请友善一点,请记住,我对LISP完全陌生,除此之外几乎没有编程技能,但思想开放,愿意学习=) 你好,安培,
(defun C:GetDimLengths ( / AllDimensions CheckDimension n dimlist dimcontent filename fil ) ; Define the command name, localize the variables.
(setq AllDimensions (ssget "_X" (list (cons 0 "Dimension")))) ; Sets AllDimensions as a selection set of all Dimensions the the drawing.
(setq n 0) ; Set loop counter 0.
(setq dimlist '()) ; Set dimensionslist cleared.
(repeat (sslength AllDimensions) ; Repeat for all in selectionset AllDimensions
(setq CheckDimension (entget (ssname AllDimensions n))) ; Gets the entity
(setq dimcontent (cdr (assoc 42 CheckDimension))) ; Reads the measured distance
(setq dimlist (cons dimcontent dimlist)) ; Adds this distance to a totallist
(setq n (+ 1 n)) ; Up the counter for next dimension
) ; End repeat
(if (setq filename (getfiled "\nFile Location..." "DimensionExport" "txt" 11)) ; Make a new textfile with default name
(progn ; When created do this.
(setq fil (open filename "w")) ; Open the new file
(foreach x dimlist ; For all dimensions in the totallist
(princ (strcat (rtos x 2) "\n") fil) ; Print them in them in the textfile
) ; Close 'foreach'
(close fil) ; Close filewriter
(startapp "notepad" filename) ; Open created file with notepad
(graphscr) ; Return to screen
) ; Close 'do this'
) ; End if
(princ) ; Silent exit
) ; End function
-“红色”是如何控制的?ByLayer还是set in the properties?
-需要对列表进行排序吗? 抚摸之后,好好努力。
仅供参考,没有必要分配空列表“dimlist”,因为cons函数会处理这样的事情。 谢谢你的快速回复,很好的评论。
我明天会试试。 更改:
(setq AllDimensions (ssget "_X" (list (cons 0 "Dimension")))) ; Sets AllDimensions as a selection set of all Dimensions the the drawing.
(setq AllDimensions (ssget "_X" (list (cons 0 "Dimension")(cons 62 1)))) ; Sets AllDimensions as a selection set of all Dimensions the the drawing.
(setq AllDimensions (ssget "_X" (list (cons 0 "Dimension")(cons 8 "YOURLAYERNAMEHERE")))) ; Sets AllDimensions as a selection set of all Dimensions the the drawing.
(setq obj (vlax-ename->vla-object (car (entsel "\nPick Dimension"))))
(setq lay (vla-get-layer obj))
(setq AllDimensions (ssget "_X" (list (cons 0 "Dimension")(cons 8 lay))))
(setq obj (entget (car (entsel "\nPick Dimension "))))
(setq lay (cdr (assoc 8 obj)))
(setq AllDimensions (ssget "_X" (list (cons 0 "Dimension")(cons 8 lay))))
非常感谢。 将X更改为L 亲爱的Aftertouch。
(defun C:GetDimLengths ( / AllDimensions CheckDimension n dimlist dimcontent filename fil ) ; Define the command name, localize the variables.
;(setq AllDimensions (ssget "_X" (list (cons 0 "Dimension")))) ; Sets AllDimensions as a selection set of all Dimensions the the drawing.
(setq obj (vlax-ename->vla-object (car (entsel "\nPick Dimension"))))
(setq lay (vla-get-layer obj))
(setq AllDimensions (ssget "_L" (list (cons 0 "Dimension")(cons 8 lay))))
(setq n 0) ; Set loop counter 0.
(setq dimlist '()) ; Set dimensionslist cleared.
(repeat (sslength AllDimensions) ; Repeat for all in selectionset AllDimensions
(setq CheckDimension (entget (ssname AllDimensions n))) ; Gets the entity
(setq dimcontent (cdr (assoc 42 CheckDimension))) ; Reads the measured distance
(setq dimlist (cons dimcontent dimlist)) ; Adds this distance to a totallist
(setq n (+ 1 n)) ; Up the counter for next dimension
) ; End repeat
(if (setq filename (getfiled "\nFile Location..." "DimensionExport" "txt" 11)) ; Make a new textfile with default name
(progn ; When created do this.
(setq fil (open filename "w")) ; Open the new file
(foreach x dimlist ; For all dimensions in the totallist
(princ (strcat (rtos x 2) "\n") fil) ; Print them in them in the textfile
) ; Close 'foreach'
(close fil) ; Close filewriter
(startapp "notepad" filename) ; Open created file with notepad
(graphscr) ; Return to screen
) ; Close 'do this'
) ; End if
(princ) ; Silent exit
) ; End function