broncos15 发表于 2022-7-5 17:39:42


Grrr 发表于 2022-7-5 17:43:13

(定义c:3cc(/acn aof ard cen crd ecn eof erd int per sg1 sg2 tmp vc1 vc2)(同时(和(setq sg1(getsegment“\n选择进近线:”)(setq sg2(getsegment“\n选择相交线:”)(不(setq int(应用‘inters(附加sg1 sg2’(kkkkkk)))(原理“\n线不相交”)(cond((not(和sg1 sg2(vl every)(lambda(sym msg)(initget 6)(set sym(getdist msg)))'(ard crd erd aof eof)“”(“\n指定进近半径:”“\n指定中心半径:”“\n指定端点半径:”“\n指定进近偏移:”“\n指定连接偏移:”)((

marko_ribar 发表于 2022-7-5 17:45:16

(defun c:3cc(/sortfarthestfrom arc getsegment LM:顺时针-p LM:inters line circle quad vxv vxs vx1 acn aof ard cent crd ecn eof erd int per sg1 sg2 tmp vc1 vc2)(vl load com)(defun sortfarthestfrom(pnt lst)(vl sort lst)(λ(a b)(>(距离pnt a)(距离pnt b))))(defun arc(cent rad sta ena ocs)(entmake(list)(000.“arc”)(cons 010 cen)(cons 040 rad)(cons 050 sta)(cons 051 ena)(cons 210 ocs))(defun getsegment(msg/ent enx par rtn sel typ)(while(progn(setvar’errno 0)(setq sel(entsel msg))(cond(=7(getvar’errno))(princ“\n失败,再试一次。”)((null sel)nil)(=“LINE”(setq ent(car sel)enx(entget ent)typ(cdr(assoc 0 enx))))(setq rtn(list(trans(cdr(assoc 10 enx))0 1)(trans(cdr(assoc 11 enx))0 1)))nil((=“LWPOLYLINE”类型)(setq par(vlax curve getparamatpoint ent(vlax curve GetClosestPoint to ent(trans(cadr sel)1 0)))rtn(list(trans(vlax curve getpointatparam ent(fix par))0 1)(trans(vlax curve getpointatparam ent(1+(fix par)))0 1)))nil)((princ“\n请选择一条直线或二维多段线。”))rtn);;顺时针-p-李;;如果p1、p2、p3为顺时针方向(defun LM:顺时针-p(p1 p2 p3)(<(*((汽车p2)(汽车p1))(((cadr p3)(cadr p1)))(*((((cadr p2)(cadr p1))(((((cadr p2)(cadr p1))((汽车p3)(汽车p1)));;线-圆交点(矢量版本)-Lee Mac;;返回由定义的无限直线之间的交点;;点p、q和具有中心c和半径r的圆(defun LM:inters line circle(p q c r/v s)(setq v(mapcar'-q p)s(mapcar'-p c))(mapcar'(lambda(s)(mapcar'+p(vxs v s)))(quad(vxv v v v)(*2(vxv v s))(((vxv xv s s s)(*r)));;二次解-Lee-Mac;;Args:a,b,c-ax^2+bx+c=0的系数(defun quad(a b c/d r)(cond((等于0.0(setq d(-b b)(*4.0 a c)))1e-(list(/b(*-2.0 a))(<0 d)(setq r(sqrt d))(list(/(-r b)(*2.0 a))(/((-b)r)(*2.0 a)));;向量点积-Lee Mac;;Args:u,v-R^n中的向量(defun vxv(u v)(应用'+(mapcar'*u v));;向量x标量-Lee Mac;;Args:R^n中的v-向量,s-实标量(定义vxs(vs)(mapcar'(lambda(n)(*ns))v);;单位矢量-Lee Mac;;参数:v-R^2或R^3中的向量(defun vx1(v)((lambda(n)(if(等于0.0 n 1e-10)nil(mapcar’/v(list n n n n)))(距离(0.0 0.0 0 0.0)v))(而(和(setq sg1(getsegment“\n选择进近线:))(setq sg2(getsegment“\n选择相交线:)))(而不是(setq int(应用‘inters(append sg1 sg2’(”“)))))(原理“\n线不相交。”)(cond((not(和sg1 sg2(vl every)(lambda(sym msg)(initget 6)(set sym(getdist msg)))'(ard crd erd aof eof)“”(“\n指定进近半径:”“\n指定中心半径:”“\n指定端点半径:”“\n指定进近偏移:”“\n指定连接偏移:”)((

Lee Mac 发表于 2022-7-5 17:48:20


marko_ribar 发表于 2022-7-5 17:52:45

它主要与翻译功能有关。。。在大多数情况下,我们都在WCS中工作,但当您认为通常只有当例程适用于所有情况时,编码才完成。。。在这种特殊情况下,在大多数情况下,所有的工作都是在UCS中完成的,但当涉及到(entmake)时,您必须考虑各种类型的etype,以及如何通过DXF代码规范解释它们。。。这就是你对实体创造的理解发挥作用的地方。。。你必须考虑各种情况-这里弧类似于圆-而椭圆不同-当弧/圆是参考实体时,你应该考虑OCS(对象坐标系)。。。如果它是椭圆,那么它有点不同-你应该认为WCS和OCS的DXF 210代码。。。如果你仔细看看我的上一段代码,它和李的完全一样,只是(弧)函数不同,在需要时添加了ocs参数和最后一行

broncos15 发表于 2022-7-5 17:56:13

Lee, thank you so much, this is working perfectly! Marko, I tested yours as well, and it seems to work great as well. Marko, as I am diving into your code, I am trying to understand the difference, does it primarily have to do with you translating the points, so it will work in any UCS (I only use dview, so I don't often have to think about this translation)? I'm curious because I am trying to improve my coding skills, and looking at codes like these have really helped!

marko_ribar 发表于 2022-7-5 17:59:16

It mostly has to do with translation function (trans)... In the most cases we all work in WCS, but when you think generally the coding is finished only when routine is applicable for all situations... In this particular case and in the most cases all the job is done in UCS, but when it comes to (entmake) you have to think for various etypes and how they are interpreted through DXF code specifications... This is where your understanding of creation of entities comes into role... You have to account for various situations - here ARC is similar to CIRCLE - while ELLIPSE differs - when ARC/CIRCLE is reference entity then you should think in terms of OCS (object coordinate system)... If it's ELLIPSE then it is little different - you should think WCS and OCS for DXF 210 code... If you look closer into my last code - it's totally the same as Lee's with only difference in (arc) function where is added ocs argument and last lines when it's needed to create ARCs in 3D in random UCS in 3D, appropriate transformations are predicted to make sure correct 3D arc entities are created in 3D... So weather you are working in 3D or 2D, routine is properly coded only when applicable for both situations and this means if it works for random UCS, it should work fine and for WCS which is the case with my replied codes...
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