;; a sample program for drawing reinforcing bars
(defun c:colsec()
(setq g 0)
(while (= g 0)
(princ "\n get origin point please")
(setq n1 (getpoint ))
(setq x0 (carn1))
(setq y0 (cadr n1))
(setq x (getreal" \n width please?"))
(setq y (getreal" \n height please?"))
(SETQ X1 ( + X0 X))
(SETQ Y1 ( + Y0 Y))
(SETQ N2 (LIST X1 Y0))
(SETQ N3 (LIST X1 Y1))
(SETQ N4 (LIST X0 Y1))
(COMMAND "TEXT" C1 "" TT "")
(COMMAND "PLINE" N1 "w" 0 0 N2 N3 N4 N1 "")
(if (> x 0.0) (progn (setq dx (+ x0 0.025)) (setq fx( - x1 0.025)))
(progn (setq dx (- x0 0.025)) (setq fx( + x1 0.025)))
(if (> y 0.0) (progn (setq dy (+ y0 0.025)) (setq fy( - y1 0.025)) )
(progn (setq dy (- y0 0.025)) (setq fy( + y1 0.025)) )
(SETQ Nn0 (LIST dx dy))
(SETQ Nn1 (LIST fx dy))
(SETQ Nn2 (LIST fx fy))
(SETQ Nn3 (LIST dx fy))
(COMMAND "PLINE" Nn0 "w" 0 0 Nn1 Nn2 Nn3 Nn0 "")
(princ "\n get horizontal dimension location please")
(setq nx (getpoint ))
(command "dimlinear" n1 n2 nx)
(princ "\n get vertical dimension location please")
(setq ny (getpoint ))
(command "dimlinear" n1 n4 ny)
(setq numx (getint"\nNumber of bars top& Bottom"))
(setq numy (getint"\nNumber of SIDE bars"))
(setq nusx (getint"\nNumber of verticaL BRANCHES"))
(setq nusy (getint"\nNumber of horizontAL BRANCHES"))
(setq v 0)
(while (= v 0)
(setq sdx(+ dx 0.0175))
(setq sfx(- fx 0.0175))
(setq sdy(+ dy 0.0175))
(setq sfy(- fy 0.0175))
(SETQ Nb(LIST sdx sdy))
(SETQ Nb1 (LIST sfx sdy))
(SETQ Nb2 (LIST sdx sfy))
(SETQ Nb3 (LIST sfx sfy))
(setq xx (- sfx sdx))
(setq deltax (/ xx (- numx 1) ))
(setq vv 0)
(SETQ I 0)
(while (= vv 0)
(SETQ I ( + I 1))
(IF (= I (- NUMX1)) (SETQ VV 1))
(setq dx (* deltax i))
(SETQ Nxb(LIST XX sdy))
(SETQ Nxb1 (LIST XX sfy))
(command "donut" 0.0 0.035 nXb nXb1 "")
(setq xx (- sfx sdx))
(setq deltax (/ xx (- nusx 1) ))
(setq vv 0)
(SETQ I 0)
(while (= vv 0)
(SETQ I ( + I 1))
(IF (= I (- NUsX1)) (SETQ VV 1))
(setq dx (* deltax i))
(setq xx (+ xx 0.0175))
(SETQ Nxb(LIST XX sdy))
(SETQ Nxb1 (LIST XX sfy))
(command "line" nXb nXb1 "")
(setq yy (- sfy sdy))
(setq deltay (/ yy (- nusy 1) ))
(setq vv 0)
(SETQ I 0)
(while (= vv 0)
(SETQ I ( + I 1))
(IF (= I (- NUsy1)) (SETQ VV 1))
(setq dy (* deltay i))
(SETQ yy (+ Dy SDy))
(setq yy (+ yy 0.0175))
(SETQ Nxb(LIST sdX yy))
(SETQ Nxb1 (LIST sfX yy))
(command "line" nXb nXb1 "")
(setq yy (- sfy sdy))
(setq deltay (/ yy (+ numy 1) ))
(setq vv 0)
(SETQ I 0)
(while (= vv 0)
(SETQ I ( + I 1))
(IF (= INUMy) (SETQ VV 1))
(setq dy (* deltay i))
(SETQ yy (+ Dy SDy))
(SETQ Nxb(LIST sdx yy))
(SETQ Nxb1 (LIST sfX yy))
(command "donut" 0.0 0.035 nXb nXb1 "")
(command "donut" 0.0 0.035 nb nb1 nb2 nb3 "")
(setq v 1)
) 由于Lisp函数需要用户输入,因此需要从调用它。scr文件无法工作。可以尝试在Lisp代码中使用while循环。当然,只需按enter键也可以重复(c:colsec)。如果200列相同,则应考虑创建块。但这是不言而喻的。
(while (setq n1 (getpoint "\nOrigin point: "))
) 如果你想要200,那么只需在开始时添加另一个while,你可以有while等
; something like ths
(defun c:colsecm ()
(if (not colsec)(load "colsec"))
(while (/=(Getstring "Do again press enter to exit pres any key") nil)
Your Code Here =
Your Code Here t谢谢你回答每个人,但是循环的解决方案对我来说不适用每个ross部分都是不同的,需要不同的输入lisp提出了一些问题,通过回答它绘制了部分我试图做的是制作一个简单的脚本来回答这个问题,但当它问到在哪里放置维度时,我放置的坐标不起作用,它不理解通过脚本,尽管它对前面的问题有效?lisp中询问维度位置的这一部分如下所示
(setq nx(getpoint))
(命令“dimlinear”n1 n2 nx)
对于slw200,我会记住这一点,并感谢大家的快速回答 所以,澄清一下,没有。scr文件? 我认为你错了,如果你画一个物体,只需要多做一点工作。是的,你可以给它定尺寸。这是一个记住dim两端点的例子。另一种方法是看你称之为defun的方式
L X W等
baheewgay(colsecm n1 X Y numx numy nux nusy)等等。所有这些都可以用预设值来代替,而暗部分只需要计算出点。
(princ "\n get origin point please")
(setq n1 (getpoint ))
(setq x (getreal" \n width please?"))
(setq y (getreal" \n height please?"))
this should be automatic preset
(princ "\n get horizontal dimension location please")
(setq nx (getpoint ))
this should be automatic preset
(princ "\n get vertical dimension location please")
(setq numx (getint"\nNumber of bars top& Bottom"))
(setq numy (getint"\nNumber of SIDE bars"))
(setq nusx (getint"\nNumber of verticaL BRANCHES"))
(setq nusy (getint"\nNumber of horizontAL BRANCHES"))