**** Hidden Message ***** 艾伦,我们要照片!这并不疯狂,但是,鉴于这些信息,您能否在AutoCAD中绘制三角形,然后从中进行测量? 这就是我会做的,但我认为OP想要数学解决方案。 是的,我可以用cad来做,但是我不记得公式了,这就是我要找的。
顺便说一句,谢谢你,保罗。 艾伦,你有特里的常规吗
Here isa TRIfunction thatI wrotelast yearfor calculating the sides and
angles of right and oblique triangles.The function is fairly easy touse.It
has six arguments:Side s1, Sides2, Side s3,Angle a, Angleb, and Angle c.
Angles arein radians. It returnsa 1based listso youcan use the nth
function to retrieve your results. To display the text helpinformation, just
type (tri ? ? ? ? ? ?) on the command line as follows:
Note: This displays better using a courier or mono-spaced font.
Command: (tri ? ? ? ? ? ?)
tri error: (tri nil nil nil nil nil nil)
Only 2 or 3 valid arguments can be passed to tri function.
tri - Calculates the sides and angles of a triangle
Arguments: 6 |\ /\
s1 = Side s1 |a\ /a \
s2 = Side s2 |\ / \
s3 = Side s3 s2 | \ s3 s2 / \ s3
a = Angle a radians | \ / \
b = Angle b radians |c___b\ /c________b\
c = Angle c radians s1 s1
Syntax example: (tri 3 ? ? 0.643501 ? ?);where ? = nil
Returns: (list nil 3.0 4.0 5.0 0.643501 0.927295 1.5708)
Note: For right triangles only supply the argument values for 2 sides,
or 1 side and 1 angle. Use ? or nil for the Angle c argument value.
For oblique triangles only supply argument values for 3 sides,
or 2 sides and 1 angle, or 1 side and 2 angles.
; tri - Calculates the sides and angles of a triangle
; Arguments: 6 | /\
; s1 = Side s1 |\ /a \
; s2 = Side s2 |a\ / \
; s3 = Side s3 s2 |\ s3 s2 / \ s3
; a = Angle a radians | \ / \
; b = Angle b radians |c__b\ /c________b\
; c = Angle c radians s1 s1
; Syntax example: (tri 3 ? ? 0.643501 ? ?);where ? = nil
; Returns: (list nil 3.0 4.0 5.0 0.643501 0.927295 1.5708);nth 1 based list
; Note: For right triangles only supply the argument values for 2 sides, or
; 1 side and 1 angle. Use ? or nil for the Angle c argument value. For oblique
; triangles only supply argument values for 3 sides, or 2 sides and 1 angle,
; or 1 side and 2 angles.
; Programming example usages:
; (setq Side2 (nth 2 (tri 3 ? ? 0.643501 ? ?))) = 4.0
; (setq AngleB (nth 5 (tri 3 ? ? 0.643501 ? ?))) = 0.927295
我没有,但这看起来相当令人印象深刻。 艾伦,如果你没有谷歌它,这里是链接:
以下是我如何得出公式(附件)。没有谷歌。 谢谢你的链接,我错过了。