Lisp routin的故障排除
(defun c:aspacing () ;define function
(setq a (getpoint "\nFirst Point ")) ;first point
(setq b (getpoint "\nSecond Point ")) ;second point
(setq x (/ (distance a b) 4200)) ;divide distance from a to b by 4200
(setq y (fix (1+ x))) ;round up to next whole number
(setq z1 (/ (distance a b) y)) ;value of S - divide distance a b by y
(setq z2 (/ (/ (distance a b) y) 2)) ;value of half S
(setq ang (* (angle a b) 57.2958)) ;set angle of distance
(setq a1 (polar a ang z2)) ;starting point for xline
(command "xline" a1 (polar a1 (+ ang 90) 100) "") ;xline at 90 degrees to a b angle
) ;end function
(princ) ;clean loading
非常感谢! 对此不确定,angle*57.2958
(+ang 90)Autocad将以弧度为单位工作角度,因此(+ang(/pi 2.0))请注意2.0
(setq z2(/(/(距离a b)y)2.0))以确保真正的非整数答案只是良好的内务管理。 我不知道为什么要乘以角度,但以下几点应该会让你走上正确的道路:
(defun c:aspacing ( / a b d )
(and (setq a (getpoint "\n1st point: "))
(setq b (getpoint "\n2nd point: " a))
(setq d (distance a b))
'(000 . "XLINE")
'(100 . "AcDbEntity")
'(100 . "AcDbXline")
(cons 10 (trans (polar a (angle a b) (/ d (fix (1+ (/ d 4200.0))) 2.0)) 1 0))
(cons 11 (trans (list (- (cadr a) (cadr b)) (- (car b) (car a))) 1 0 t))
*57.2958是将弧度转换为度,但是现在,如果我理解正确的话,我发现我不需要这样做,因为代码的其他部分也处理弧度。(+ang(/pi 2.0))是否会使角度增加90度?
2.0 for real是一个很好的提示,谢谢。刚开始接触这种编程,学习良好的实践是很有帮助的。谢谢你!
非常感谢你迄今为止的帮助! 嗨,迈克尔,
;; Define function and declare local variables
(defun c:aspacing ( / a b d )
;; Evaluate each of the following expressions until
;; an expression returns nil or no expressions remain
;; Prompt the user for the first point, assign result to local variable 'a'
(setq a (getpoint "\n1st point: "))
;; Prompt the user for the second point (with rubber band to the first point)
;; Assign result to the local variable 'b'
;; Note that by virtue of the AND function being a Special Form, this expression
;; will not be evaluated in the event that the first point prompt returns nil.
(setq b (getpoint "\n2nd point: " a))
;; Calculate linear distance between points a & b, assign result of calculation
;; to local variable 'd'
(setq d (distance a b))
;; Append the following DXF data to the current drawing database
;; Construct a DXF list of dotted pairs to append to the database
;; DXF Group 0: Entity Type
;; Fixed data, so expressed as quoted literal dotted pair -
;; See for more information on this concept
'(000 . "XLINE")
;; DXF Group 100: Subclass marker designating object type
'(100 . "AcDbEntity")
;; DXF Group 100: Subclass marker designating entity type
'(100 . "AcDbXline")
;; Construct a dotted pair from the following atoms:
;; See for more information on why this cannot be quoted as a literal
;; DXF Group 10: WCS Base point for XLine
;; Translate the following point from UCS to WCS
;; Calculate the position of a point relative to point 'a' based on given calculations
(polar a (angle a b) (/ d (fix (1+ (/ d 4200.0))) 2.0))
1 0
) ;; end trans
) ;; end cons
;; Construct a dotted pair from the following atoms:
;; DXF Group 11: WCS vector defining XLine direction
;; Translate the following point from UCS to WCS, independent of UCS origin
;; Calculate a UCS vector perpendicular to a->b
(list (- (cadr a) (cadr b)) (- (car b) (car a)))
1 0 t
) ;; end trans
) ;; end cons
) ;; end list
) ;; end entmake
) ;; end and
;; Suppress the value returned by the last evaluated expression (AND returns t/nil)
) ;; end defun
;; Define function and declare local variables
(defun c:aspacing ( / a b d )
;; If the following test expression returns a non-nil value
;; Evaluate each of the following expressions until
;; an expression returns nil or no expressions remain
;; Prompt the user for the first point, assign result to local variable 'a'
(setq a (getpoint "\n1st point: "))
;; Prompt the user for the second point (with rubber band to the first point)
;; Assign result to the local variable 'b'
;; Note that by virtue of the AND function being a Special Form, this expression
;; will not be evaluated in the event that the first point prompt returns nil.
(setq b (getpoint "\n2nd point: " a))
) ;; end and
;; Evaluate the following expressions as a single expression
;; constituting the 'then' argument for the IF function
;; Calculate linear distance between points a & b, assign result of calculation
;; to local variable 'd'
(setq d (distance a b))
;; Append the following DXF data to the current drawing database
;; Construct a DXF list of dotted pairs to append to the database
;; DXF Group 0: Entity Type
;; Fixed data, so expressed as quoted literal dotted pair -
;; See for more information on this concept
'(000 . "XLINE")
;; DXF Group 100: Subclass marker designating object type
'(100 . "AcDbEntity")
;; DXF Group 100: Subclass marker designating entity type
'(100 . "AcDbXline")
;; Construct a dotted pair from the following atoms:
;; See for more information on why this cannot be quoted as a literal
;; DXF Group 10: WCS Base point for XLine
;; Translate the following point from UCS to WCS
;; Calculate the position of a point relative to point 'a' based on given calculations
(polar a (angle a b) (/ d (fix (1+ (/ d 4200.0))) 2.0))
1 0
) ;; end trans
) ;; end cons
;; Construct a dotted pair from the following atoms:
;; DXF Group 11: WCS vector defining XLine direction
;; Translate the following point from UCS to WCS, independent of UCS origin
;; Calculate a UCS vector perpendicular to a->b
(list (- (cadr a) (cadr b)) (- (car b) (car a)))
1 0 t
) ;; end trans
) ;; end cons
) ;; end list
) ;; end entmake
) ;; end progn
) ;; end if
;; Suppress the value returned by the last evaluated expression
) ;; end defun
非常欢迎您-如果您对发布的代码还有其他问题,请随时提问。 一旦它进入了代码的entmake和list部分,它就会越过我的大脑。我想我对Lisp编程的这些部分没有足够的理解。我必须去做更多的研究!我会在你的网站上查看教程,还有其他你可以推荐的吗?谢谢你的帮助!
我还有更多的事情要补充,但在这个阶段还需要一小步。谢谢你! 如果你在与entmake作斗争,并且了解dxf代码可能会让人望而却步,那么现在就回到老式。
(defun c:aspacing ( / a b d )
(and (setq a (getpoint "\n1st point: "))
(setq b (getpoint "\n2nd point: " a))
(setq d (distance a b))
(setq pt1 (trans (polar a (angle a b) (/ d (fix (1+ (/ d 4200.0))) 2.0)) 1 0))
(setq pt2 (trans (list (- (cadr a) (cadr b)) (- (car b) (car a))) 1 0 t))
(command "XLINE" pt1 pt2 "")
请张贴您想要的图片或图纸,使其清晰。 嗨,比格尔,
谢谢你的帮助! 也许我应该补充一下我对命令其余部分的计划。