CADnewbie 发表于 2008-3-5 12:21:23

CAD Users Interview

Hi all,
I'm new here and justed started learning CAD three weeks ago as part of my Interior Design Program at the Art Institute of Pittsburgh Online Division and I love it!    One of my assignments this week is to find CAD Users and ask the following basic questions so I can share with my class the various ways CAD is being used in the real world.
Please help me with this assignment by responding to the following:
1) What is your name, location and profession?
2) When do you use CAD in the production process (i.e. preliminary design, design development, etc.)?
3) The types of standardizations you use?
4) Advantages and disadvantages that CAD brings to your practice?
Please feel free to answer here or e-mail me at

Bealerusa 发表于 2008-3-5 12:28:40

Josh Nieman, Lafayette LA, CAD Technician/Designer
Throughout the entire process.That's the nature of technical drawings.Create preliminary drawings for the client's idea/requirements; create bid drawings for approval, create construction drawings to be fabricated/built by, modify construction drawings per contractor comments, optionally create as-built drawings of the product post-construction.
That's quite a broad question and very vague.I'm not entirely sure what you mean.We standardize everything we do.The product that one user puts out must look the same as another user, thus our lineweights, linetypes, layer guidelines, etc are quite 'standard' within our company.This extends to many other more specific realms as well.
Advantages over what?Hand drafting?Shoot... speed, accuracy, flexibility, I mean... this should be obvious to you if you're already doing CAD work.Disadvantages over what?Hand drafting?Uhm.. heh.Yea.

deegeecees 发表于 2008-3-5 13:04:37

Pieter Makana Vliet, Rochester Hills Michigan and self employed doing computer drafting.
I currently do structural steel shop drawings (for fabrication)
Mechanical piping coordination and as-built documentation (before and after installation)
Telecommunication as-built documentation (after installation)
In past experiences, I have drawn up all aspects of the construction process.
Standards I use is what I have learned from past experiences to work really well.
I've avoided using things that don't make sense, don't save time or are really complication.
I use AIA and Army Corp CADD standards and recommendations as a guide and resource.
CAD has many advantages to re-use past drawings.Creates good standard drawings.
Ease of transport (PDF, DWF, hard copy)
a couple disadvantages would be cost and staying trained. Software is changing on a yearly
basis and at time I feel it can be hard to keep up...
BTW, Welcome to TheSwamp!

Arizona 发表于 2008-3-5 13:24:57

1) What is your name, location and profession?
Donnelly Graphic Comminucations Services, Chicago, Illinois, Owner/Contractor/IT Manager/CAD Manager/Designer/JOAT
2) When do you use CAD in the production process (i.e. preliminary design, design development, etc.)?
I have used CAD from Preliminary/Presentation drawings to Production/As-Built drawings over the past 17 years and have touched on every discipline in the industry at one point or another (i.e. Structural/Mechanical/Electrical (including Power)/Architectural/Civil.
3) The types of standardizations you use?
I have been contracted to many companies with no known standards, as well as companies with very strict policies regarding the use of Layers/Xrefs/Psapce-Mspace/Text Styles (sizes)/Lineweights/Attributed Blocks, and the like.
4) Advantages and disadvantages that CAD brings to your practice?
One of the many benefits of using CAD as opposed to hand drafting is the ease of making changes to a drawing. This was the selling point for the first firm I was hired into after school. There are many wonderful benefits as well, like using blocks, xrefs, automation through available tools, and tons more that may or may not have been mentioned.
The ONLY disadvantage (and this point could be argued to some extent) is the ability to be creative (to a degree), or have a "Signature" style, as was the case with drafting "On The Board". For instance, I used to use some shading techniques that would be a bit cumbersome in a CAD evironment. Don't get me wrong, a person can still be creative, but not as freely.
Hope this fares you well. Oh, and welcome to TheSwamp, and the wonderful world of CAD.
I will now duck and cover...

Avanti 发表于 2008-3-5 14:33:20

Lake Mary, Florida
Electric Utility engineering (Power Company)
We use Cad from start of job to publishing completed multi copies/multi size sets ready for distribution to field folks. We also use a doc. mgmt system that allows our workers from around the state to be able to access by computer the necessary drawings for viewing.
We use an extensive parts library and very standardized equipment, so our blocks while new ones are added, they rarely are taken away. Everything is easily accessible through menuing so no one has to hunt for things or make their own stuff. Everything is logically grouped by equipment and drawing type meaning a transformer or a breaker can show up on many types of drawings (one-lines, schematics, general layouts, etc…) and will appear differently in each drawing type. We take as much decision on what to use out of the equation…
Cad drawings are easier to create, revise and distribute as needed.
Using a doc. mgmnt system allows to capture a maintenance a history of the substation drawings as they change in time
No disadvantages at all.

CaddmannQ 发表于 2008-3-5 14:37:58

1) What is your name, location and profession?
Betty, Vero Beach FL,CAD Designer/CNC Programmer
2) When do you use CAD in the production process (i.e. preliminary design, design development, etc.)?
Throughout the entire process from preliminary design straight through manufacturing.
3) The types of standardizations you use?
What is currently most efficient based on experience and accepted refeerences.
4) Advantages and disadvantages that CAD brings to your practice?
Cad brings the ability to produce clean professional presentations in a timely manner.From our presentation drawings we are able to write to the CNC thus producing accurate parts which also speed production.Libraries allow us to reuse common parts.
What disadvantages?

SDETERS 发表于 2008-3-5 17:26:34

1) What is your name, location and profession?
Names I don't give out. Don't bother asking for my SSN either.
Call me Cadd.
Central California
CADD Manager for a group of consulting structural engineers
2) When do you use CAD in the production process (i.e. preliminary design, design development, etc.)?
Prelim drawings, design development, contract documents, checking, bidding, and construction phases as req'd.
3) The types of standardizations you use?
CADD standards are custom, and all developed in-house.
4) Advantages and disadvantages that CAD brings to your practice?
Big advantage: ease of making changes and exact calculations done graphically.
Big disadvantage: clients know that changes are easier to make, and feel free to change things continually. This is covered by an old maxim: "If a project is allowed to change freely, the rate of change will exceed the rate of progress." We have to twist people's arms to get things "locked down" so progress can be made.
Other advantage: I get to lean back, and after 20 years of leaning forward over a drawing board, 20 years of CADD has finally corrected my posture. (Now it's starting to go the other way.   )

Arizona 发表于 2008-3-5 18:05:30

1) What is your name, location and profession?
Name sdetersLocation Central IL   Profession Product Designer
2) When do you use CAD in the production process (i.e. preliminary design, design development, etc.)?
From Start to end.DesignFEA Service
3) The types of standardizations you use?
Industry standards small list   SAE ASME/1994 GD&T   IFI
4) Advantages and disadvantages that CAD brings to your practice?
   Mostly all positives.The biggest problem I have is modeling parts after they are in the assembly that take a set or get deformed.For Example Springs Rubber parts ECT.

deegeecees 发表于 2008-3-5 19:08:30

And chief coffee maker?

Arizona 发表于 2008-3-5 19:12:16

And chief coffee maker?

Nope, I have people.
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