发表于 2008-3-5 13:24:57
1) What is your name, location and profession?
Donnelly Graphic Comminucations Services, Chicago, Illinois, Owner/Contractor/IT Manager/CAD Manager/Designer/JOAT
2) When do you use CAD in the production process (i.e. preliminary design, design development, etc.)?
I have used CAD from Preliminary/Presentation drawings to Production/As-Built drawings over the past 17 years and have touched on every discipline in the industry at one point or another (i.e. Structural/Mechanical/Electrical (including Power)/Architectural/Civil.
3) The types of standardizations you use?
I have been contracted to many companies with no known standards, as well as companies with very strict policies regarding the use of Layers/Xrefs/Psapce-Mspace/Text Styles (sizes)/Lineweights/Attributed Blocks, and the like.
4) Advantages and disadvantages that CAD brings to your practice?
One of the many benefits of using CAD as opposed to hand drafting is the ease of making changes to a drawing. This was the selling point for the first firm I was hired into after school. There are many wonderful benefits as well, like using blocks, xrefs, automation through available tools, and tons more that may or may not have been mentioned.
The ONLY disadvantage (and this point could be argued to some extent) is the ability to be creative (to a degree), or have a "Signature" style, as was the case with drafting "On The Board". For instance, I used to use some shading techniques that would be a bit cumbersome in a CAD evironment. Don't get me wrong, a person can still be creative, but not as freely.
Hope this fares you well. Oh, and welcome to TheSwamp, and the wonderful world of CAD.
I will now duck and cover... |