Sorry Tharwat, I am pretty new to lisp. Not sure where to change this. I think you're heading for possible troubles with the bulge filter.
Even the simplest LWPOLYLINE has (2) DXF 42 values.So you are in effect selecting any LWPOLYLINE that has a 180 degree bend included.Are you trying to include doughnut type shapes only?
As I said in my last reply that I already changed it . just try the codes that I posted and let me know . Yes Tharwat, that did the trick.
Thank you so much.
You are most welcome .
Hi David, thanks.
This is not exactly the way I wanted to go, but the majority of polylines with 180 degree bends would be the correct entity I want changed.
I wanted to filter by area, as this entity has a unique area and would filter any other polyline with bulge, but I was struggling with that. Hello,
Sorry to resurrect this thread...
With the wonderful help from Tharwat, the lisp is working fine, but as David Bethel suggested, the bulge filter is grabbing a bit more in the drawing than I had anticipated.
I found and modified this routine from Lee Mac that works wonders, but I am too much of a novice to figure out how to "combine" the two.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
(defun c:S2L ( / ent idx sel tar ) (setq tar 2.17691944) ;; Target area value (if (setq sel (ssget '((0 . "LWPOLYLINE") (42 . 1.0)))) (repeat (setq idx (sslength sel)) (if (not (equal tar (vlax-curve-getarea (setq ent (ssname sel (setq idx (1- idx))))) 1e-6)) (ssdel ent sel) (command "change" ent "" "property" "layer" "CNC_PLY-SLOT" "") ) ) ) (princ))(vl-load-com) (princ)
(defun C:C2L(/ *error* cm a1 a2 n index b1 b2 b3 d1 d2 cecho ss-circle ss-pline ent lst enlist cr i cl) (defun *error*(x) (if cl (setvar "clayer" cl)) (if cm (setvar "cmdecho" cm)) (princ x) ) (setq cl (getvar "clayer") cm (getvar "cmdecho") ) (setvar "cmdecho" 0) ;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;; | CREATE LAYERS | ;; | | ;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- (if ; if layer CNC_DRILL-PILOT does not exist (not (tblsearch "LAYER" "CNC_DRILL-PILOT") ) (command "-layer" "make" "CNC_DRILL-PILOT" "color" "9" "" "") ;create layer CNC_DRILL-PILOT (command "-layer" "thaw" "CNC_DRILL-PILOT" "on" "CNC_DRILL-PILOT" "set" "CNC_DRILL-PILOT" "") ) (if ; if layer CNC_DRILL-.1875 does not exist (not (tblsearch "LAYER" "CNC_DRILL-.1875-THRU") ) (command "-layer" "make" "CNC_DRILL-.1875-THRU" "color" "CYAN" "" "") ;create layer CNC_DRILL-.1875-THRU (command "-layer" "thaw" "CNC_DRILL-.1875-THRU" "on" "CNC_DRILL-.1875-THRU" "set" "CNC_DRILL-.1875-THRU" "") ) (if ; if layer CNC_DRILL-.250 does not exist (not (tblsearch "LAYER" "CNC_DRILL-.250-PEG") ) (command "-layer" "make" "CNC_DRILL-.250-PEG" "color" "RED" "" "") ;create layer CNC_DRILL-.250-PEG (command "-layer" "thaw" "CNC_DRILL-.250-PEG" "on" "CNC_DRILL-.250-PEG" "set" "CNC_DRILL-.250-PEG" "") ) (if ; if layer CNC_DRILL-.3125 does not exist (not (tblsearch "LAYER" "CNC_DRILL-.3125-THRU") ) (command "-layer" "make" "CNC_DRILL-.3125-THRU" "color" "GREEN" "" "") ;create layer CNC_DRILL-.3125-THRU (command "-layer" "thaw" "CNC_DRILL-.3125-THRU" "on" "CNC_DRILL-.3125-THRU" "set" "CNC_DRILL-.3125-THRU" "") ) (if ; if layer CNC_DRILL-.375 does not exist (not (tblsearch "LAYER" "CNC_DRILL-.375-THRU") ) (command "-layer" "make" "CNC_DRILL-.375-THRU" "color" "MAGENTA" "" "") ;create layer CNC_DRILL-.375-THRU (command "-layer" "thaw" "CNC_DRILL-.375-THRU" "on" "CNC_DRILL-.375-THRU" "set" "CNC_DRILL-.375-THRU" "") ) (if ; if layer CNC_DRILL-.500 does not exist (not (tblsearch "LAYER" "CNC_DRILL-.500-THRU") ) (command "-layer" "make" "CNC_DRILL-.500-THRU" "color" "9" "" "") ;create layer CNC_DRILL-.375-THRU (command "-layer" "thaw" "CNC_DRILL-.500-THRU" "on" "CNC_DRILL-.375-THRU" "set" "CNC_DRILL-.500-THRU" "") ) (if ; if layer CNC_PLY-DOWEL does not exist (not (tblsearch "LAYER" "CNC_PLY-DOWEL") ) (command "-layer" "make" "CNC_PLY-DOWEL" "color" "211" "" "") ;create layer CNC_DRILL-DOWEL (command "-layer" "thaw" "CNC_PLY-DOWEL" "on" "CNC_PLY-DOWEL" "set" "CNC_PLY-DOWEL" "") ) (if ; if layer CNC_PLY-T-NUT-RECESS does not exist (not (tblsearch "LAYER" "CNC_PLY-T-NUT-RECESS") ) (command "-layer" "make" "CNC_PLY-T-NUT-RECESS" "color" "YELLOW" "" "") ;create layer CNC_PLY-T-NUT-RECESS (command "-layer" "thaw" "CNC_PLY-T-NUT-RECESS" "on" "CNC_PLY-T-NUT-RECESS" "set" "CNC_PLY-T-NUT-RECESS" "") ) (if ; if layer CNC_PLY-GROMMET does not exist (not (tblsearch "LAYER" "CNC_PLY-GROMMET") ) (command "-layer" "make" "CNC_PLY-GROMMET" "color" "40" "" "") ;create layer CNC_PLY-GROMMET (command "-layer" "thaw" "CNC_PLY-GROMMET" "on" "CNC_PLY-GROMMET" "set" "CNC_PLY-GROMMET" "") ) (if ; if layer CNC_PLY-SLOT does not exist (not (tblsearch "LAYER" "CNC_PLY-SLOT") ) (command "-layer" "make" "CNC_PLY-SLOT" "color" "RED" "" "") ;create layer CNC_PLY-SLOT (command "-layer" "thaw" "CNC_PLY-SLOT" "on" "CNC_PLY-SLOT" "set" "CNC_PLY-SLOT" "") ) ;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;; | MAIN PROGRAM | ;; | | ;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- (prompt "\nSelect Entities to be Changed : ") (if (setq ss-circle (ssget '( (-4 . "") ) ) ) (progn (setq i -1) (while (setq ent (ssname ss-circle (setq i (1+ i)))) (setq enlist (entget ent)) (if (eq (cdr (assoc 0 enlist)) "LWPOLYLINE") (command "change" ent "" "property" "layer" "CNC_PLY-SLOT" "") (cond ((equal (setq cr (cdr (assoc 40 enlist))) 0.0625 0.00001) ;1/8" PILOTDRILL (command "change" ent "" "property" "layer" "cnc_drill-pilot" "") ) ((equal cr 0.09375 0.00001) ;3/16" DRILL (command "change" ent "" "property" "layer" "cnc_drill-.1875-thru" "") ) ((equal cr 0.125 0.00001) ;1/4" DRILL BLIND (command "change" ent "" "property" "layer" "CNc_DRILL-.250-PEG" "") ) ((equal cr 0.15625 0.00001) ;((= cr 0.15625) ;5/16" DRILL (command "change" ent "" "property" "layer" "cnc_drill-.3125-thru" "") ) ((equal cr 0.1875 0.00001);3/8" DRILL (command "change" ent "" "property" "layer" "cnc_drill-.375-thru" "") ) ((equal cr 0.25 0.00001) ;1/2" DRILL (command "change" ent "" "property" "layer" "cnc_DRILL-.500-THRU" "") ) ((equal cr 0.3750 0.00001);3/4" DOWEL PINS (command "change" ent "" "property" "layer" "CNC_PLY-DOWEL" "") ) ((equal cr 0.453125 0.000001) ;29/32" HOLE LOCK IN DOOR (command "change" ent "" "property" "layer" "CNC_PLY-DOWEL" "") ) ((equal cr 0.4375 0.00001);7/8" RECESS FOR T-NUT (command "change" ent "" "property" "layer" "CNC_PLY-T-NUT-RECESS" "") ) ((equal cr 0.500 0.00001) ;1.0" RECESS FOR T-NUT (command "change" ent "" "property" "layer" "CNC_PLY-T-NUT-RECESS" "color" "YELLOW" "") ) ((equal cr 0.52343750 0.00001) ; 1 3/64" HOLE PUSH LOCK IN DOOR (command "change" ent "" "property" "layer" "CNC_PLY-DOWEL" "") ) ((and (>= cr 0.5625) ( Hi,
Just replace/add this modified part .
(if (eq (cdr (assoc 0 enlist)) "LWPOLYLINE") (if (equal 2.17691944 (vlax-curve-getarea ent) 1e-6) (command "change" ent "" "property" "layer" "CNC_PLY-SLOT" "")) (cond ((equal (setq cr (cdr (assoc 40 enlist))) .................... Tharwat, you sir, are great.
You make it seem so easy...
Thank you very much.
Nice, you are very welcome.