乔 找到了1或0 1,看看拨号的右侧x y x1 y1等等,当你点击不同的类型时,非常好的李可能会派上用场。
大型库的幻灯片库示例SLB name=ctone,(幻灯片名称)
Wow!I would say the time you've invested has been well worth it!
By chance could you incorporate my drawing below, but done by your standards as seen in your previous attachment, as the 5th choice, please? I can see how to add the two extra edit boxes, but to attempt the slide like the ones you've done already, would frustrate me terribly.That's not even considering the slide library, very new to me.
Thank you!
Thank you for your kind words!
To my knowledge, unfortunately not.
Thanks Joe! - Feel free to ask if you have any questions about the code.
Sure - please try the attached.
test.zip Slide Library
Step 1 is make sld's
Step2 is use individually or make a Slide Library SLB, note can have multiple SLB's
Step 1 again
Get what you want to appear full size on your screen, a suggestion is be prepared to get a bit aggressive so the image is clear, remove stuff that really does not need to be in SLD.
MSLIDE its that simple and save.
I use 0.9xp this is just a subtle zoom out before making slide you will have to experiment.
How do I check if it worked ? Easy VSLIDE.
Step2 make a SLB, advantage is you can have 1 file but with a 100 sld's in it.
You need SLIDELIB.EXE look below
This is a good how it works https://knowledge.autodesk.com/support/autocad/troubleshooting/caas/sfdcarticles/sfdcarticles/Creating-a-slide-library.html
This link refers to a comment that you can not update SLB once done but there is other software available and free have it at home. Allows removal, addition, replacement.
script your slide creation
Filedia 0open S:\AUTODESK\BLOCKS\AMBULANCe\ambalance_access.dwg zoom extents zoom 0.9x mslide ambalance_accessopen S:\AUTODESK\BLOCKS\AMBULANCe\ambalance_access_side.dwg zoom extents zoom 0.9x mslide ambalance_access_sideopen S:\AUTODESK\BLOCKS\AMBULANCe\ambalance_access_side1.dwg zoom extents zoom 0.9x mslide ambalance_access_side1open S:\AUTODESK\BLOCKS\AMBULANCe\ambalance_perspective.dwg zoom extents zoom 0.9x mslide ambalance_perspectiveopen S:\AUTODESK\BLOCKS\AMBULANCe\ambo zoom extents zoom 0.9x mslide amboopen S:\AUTODESK\BLOCKS\AMBULANCe\Ambulance.dwg zoom extents zoom 0.9x mslide Ambulancefiledia 1
Looks great, Lee!Thank you!
Yes, I have a question, or two, about the section of code below.
(mapcar 'mode_tile '("ed1""ed2""ed3""ed4""ed5""ed6""ed7") (cadr (assoc key '( ("sl1" (0 0 1 1 1 1 1)) ("sl2" (0 0 1 1 0 1 1)) ("sl3" (1 1 1 1 1 0 1)) ("sl4" (1 1 1 1 1 0 0)) ("sl5" (0 0 0 0 1 0 1)) ) ) ) )
I think I can see overall what is happening here, this what makes the edit boxes available or not available?
Could you kindly explain the "1's" and the "0's", please?
Thanks BIGAL!I appreciate your directions and thanks for the file!I'll definitely be experimenting with this.
Joe Figured out the 1 or 0 1 is on look at the right side of the dialouge x y x1 y1 etc as you click the different types very nice Lee could come in handy.
Lee a question I use slides etc in dcl's etc but your code does not stipulate how to use Test.slb is it just because of where I have placed the slb to have a look at it or did you leave it out on purpose ?
Answered my own question, for any one else test.slb must be in a predefined search directory.
Slide library example for a big librarySLB name = ctone, (slide name)
(setq ai_pts_lst '("ctone(TLDS)" "ctone(dsdn)" "ctone(trds)" "ctone(dsr)" "ca3blank" "ctone(DSL)" "ctone(blds)" "ctone(dsup)" "ctone(brds)"))