")
(setq tentag (strcat "T" (itoa count) " \(" (itoa leng1) "\)"))
(if (= dt "2")
(if (= lyr "S-FND-HBTEND")
(setq tentag (strcat "T"
(itoa count)
(itoa leng1)
"\) "
(itoa count2)
(itoa leng1)
"\) "
(if (= lyr "S-FND-VBTEND")
(setq tentag (strcat "T"
(itoa count)
(itoa leng1)
"\) "
(itoa count2)
(itoa leng1)
"\) "
(if (= lyr "S-FND-BTEND")
(setq tentag (strcat "T"
(itoa count)
(itoa leng1)
"\) "
(itoa count2)
(itoa leng1)
"\) "
) ;end progn
(if (= lyr "S-FND-HBTEND")
(setq tentag (strcat "T"
(itoa count)
(itoa leng1)
"\) "
(itoa count2)
(itoa leng1)
"\) "
(itoa count3)
(itoa leng1)
"\) "
(if (= lyr "S-FND-VBTEND")
(setq tentag (strcat "T"
(itoa count)
(itoa leng1)
"\) "
(itoa count2)
(itoa leng1)
"\) "
(itoa count3)
(itoa leng1)
"\) "
(if (= lyr "S-FND-BTEND")
(setq tentag (strcat "T"
(itoa count)
(itoa leng1)
"\) "
(itoa count2)
(itoa leng1)
"\) "
(itoa count3)
(itoa leng1)
"\) "
) ;end progn
) ;end if
(setq count (1+ count))
(setq count2 (1+ count))
(setq count3 (1+ count2))
;;;----------------------------text JUSTIFY----------------------------------------------------------
(if (= tenangconv 0.0)
(setq just "mr")
(if (and (> tenangconv 0.0) (<= tenangconv 90.0))
(setq just "mr")
(if (and (> tenangconv 90.0) (< tenangconv 180.0))
(setq just "ml")
(if (= tenangconv 180.0)
(setq just "ml")
(if (and (> tenangconv 180.0) (<= tenangconv 270.0))
(setq just "ml")
(if (> tenangconv 270.0)
(setq just "mr")
;;;text rotation--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(if (= tenangconv 0.0)
(setq textroi (- tenangro pi))
(if (and (> tenangconv 0.0) (<= tenangconv 90.0))
(setq textroi (- tenangro pi))
(if (and (> tenangconv 90.0) (< tenangconv 180.0))
(setq textroi tenangro)
(if (= tenangconv 180.0)
(setq textroi tenangro)
(if (and (> tenangconv 180.0) (<= tenangconv 270.0))
(setq textroi tenangro)
(if (> tenangconv 270.0)
(setq textroi (- tenangro pi))
(setq textro (* 180.0 (/ (- textroi (/ pi 2.0)) pi)))
;;text location---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(if (= tenangconv 0.0)
(setq textp4 tfc12)
(if (and (> tenangconv 0.0) (<= tenangconv 90.0))
(setq textp4 tfc12)
(if (and (> tenangconv 90.0) (< tenangconv 180.0))
(setq textp4 (- 0.0 tfc12))
(if (= tenangconv 180.0)
(setq textp4 (- 0.0 tfc12))
(if (and (> tenangconv 180.0) (<= tenangconv 270.0))
(setq textp4 (- 0.0 tfc12))
(if (> tenangconv 270.0)
(setq textp4 tfc12)
(setq textp2 (polar p9 tenang lspace))
(setq textp3 (polar textp2 tenangro2 textp4))
(if (= dt "2")
(setq btnl "btenl"
btnd "btend"
) ;end if
(if (= dt "3")
(setq btnl "btenl3"
btnd "btend3"
) ;end if
(if (= lyr "S-FND-STEND")
(setq btnl "btenl-s")
(if (= lyr "S-FND-STEND")
(setq btnd "btend-s")
(if (= lyr "S-FND-HSTEND")
(setq btnl "btenl-s")
(if (= lyr "S-FND-HSTEND")
(setq btnd "btend-s")
(if (= lyr "S-FND-VSTEND")
(setq btnl "btenl-s")
(if (= lyr "S-FND-VSTEND")
(setq btnd "btend-s")
(command "_.insert" btnl p9 dscal "" tenro) ;arrow
(command "_.insert" btnd p12 dscal "" tenro2) ;tails
(command "_.text" "_s" "ROMANS" "_j" just textp3 ;LOCATION
lspace ;HEIGHT
textro ;ROTATION
tentag ;LENGTH
(ssdel en ss)
) ;end while
(command "_.layer" "on" "*" "" "")
(setvar "clayer" layerset)
) ;end defun
http://www.cadtutor.net/forum/showthread.php?99152-Lisp编辑多行文字&p=675107&viewfull=1#post675107 OP,你可以上传示例DWG与你的主要DWG的一部分,并解释你的代码应该在DWG内做什么。。。处理前后的样品也会很好。。。 @罗伊,我看了那个帖子,但我对编码了解不够,无法理解它的作用。
(defun c:foo (/ a hor i p1 p2 s vrt x)
;; Sort bottom left corner then head right
(if (setq s (ssget '((0 . "line"))))
(progn ;; Compile a list of angle, smallest horizontal X point, largest vertical Y point
(setq s (mapcar '(lambda (x)
(list ;; Divide angle by PI .always returns 0 ot (/ pi 2) assuming you have horizontal and vertical lines
(setq a (rem (angle (setq p1 (vlax-curve-getstartpoint x))
(setq p2 (vlax-curve-getendpoint x))
;; Return smallest horizontal X point, largest vertical Y point
(car (vl-sort (list p1 p2)
'(lambda (a b)
(if (= 0 a)
(< (car a) (car b))
(> (cadr a) (cadr b))
;; Convert selset to list
(vl-remove-if 'listp (mapcar 'cadr (ssnamex s)))
;; Separate horizontal from vertical lines
(setq s (mapcar '(lambda (x)
(if (= 0 (car x))
(setq hor (cons x hor))
(setq vrt (cons x vrt))
;; Sort horizontal point by smallest Y value
(setq hor (vl-sort hor '(lambda (a b) (< (cadr (last a)) (cadr (last b))))))
;; Sort vertical point by smallest X value
(setq vrt (vl-sort vrt '(lambda (a b) (< (car (last a)) (car (last b))))))
;; Counter
(setq i 0)
;; Show that it works
(mapcar '(lambda (x)
(entmakex (list '(0 . "TEXT")
'(100 . "AcDbEntity")
(cons 8 "text")
'(100 . "AcDbText")
(cons 10 (cadr x))
'(40 . 12.0)
(cons 1 (itoa (setq i (1+ i))))
(cons 50 (car x))
'(72 . 1)
(cons 11 (cadr x))
'(73 . 2)
;; Sort list by angle
(append hor vrt)
;; Here you can use '((<angle> point)....)
;; (foreach (append hor vrt) yada yada)
) 这是我的尝试。。。请注意,我在DWG中缺少一些块,所以我无法获得所需的结果。。。你必须进一步测试它。。。我希望我能尽我所能帮助你。。。M、 R。
td新。lsp 我想按数字顺序给这些行贴上标签,但我似乎不知道该怎么做。在所附的cad中有一个我正在谈论的示例。我想把它作为一个窗口,一次给它们贴上标签。直线和多段线。
新建块。图纸 你为什么放弃这条线索
http://www.cadtutor.net/forum/showthread.php?101822-数字顺序起点帮助 是的,这是一个线程,我开始关于这一点,但它在错误的方向与我所需要的。我希望得到更简单的东西。 通过使用带有SSGET的“F”围栏选项,可以非常简单地完成此操作,它将按线路顺序进行选择。