我试着使用cursorsize变量,但没有用。 您回答了自己的问题,变量是“pickbox”。
; VLD_Offset
; Perform offset, by detecting with cursor, from which side the entity is selected,
; and then the entity is offseted, corresponding to that side/orientation.
(defun C:test ( / *error* oldcmd oldclp oldpxsz off-dist ent vla-obj P-pt C-pt T-pt )
(defun *error* ( msg )
(if oldcmd (setvar 'cmdecho oldcmd))
(if oldclp (setvar 'clipromptlines oldclp))
(if oldpxsz (setvar 'pickbox oldpxsz))
(if (not (member msg '("Function cancelled" "quit / exit abort")))
(princ (strcat "\nError: " msg))
(initget 1)
(if (setq off-dist (getreal "\nSpecify offset distance: "))
(setvar 'errno 0)
(setq oldcmd (getvar 'cmdecho))
(setvar 'cmdecho 0)
(setq oldclp (getvar 'clipromptlines))
(setvar 'clipromptlines 1)
(setq oldpxsz (getvar 'pickbox)) ; default value is 3
(setvar 'pickbox (* oldpxsz 3))
(while T
(setq ent (entsel "\nPick an entity to offset: "))
(member (cdr (assoc 0 (entget (car ent)))) (list "LINE" "LWPOLYLINE" "SPLINE" "CIRCLE" "ARC" "XLINE" "RAY"))
(if (or (= (getvar 'errno) 7) (null (car ent))) (princ "\nYou missed, try again!") )
); while
(setq vla-obj (vlax-ename->vla-object (car ent)))
(setq P-pt (cadr ent)) ; pick point
(setq C-pt (vlax-curve-getClosestPointTo vla-obj P-pt)) ; closest point
(setq T-pt (polar C-pt (angle C-pt P-pt) off-dist)) ; trough point
(vl-cmdf "_.OFFSET" "T" ent T-pt "E")
); while T
); progn
); if off-dist
); defun 这是一种糟糕的做法,因为用户通过崩溃程序(使用Esc)被迫退出循环;考虑测试用户是否取消了选择提示,并将此条件用作while循环的测试表达式。
注意,progn表达式也不是必需的,因为while将接受测试表达式参数之后的多个表达式参数。 我使用的示例,ent将返回false
(alert "pick objects select a blank area to exit")
(setq ent (entsel "\nPick an entity to offset: "))