- ;|
- Here is a TRI function that I wrote last year for calculating the sides and
- angles of right and oblique triangles. The function is fairly easy to use. It
- has six arguments: Side s1, Side s2, Side s3, Angle a, Angle b, and Angle c.
- Angles are in radians. It returns a 1 based list so you can use the nth
- function to retrieve your results. To display the text help information, just
- type (tri ? ? ? ? ? ?) on the command line as follows:
- Note: This displays better using a courier or mono-spaced font.
- Command: (tri ? ? ? ? ? ?)
- tri error: (tri nil nil nil nil nil nil)
- Only 2 or 3 valid arguments can be passed to tri function.
- tri - Calculates the sides and angles of a triangle
- Arguments: 6 |\ /\
- s1 = Side s1 |a\ /a \
- s2 = Side s2 | \ / \
- s3 = Side s3 s2 | \ s3 s2 / \ s3
- a = Angle a radians | \ / \
- b = Angle b radians |c___b\ /c________b\
- c = Angle c radians s1 s1
- Syntax example: (tri 3 ? ? 0.643501 ? ?);where ? = nil
- Returns: (list nil 3.0 4.0 5.0 0.643501 0.927295 1.5708)
- Note: For right triangles only supply the argument values for 2 sides,
- or 1 side and 1 angle. Use ? or nil for the Angle c argument value.
- For oblique triangles only supply argument values for 3 sides,
- or 2 sides and 1 angle, or 1 side and 2 angles.
- |;
- ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; tri - Calculates the sides and angles of a triangle
- ; Arguments: 6 | /\
- ; s1 = Side s1 |\ /a \
- ; s2 = Side s2 |a\ / \
- ; s3 = Side s3 s2 | \ s3 s2 / \ s3
- ; a = Angle a radians | \ / \
- ; b = Angle b radians |c__b\ /c________b\
- ; c = Angle c radians s1 s1
- ; Syntax example: (tri 3 ? ? 0.643501 ? ?);where ? = nil
- ; Returns: (list nil 3.0 4.0 5.0 0.643501 0.927295 1.5708);nth 1 based list
- ; Note: For right triangles only supply the argument values for 2 sides, or
- ; 1 side and 1 angle. Use ? or nil for the Angle c argument value. For oblique
- ; triangles only supply argument values for 3 sides, or 2 sides and 1 angle,
- ; or 1 side and 2 angles.
- ; Programming example usages:
- ; (setq Side2 (nth 2 (tri 3 ? ? 0.643501 ? ?))) = 4.0
- ; (setq AngleB (nth 5 (tri 3 ? ? 0.643501 ? ?))) = 0.927295