Sorry to resurrect this thread...
With the wonderful help from Tharwat, the lisp is working fine, but as David Bethel suggested, the bulge filter is grabbing a bit more in the drawing than I had anticipated.
I found and modified this routine from Lee Mac that works wonders, but I am too much of a novice to figure out how to "combine" the two.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
(defun c:S2L ( / ent idx sel tar ) (setq tar 2.17691944) ;; Target area value (if (setq sel (ssget '((0 . "LWPOLYLINE") (42 . 1.0)))) (repeat (setq idx (sslength sel)) (if (not (equal tar (vlax-curve-getarea (setq ent (ssname sel (setq idx (1- idx))))) 1e-6)) (ssdel ent sel) (command "change" ent "" "property" "layer" "CNC_PLY-SLOT" "") ) ) ) (princ))(vl-load-com) (princ)
[code](defun C:C2L (/ *error* cm a1 a2 n index b1 b2 b3 d1 d2 cecho ss-circle ss-pline ent lst enlist cr i cl) (defun *error* (x) (if cl (setvar "clayer" cl)) (if cm (setvar "cmdecho" cm)) (princ x) ) (setq cl (getvar "clayer") cm (getvar "cmdecho") ) (setvar "cmdecho" 0) ;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;; | CREATE LAYERS | ;; | | ;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- (if ; if layer CNC_DRILL-PILOT does not exist (not (tblsearch "LAYER" "CNC_DRILL-PILOT") ) (command "-layer" "make" "CNC_DRILL-PILOT" "color" "9" "" "") ;create layer CNC_DRILL-PILOT (command "-layer" "thaw" "CNC_DRILL-PILOT" "on" "CNC_DRILL-PILOT" "set" "CNC_DRILL-PILOT" "") ) (if ; if layer CNC_DRILL-.1875 does not exist (not (tblsearch "LAYER" "CNC_DRILL-.1875-THRU") ) (command "-layer" "make" "CNC_DRILL-.1875-THRU" "color" "CYAN" "" "") ; create layer CNC_DRILL-.1875-THRU (command "-layer" "thaw" "CNC_DRILL-.1875-THRU" "on" "CNC_DRILL-.1875-THRU" "set" "CNC_DRILL-.1875-THRU" "") ) (if ; if layer CNC_DRILL-.250 does not exist (not (tblsearch "LAYER" "CNC_DRILL-.250-PEG") ) (command "-layer" "make" "CNC_DRILL-.250-PEG" "color" "RED" "" "") ; create layer CNC_DRILL-.250-PEG (command "-layer" "thaw" "CNC_DRILL-.250-PEG" "on" "CNC_DRILL-.250-PEG" "set" "CNC_DRILL-.250-PEG" "") ) (if ; if layer CNC_DRILL-.3125 does not exist (not (tblsearch "LAYER" "CNC_DRILL-.3125-THRU") ) (command "-layer" "make" "CNC_DRILL-.3125-THRU" "color" "GREEN" "" "") ; create layer CNC_DRILL-.3125-THRU (command "-layer" "thaw" "CNC_DRILL-.3125-THRU" "on" "CNC_DRILL-.3125-THRU" "set" "CNC_DRILL-.3125-THRU" "") ) (if ; if layer CNC_DRILL-.375 does not exist (not (tblsearch "LAYER" "CNC_DRILL-.375-THRU") ) (command "-layer" "make" "CNC_DRILL-.375-THRU" "color" "MAGENTA" "" "") ; create layer CNC_DRILL-.375-THRU (command "-layer" "thaw" "CNC_DRILL-.375-THRU" "on" "CNC_DRILL-.375-THRU" "set" "CNC_DRILL-.375-THRU" "") ) (if ; if layer CNC_DRILL-.500 does not exist (not (tblsearch "LAYER" "CNC_DRILL-.500-THRU") ) (command "-layer" "make" "CNC_DRILL-.500-THRU" "color" "9" "" "") ; create layer CNC_DRILL-.375-THRU (command "-layer" "thaw" "CNC_DRILL-.500-THRU" "on" "CNC_DRILL-.375-THRU" "set" "CNC_DRILL-.500-THRU" "") ) (if ; if layer CNC_PLY-DOWEL does not exist (not (tblsearch "LAYER" "CNC_PLY-DOWEL") ) (command "-layer" "make" "CNC_PLY-DOWEL" "color" "211" "" "") ; create layer CNC_DRILL-DOWEL (command "-layer" "thaw" "CNC_PLY-DOWEL" "on" "CNC_PLY-DOWEL" "set" "CNC_PLY-DOWEL" "") ) (if ; if layer CNC_PLY-T-NUT-RECESS does not exist (not (tblsearch "LAYER" "CNC_PLY-T-NUT-RECESS") ) (command "-layer" "make" "CNC_PLY-T-NUT-RECESS" "color" "YELLOW" "" "") ; create layer CNC_PLY-T-NUT-RECESS (command "-layer" "thaw" "CNC_PLY-T-NUT-RECESS" "on" "CNC_PLY-T-NUT-RECESS" "set" "CNC_PLY-T-NUT-RECESS" "") ) (if ; if layer CNC_PLY-GROMMET does not exist (not (tblsearch "LAYER" "CNC_PLY-GROMMET") ) (command "-layer" "make" "CNC_PLY-GROMMET" "color" "40" "" "") ; create layer CNC_PLY-GROMMET (command "-layer" "thaw" "CNC_PLY-GROMMET" "on" "CNC_PLY-GROMMET" "set" "CNC_PLY-GROMMET" "") ) (if ; if layer CNC_PLY-SLOT does not exist (not (tblsearch "LAYER" "CNC_PLY-SLOT") ) (command "-layer" "make" "CNC_PLY-SLOT" "color" "RED" "" "") ; create layer CNC_PLY-SLOT (command "-layer" "thaw" "CNC_PLY-SLOT" "on" "CNC_PLY-SLOT" "set" "CNC_PLY-SLOT" "") ) ;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;; | MAIN PROGRAM | ;; | | ;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- (prompt "\nSelect Entities to be Changed : ") (if (setq ss-circle (ssget '( (-4 . "") ) ) ) (progn (setq i -1) (while (setq ent (ssname ss-circle (setq i (1+ i)))) (setq enlist (entget ent)) (if (eq (cdr (assoc 0 enlist)) "LWPOLYLINE") (command "change" ent "" "property" "layer" "CNC_PLY-SLOT" "") (cond ((equal (setq cr (cdr (assoc 40 enlist))) 0.0625 0.00001) ;1/8" PILOT DRILL (command "change" ent "" "property" "layer" "cnc_drill-pilot" "") ) ((equal cr 0.09375 0.00001) ;3/16" DRILL (command "change" ent "" "property" "layer" "cnc_drill-.1875-thru" "") ) ((equal cr 0.125 0.00001) ;1/4" DRILL BLIND (command "change" ent "" "property" "layer" "CNc_DRILL-.250-PEG" "") ) ((equal cr 0.15625 0.00001) ;((= cr 0.15625) ;5/16" DRILL (command "change" ent "" "property" "layer" "cnc_drill-.3125-thru" "") ) ((equal cr 0.1875 0.00001) ;3/8" DRILL (command "change" ent "" "property" "layer" "cnc_drill-.375-thru" "") ) ((equal cr 0.25 0.00001) ;1/2" DRILL (command "change" ent "" "property" "layer" "cnc_DRILL-.500-THRU" "") ) ((equal cr 0.3750 0.00001) ;3/4" DOWEL PINS (command "change" ent "" "property" "layer" "CNC_PLY-DOWEL" "") ) ((equal cr 0.453125 0.000001) ;29/32" HOLE LOCK IN DOOR (command "change" ent "" "property" "layer" "CNC_PLY-DOWEL" "") ) ((equal cr 0.4375 0.00001) ;7/8" RECESS FOR T-NUT (command "change" ent "" "property" "layer" "CNC_PLY-T-NUT-RECESS" "") ) ((equal cr 0.500 0.00001) ;1.0" RECESS FOR T-NUT (command "change" ent "" "property" "layer" "CNC_PLY-T-NUT-RECESS" "color" "YELLOW" "") ) ((equal cr 0.52343750 0.00001) ; 1 3/64" HOLE PUSH LOCK IN DOOR (command "change" ent "" "property" "layer" "CNC_PLY-DOWEL" "") ) ((and (>= cr 0.5625) (